Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Friday, December 21, 2012
Want to rescue the memory of his grandfather...
CM-What is your full name
K: Alberto Augusto Junior Kavandame.
C: Is there any relationship to the historical figure of FRELIMO during the National Liberation Struggle, Lazarus Kavandame? What was his first name?
Jr. K: Yes His name was Lazarus Full Kavandame Chinamuenda Jacob.
C: What is it for you?
K Jr: Lazarus Kavandame, as it is known, is the father of my father. So my grandfather.
C: It has come to know him?
K Jr: He died when I was very young. I never got to meet him.
Channel: How old is Alberto?
K Jr: I'm 35 years old.
C: When did your grandfather was killed?
Jr. K: I am not aware of the exact date on which he was killed. It is believed that was in the late 70's, 77 or 78 years.
C: Where?
K Jr: Mtelela in Niassa.
Cl: Why Mtelela in Niassa?
K Jr: He was a political prisoner. He was deported to there. They brought in Tanzania and after it was brought to the prison where he was Mtelela of political prisoners.
C: In Tanzania where he was arrested?
K Jr: In Nachingweya (NA: Base main FRELIMO in Tanzania, during the National Liberation Struggle). That's where he was arrested on charges that were not true. They were forced to declare, to confess to crimes they had never committed.
C: If not why not practiced denied? Why confessed?
K Jr: The confession of them had right to target certain people who were leaders, intent on taking the direction of the Liberation Front of Mozambique (FRELIMO).
C: If you knew your grandfather, how do you know this story?
K Jr: (wry smile) It's really funny. I live with people who knew Lazarus Kavandame. That do not face the press and others. People who lived directly with Lazarus Kavandame is that I tell the story.
C: Who are these people? Know them?
K Jr: I avoid saying the names. I know these people, for they become members of Frelimo derived from the invitation made by Lazarus Kavandame in that sense. They are great figures in the national arena in the country.
C: Do you know someone who has a relevant position in Frelimo and to join FRELIMO has been invited by Lazarus Kavandame?
K Jr: I know two people in great shape and that are natural Mueda district. When I refer to such natural Mueda people can identify them naturally. Kavandame Lazarus was one of the first people to join FRELIMO. He entered political life between 1957/8. Before the founding of FRELIMO. Therefore, he is a founding member of FRELIMO. The others came to him to serve as soldiers join the National Liberation Front. I say this because young people on 25 September that joined the fight and who joined him in Tanzania did not know what day, time, would begin the struggle for national liberation. But Lazarus Kavandame knew. He was a person of great trust Dr. Eduardo Mondlane, who therefore appointed him head of the Liberation Front of Mozambique (FRELIMO) in Cabo Delgado.
Channel: Mueda spoke of figures. Whether referring to Alberto Chipande?
Kavandame Jr.: Alberto Chipande and Raimundo Pachinuapa entered the Frelimo thanks to the invitation of Lazarus Kavandame. Pachinuapa was private secretary Kavandame Lazarus.
C: Did you ever have will approximate those figures that you mentioned?
KJR.: I never approached these people, for simple reasons. In Cabo Delgado, particularly in the district of Mueda, if someone confesses that he is familiar Lazarus Kavandame will be treated with a certain ostracism. We are discriminated against, stigmatized.
Cl: Can you describe how this manifests stigmatization?
K Jr: I like to say real things. I avoid talking about things you know. When I express about the relationship with Lazarus Kavandame, among former combatants, they ask me what I mean Lazarus. So when I say that I refer to Jacob Lazarus Kavandame Chinamuendo people are amazed, then with that penalty, have him as an innocent man who helped FRELIMO, comrades, until the conquest of national independence. There were problems that led him to be away from Frelimo. I can not deny that. In his assessment that they do, they can only see a small part of that hypothetical was negative, leaving a largely positive that characterized him.
C: The appointing negative part is actually negative or the result of an antagonism within FRELIMO? Or are people in Frelimo found that negative?
Jr. K: Exactly! It was not what they say. They consider a person who was negative because at that time subjected to think that all the same. Out of mind was considered common enemy. It is this fact that led Lazarus Kavandame being treated by FRELIMO enemy, but he was not particularly enemy of FRELIMO. He had a philosophical conception that thought was wrong FRELIMO.
C: But how do you know?
Jr. K: I wanted to know why Lazarus was away Kavandame FRELIMO. One reason is that we are following, and it took at the time to call Lazarus Kavandame reactionary. He advocated capitalism and private property. When FRELIMO penetrated in Cabo Delgado to the release process, then Lazarus Kavandame already had their tractors, had their property, farms. I can say that was the only time he had and the leading tractor and car. He had his projects. Some comrades caught a ride through the car Kavandame.
C: You can consider him a victim of envy?
Jr. K: Yes!
C: But jealous of what?
Jr. K: Of capitalism, property that he owned. I can defend it. It strange that some people wanted to take, make use of their property for the majority. Collectively.
C: Your father says that on the death of Kavandame and circumstances that mediate the disagreement / misunderstanding with Frelimo? How did your father describes the trajectory of Kavandame to clash with their fellow strugglers in FRELIMO?
K Jr.: My father, son Kavandame, Frelimo militant is today. Many do not like my dad because I'm not a party Frelimo. They see this fact very seriously, to the point of thinking that something happens to my father. My father never repudiated the fact that I am not Frelimo nor speaks of his father who was killed by itself be militant Frelimo.
C: Your father is afraid of retaliation?
K Jr.: My father receives a grant of ex-combatant. My father sold cards Front, was a professor of FRELIMO in Tunduru. In northern Mozambique Frelimo implemented a design that subsidies that veterans receive come from Frelimo's own pocket. They say that money is not the state but Frelimo. And they say that he who deviates from the relationship with the party fails to receive the money. Frelimo Mueda considers a dump-cradle of birth and how many fighters there are threats impose on veterans alerting them that the opposition can not win in that area.
C: Lazarus Kavandame at the time of his death, had a wife who was widowed?
Jr. K: On the paternal brothers he had. The mother had nothing. He has nephews, brothers, not shown, to omit the names. I have brothers that omit the names to not suffer retaliation. To find a job. Because what happens, I am discriminated against because I am Kavandame. I can not get a job, just because I'm Kavandame. Can you believe that?!
C: Where have attended, whether for a public or private company, is nearing completion of being discriminated against?
Jr. K: I avoid facts pointing open, because then I will be mentioning people. I think they are people, believe it is not the Government.
C: Either people are afraid to facilitate access to employment and suffer retaliation because of that? Tell me how that works ...
Jr. K: Is there a special way so that the family Kavandame should be treated in a certain way. Do not know if it's just in case the family Kavandame, Simeon or Simango. In the case of this family Simango think they are neglected because this can not depend Frelimo. The family Simango not need help from anyone who is Frelimo. For my case, I believe that there was a systematic. First they had to create poverty in the family Kavandame. A family Kavandame in absolute poverty and illiteracy. Outside the children of my father did not believe in the family Kavandame there who has the twelfth class, a high level of education. I think it's a way to control.
C: Can you tell how this manifested? Do others were subject to systematic disciplinary offenses, were banned from studying?
K Jr.: Poverty sown by discrimination itself. We were going to school, but when we arrived at some stage we had no possibility to continue their studies due to lack of money.
It will take the matter to court?
Channel: You ever thought to take legal action against the Mozambican state around the disappearance of Lazarus Kavandame?
Kavandame Jr.: For me as a family member Kavandame, this case is shocking and is the first opportunity to speak with journalists. It is a support. I believe this is a light at the end of the tunnel, a lighthouse. Never before had anyone thought to notify the death of Lazarus Kavandame. My age did not favor. In the past when I wanted to know under what circumstances Kavandame Lazarus died, never could get a wire, as well as the reasons. Only now, since age is advanced and because of coexistence, by the media, who can describe Kavandame Lazarus was and why he died.
C: In your house you can not know about your father?
K Jr.: My father will never speak. My father is a pensioner. Fears that the board will be removed.
C: Think initiate legal proceedings against the State or Frelimo?
Jr. K: At the moment we left the story, which can judge their tormentors.
C: If a lawyer put his services free of charge in defense of their cause will you admit the possibility of making a claim for recovery from the losses and limits which has suffered by being grandson of Lazarus Kavandame? Would be willing to redeem the good name of his grandfather?
Jr. K: Of course! I am willing to go to the ultimate consequences! Other relatives could not be heard, but since the disappearance of Lazarus Kavandame is the first time someone comes to the public about it.
C: Have you ever had the opportunity to speak to the media?
Jr. K: Never before had such an opportunity. When I say that I am Kavandame people just limited to asking "Kavandame? Oh! .. Kavandame!? .. "They just ask me questions about who he was. Even journalists know many journalists who never asked me anything. This is the first opportunity that offers me to speak of Lazarus Kavandame.
C: Is that journalists are not to suffer self-censorship? Do not be afraid?
Jr. K: Journalists can raise this issue and the Government do not like, because that kind of research that journalists could do me a problem that was already closed. I can not believe someone may appear to talk publicly Lazarus who is Kavandame.
Channel: You do not see a way or another any possibility of reconciliation with Frelimo?
Kavandame Jr.: At no time can I forgive Frelimo. I'm serious. I can never forgive Frelimo. Now I know why they killed him, created a great sorrow to me. Even as a kid I was instrumentalized. Sang "Lazarus Kavandame is reactionary," "Lazarus Kavandame is reactionary." Do not know why they called him reactionary. I wrote the tests in school names reactionary, in response to the question "who are the reactionaries of Mozambique?" The first name that was put there by my grandfather. I never failed. Always write the name of my grandfather first. Only now I can see who is Lazarus Kavandame. Lazarus is Kavandame national hero. I speak in a way that some people might not like. Lazarus was dead Kavandame be as reactionary by the northern Mozambique. Never heard that there was a reactionary southern Mozambique.
C: Do you think if he was from the south would not have problems?
Jr. K: I never heard that there was a reactionary south. How many things have happened? I never heard nor ever happened that there was a reactionary southern Mozambique. I know the case of Father Gwenjere, which is Sofala, Silverio Nungu.
C: But there was the case of Gwambe Adelino, who was Inhambane, Southern Mozambique.
K Jr.: He was Inhambane, but had a strong influence of Sofala, by having lived and worked here. He lived in Buzi, Sofala province. He was a founding member of FRELIMO.
C: Do you know the story well, why? Learned from your father?
Jr. K: I've always said that living history of Mozambique. If I could I could mention the names of people who tell me the story in the first person. They call me no attention to the quote as individuals who have ma.
Channel: Given the situation, someone has already approached to talk about the last moments of his grandfather's misfortune?
Kavandame Jr.: I know someone who attended the death of my grandfather, but sadly died last year. He lived in Nampula. A gentleman well known that told me that in fact is what killed my grandfather. Honestly, is the first person who can forgive. He told me he did not know why it was killing Lazarus Kavandame. He participated in the death of Kavandame.
C: How would you describe this last moment?
Jr. K: It was very cruel.
Channel: Tell us, please.
Kavandame Jr.: He told me it was one afternoon where political prisoners in number two hundred and such were taken, bound, thrust into jeeps, a place opened up a huge hole where there was firewood. There were tucked. Drizzled with fuel and stabbed. While the prisoners died performers sang revolutionary songs.
C: How would you describe the silence of the international community and the Mozambicans for these deaths?
Jr. K: The international community knows this case and shut up. Not once or twice that the executioners were called to the media where they confessed to have us killed by vigilantes. Two months ago a saying national hero spoke out about this murder and shocked me.
Channel: How do you identify heroism in Frelimo? It has to do with action or with nationalist liberation killings?
Kavandame Jr.: In Frelimo is relevant to be a hero for having killed people.
C: Do you know anyone who has a close relative who died in those circumstances?
Jr. K: It is the case of Patrick Vingabuje, whose father, Gaspar Vingabuje, died in the same circumstances. Patrick Vingabuje lives in Nampula. He is silent because he enjoys retirement pension. Patrick studied at Tunduru. The father was killed in Mtelela. He says nothing. Grant pension benefits. He fears to rule, but will lose that privilege.
C: You mean some of the relatives of the victims are being silenced Mtelela in return for a pittance?
Jr. K: I know someone whose father was killed in Mtelela, but that says nothing, because it receives this grant. They exchange money with silence about the life of a person.
C: He is a person of Cabo Delgado?
Jr. K: It Niassa.
C: I mean, you know some people whose relatives were victims of Mtelela and shut up because they are getting money?
Jr. K: I know!
C: But is not that a shame?
Jr. K: What to do? We are in Mozambique. I do not know if that could happen if we were in another country.
C: Do you think your future in Mozambique is committed to the professional point of view?
Jr. K: You are engaged! I do not believe that will have a prosperous future. Now I'm talking about, do not know what kind of consideration in Mueda people have about my person. Virtually'll be isolated, but I am willing for any eventuality. But I pronounce because of the pain I feel over the death of Lazarus Kavandame.
C: The day you take legal action against the Mozambican state, which would require the killing of Lazarus Kavandame?
Jr. K: My first concern is that the masterminds were tried and convicted. That I require. I do not have anything else to change the life of Lazarus Kavandame because if he were alive I would not be in this condition. I have no job or housing. I have nothing. I have dignity as a person.
C: Do you believe in justice Mozambique?
Kavandame Jr.: No justice!
(F. Veloso, A. and Timothy L. Conceição)
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Look, that may be it ...
Guebuza finishes his second and final term as head of state in 2014, and the party will have to find a consensus figure to replace him in that position. The Xth Congress decided last September not the presidential candidate. In the center of the movement for succession arises again and with some justification, the name of Joaquim Alberto Chipande figure as consensus candidate for the party's presidential Ace 2014. The probable candidacy Chipande is also partly related to the Frelimo initiative to introduce some amendments to the Constitution, a scenario in which they will want to reduce substantially the executive powers of the President, which are likely to be shared with a First Executive Minister, representing the party with the parliamentary majority that Frelimo believes to be within reach.The plan is to have a president who is head of state, is above party political interests, with a Prime Minister who is actually the head of government with jurisdiction to indicate figures for the government and respond directly before parliament. The Head of State will continue to be the Commander in Chief of the forces of defense and security, but at the same time sharing with the Prime Minister the responsibilities of conducting foreign policy. Moreover, there is a strong feeling within the Frelimo party and that State are dominated by people from the south, and that 2014 would mark the end of this hegemony, with the candidacy of an individual center or north. The emergence of the candidature of Chipande, now 72, seems to have been a compromise reached to avoid further tensions within Frelimo, which is increasingly noticeable decline of charisma with the current President took office in 2005. The wing Chipande will tax their supremacy to those who understand that Guebuza President should be the last generation of September 25 ... although the continuous visibility of biologist Maria da Luz Guebuza, First Lady, former combatant, natural central province of Manica can be another asset.
Monday, December 10, 2012
The first congress of the opposition Mozambique
Democratic Movement (MDM) has re-elected the mayor of Beira, Daviz Simango, as
the party’s president.Simango was elected, unopposed, in the small hours of
Saturday morning, after a second potential candidate, Laurinda Machava, was
ruled out because she was nominated past the deadline. In the election
Simango won 661 of the 676 votes cast. There were also 14 invalid votes and one
blank ballot. In his speech made on taking office for a five year term as
President of the MDM, Simango said his re-election was the result of the trust
deposited in him by the party’s members, through the Congress delegates.Describing
the MDM as “a party for all Mozambicans”, Simango said “we have proved that we
are a party committed to the building and consolidation of democracy. We are a great family and we are growing by
the day. A family
which has shown that it is possible to overcome differences through dialogue”.Simango
added that the MDM has taken on the mantle of modernity, and is the only
Mozambican opposition force which has shown that it can be an alternative to
the ruling Frelimo Party in governing the country.
“This wasn’t given to us on a plate”, he said. “It is the fruit of a lot of hard work and dedication by all members of the party”.“We have reached this stage with the certainty that new paths are opening up for the construction of a free and democraticMozambique ”,
he declared, “A Mozambique for all”.
The MDM’s elections began on Friday with the election of the 60 strong National Council, the highest body of the party in between Congresses. The delegates worked through the night, and only broke for breakfast and a rest at 06.00 on Saturday. Earlier, the Congress in a lengthy, and apparently heated, discussion behind closed doors had rejected proposals for any coalition in the 2013 municipal elections. Armando Cuna, a delegate fromMaputo city, argued in favour of a coalition,
on the grounds that the MDM is still very weak in some of the country’s 43
municipalities. The opposite position, strongly argued by MDM
parliamentary deputy Geraldo Carvalho, was that the MDM should stand its own
candidates in every municipality. He believed the MDM already has enough
committed cadres for a national presence, and there was no need for any
coalition. Simango did not intervene in the debate, other than urging
delegates to debate the matter seriously.The Congress spokesperson, Sande
Carmona, told reporters that the majority of the delegates disagreed with the
MDM entering into any coalition.
“This wasn’t given to us on a plate”, he said. “It is the fruit of a lot of hard work and dedication by all members of the party”.“We have reached this stage with the certainty that new paths are opening up for the construction of a free and democratic
The MDM’s elections began on Friday with the election of the 60 strong National Council, the highest body of the party in between Congresses. The delegates worked through the night, and only broke for breakfast and a rest at 06.00 on Saturday. Earlier, the Congress in a lengthy, and apparently heated, discussion behind closed doors had rejected proposals for any coalition in the 2013 municipal elections. Armando Cuna, a delegate from
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Letter of Veterans Affairs
We, Veterans and Founders
of this Republic, safe and uncompromising in the pursuit of Peace, Progress and
Prosperity for our country, you dedicate this message on the occasion of death Premature
First President of the Republic. The history of the struggle for liberation of
the country has been the foreign ger, busy mother earth. The conclusion by the
tragic accident which President of the Republic has been the victim is also
thought that the child Veterans, who believed that the universe was limited to
the earth. We sommy those who dare to see the facts with the composure
necessary to avoid false conclusions, resolutions easy and free, but are not
solutions. Judge that we are immersed in the darkity by the death of the
President of the Republic, is the same as attempt to consider the political
leadership of our country is summarized and our dear late President. However,
the facts prove precision and pastcally opposite. We believe that this view
goes too far about the tribute we must pay to our dear President, not if only
because the limit of the human will is the objective reality tive opposes it.
And the only reality is this: we men able to continue and pursue the difficult
task of researchers expensive to find and, in fact, the solutions to serious
problems knows the Nation. What matters most is that these patriots have and
are fully aware of the suffering of their people and the necessity urgently
close the wound (or wounds) where the blood flows of the country. Read here on the French version.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
MDM "hunting" LPD
Is installed controversial Law on Public Probity, which has been in place for about two weeks in Mozambique.It is a law that aims to ensure morality, transparency, fairness and respect in the management of state assets, by public servants, who are thus prohibited from accumulating functions and benefits in more than one organ of the State.Despite having been approved by the national parliament deputies illegal to refuse to comply with the law, arguing that it should not those in accumulation before it is approved.At the level of Parliament, about a dozen members accumulate the post of parliamentary others such as Presidents of the Board of Directors in public companies, consulting and university teaching, receiving salaries of state funds.
Backstage, MDM, with a small party representation in Parliament has already hinted that the media will put the debate the matter at its congress scheduled for this year.
Luther Simango not go into details, but hinted that the television station Gungu resistance to compliance with the Law on Public Probity can be useful in the campaign for the local elections next year
Under the new law, deputies or other officers in situations of accumulation should abandon part of the sectors in which they are, choosing just one.Waty Teodoro, head of one of the largest major committees of the Assembly and shall exercise in parallel as Chairman of the Board of Mozambique Airlines (Public Company), in addition to being a university lecturer and business sectors is linked to the face Most notable of dissatisfaction with the new lawWhile some deny abandon part of the positions they occupy, there are others who are divided between vagueness and conformism, and argue that the law must be complied with by all, despite not having been yet, no waiver.The Constitutional Council approves the entry into operation of the new Act but before the controversy installed, says it can only give an opinion, when called upon to intervene. At the level of civil society organizations asked to clarify the law to avoid duality of interpretation, but whatever the interpretation validates, society is outraged by the actions of some MPs in the situation of illegality, as expected of them, an example to give.
Friday, November 30, 2012
AVOID enrichment detrimental to citizens is a priority of the call Public Probity Law which comes into force today in the country. It is a fight for ethics, morality and justice in the sharing of public affairs, in a country where poverty affects the majority.Incidentally, this is why the debates on the Law n. º 16/2012, of 14 December, soon attracted the attention of diverse sensibilities. After all, is all about fighting corruption, conflicts of interest, nepotism and other ills that affect the public good.Although there are some jurists reticent, the fact is that the majority sees many possibilities for behavior change in how the thing is used by public servants. It is that we should not continue with a situation where only one group of public servants who benefit from everyone belongs.For now, there is unanimity on the relevance of the law, although some aspects of it do not constitute novelty, since they are provided for in the Statute of the General Staff and Agent of the State, the Civil Code and other legal instruments.Skepticism is prevailing around the effective implementation of those eligible. And this aspect is wherein lies the main challenge of the new instrument.
Incidentally, Armando Dimande, dean of the Faculty of Law, University Eduardo Mondlane, considers the new law, in that it draws attention to the civil servants who, in the exercise of their duties, respect the public interest, particularly in view that available resources come from the contribution of citizens.Public servants must declare their assets so that they can justify in case of suspicion of sudden and unjustified enrichment in the eyes of ordinary citizens."I think there is room for its materialisation, because" the law is harsh, but it's the law, "and so to be, should be fulfilled," said Dimande.In its view, the biggest problem lies in the implementation by the competent institutions. Indeed, because of this, Dimande think there somehow, the risk of a poor implementation of the new law, as has been happening with other legal instruments.

ARMANDO Dimande understands that public servants who are to occupy positions of leadership are the ones who can create some difficulty at the time of implementation of Law 16/2012, of 14 December, regarding the statement of his assets and renunciation of positions that may constitute conflicts of interest.
But Dimande believes that in time public servants will change its stance. It also thinks well as the jurist Custodio Duma, Chairman of National Human Rights Commission (NHRC). "I believe that this law will be implemented. I've been noticing a change in behavior on the part of the rulers, "he said.
However, do not rule out the possibility of some resistance on the part of public officials to declare their assets, especially because, in its analysis, there is a trend of secrecy in matters of privacy.With respect to conflicts of interest, Duma said that all civil servants will have to forgo some of the positions that accumulate, because no reasonable considers a situation in which some have put their jobs and others are still available.
"Some will be persecuted just because we know that this and occupy that position. I think this is unfair. In my opinion, the law should apply to everyone and not just for a group of people, "defended Duma, ensuring that next January will declare their assets, taking into account the new law.
Philip Sitoi, lawyer and university professor, believes that the law will change at least the "modus operandi" of public servants on corruption and conflicts of interest.However, your biggest concern is whether the Attorney General's Office and the Administrative Court have created mechanisms to control asset declarations and monitor the aspects of civil servants required to declare their assets.Philip Sitoi stressed that the law requires that public servants who are conflicts of interest in self-exclude. However, there are exceptions that allow a public servant can have two set salaries without conflicts of interest. To this end, recommended to all public servants aflorarem the law with great caution.
For Manuel Castiano, faculty chair of the Criminal Procedure Law, the current law misses the idea that the lack of ethics only exists in civil servants, which is wrong. "I think the act of serving must guide everyone. But as we are dealing specifically with the public sector, I believe we have a good foundation that will strengthen what already exists, "he said.In the view of Castiano, is not with the multiplication of laws that will change what's negative. You must enable the institutions charged with ensuring the implementation of the standards.
"It is also important to ensure the effectiveness of the declaration," he said Castiano, given that the legal system had an obligation to Mozambican leaders declare their assets but they did not.
Alcídio Sitoe, a lawyer and university lecturer, reinforced the idea that the main challenge of Law No. 16/2012 is in its execution, a task directly responsible to the Central Commission for Public Ethics (CCEP).
"It runs the risk of falling into the existing point in the remaining laws. Often the problem is not in law but in its implementation. It is necessary that this committee be composed of people with independence, honesty, integrity and straightforwardness enough to enforce the principles espoused here, so as not to fall into the void, "said Sitoe.For one lawyer, the greatest anxiety society concerns itself more with the sanctions regime, since we expected a sanctioning more intimidating than exists in law."We would like to see that punishment applied to those who use public funds for personal purposes, or who ignores society's interests in favor of personal interests, or to those who use state institutions for partisan purposes, etc.. I think this is the greatest anxiety of the people, which unfortunately was not reached by the Legislature, "he said.In the analysis of this jurist, it appears that the law punishes those who discloses more goods declared for holding public office. "Consider the case of embezzlement in which the penalty is determined by the value of the thing. I believe that this criterion may not be fair if we consider that the value out of it, competes in the offender as a representative of the society for the pursuit of public interest, "he said.
To Baltazar Egidio, a lawyer and teacher, is to be congratulated by the Parliament initiative that culminated in the production of law that comes into force today.But also reminded that not everything is what it appears again. Some aspects such as the declaration of assets already contained in other laws as the General Statutes of the State Employees and Agents. The biggest problem is its materialization and in this aspect, is called the responsibility of the Central Public Ethics created by the law itself."I think this law can reduce corruption and conflicts of interest that are registered with some seriousness in our country. However, this can only happen if the law is effectively implemented, "he said.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
General Agreement Rome
It is, by many, considered a sensible man, thoughtful, moderate and expert diplomat. It was probably thanks to this that his trademark, more or less peaceful managed to secure a peaceful transition, first as a substitute for Samora Machel in 1986 and then at the time of the post civil war, from 1992 to 1994, when the country hosted the first democratic elections. With this tone could not amaze anyone that Joaquim Chissano has been awarded the Mo Ibrahim prize on good governance and recently have been nominated to mediate the search for peace in some conflicts that plague the continent, including the situation in Madagascar.
However, as they say, is the best cloth that drops the stain. Maybe here is more than a simple stain to fall into cloth. It's probably uncover the package to see the real image of Joaquim Chissano: Cynical and truly dangerous.
All this is the subject of recent public statements by Joaquim Chissano around the requirements that led the Renamo leader Afonso Dhlakama to settle in the forests of Gorongosa, specifically in the administrative post of Vunduzi. Chissano, without hesitation and without blinking, said he doubts the very consciousness and lucidity of Dhlakama. Chissano mean, in other words, that Dhlakama spoke and made the decision that took unconsciously. The vast unconsciousness of Dhlakama, according Chissano, is that they have asked the PR was Gorongosa negotiate with him. For Chissano, Dhlakama has no standing to make this call. He (Dhlakama) God is not for now, said Chissano. Chissano has yet to understand that the most reasonable Guebuza was Dhlakama invite to meet him in a city and not a distant (?) Administrative post of a province (Rebel?).
Chissano believes that Dhlakama should make application and send it to the president's office, asking audience. Several ideas were thrown by Joaquim Chissano to qualify demonically Dhlakama behavior and suggest how Renamo leader one should behave in civilized world.
At these words also comes on top of the latest pronouncement of Joaquim Chissano on the dribble which could give Dhlakama, during the last moments of the negotiation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in Rome. Chissano said, without hesitation, 20 years after the signing of the GPA, which could feint Dhlakama. So Chissano was to boast to have been able to use his cleverness to trick a Renamo leader sleeper and politically unprepared for máfiaÂÂ that uses the political game. We do not know that Chissano had intention to make such pronouncements, but one thing is clear. Of conciliation and reliever this speech has nothing. Only uncovers wounds and creates, in part deceived a spirit of anger and hatred. Probably this is the intention of Joaquim Chissano. If indeed this was his intention, Chissano succeeded because Dhlakama became angry and went to install the forests of Gorongosa.
Well, we will not discuss here the validity and legitimacy of ideas Chissano nor will we try to uncover the culprits for the current situation, but it is important to discuss the context in which the statements are made, the size and how they can be received by the parties on Verbal and ideological conflict and even how the speech will be received by Mozambicans in general.
It is that we are in a troubled time. A moment that requires a discursoÂÂ reliever, especially the ward apparently stronger.
First things first: the question of asking audience. Often, by which we remember, particularly in times prior to the signing of the GPA and after the 1999 elections, Joaquim Chissano met with Dhlakama many occasions, all with a view to finding solutions to the concerns that were raised by Renamo and its leader. We remember several meetings in the old Military Club in the city of Maputo. for these meetings, so you know, it was not necessary to mark hearings, as now Chissano suggests. There were mornings, afternoons, days, nights and early mornings that delegations headed by Joaquim Chissano and Afonso Dhlakama in a tete-a-tete to discuss and find consensus points that divided them. More after the 1999 elections, Joaquim Chissano and Afonso Dhlakama (with respective delegations) sat in the premises of Parliament to discuss specific points that Renamo and Dhlakama put on the table. These discussions, as required by Renamo did not happen in the Presidency, precisely because Renamo demanded that happen in a neutral place. And indeed gave Chissano. Relented, probably because at that time was Dhlakama God.
Chissano should be thinking (rightly or wrongly) that Dhlakama is in a moment of weakness and that, therefore, ceased to be God. No longer God, there is no reason to listen.
Second, the question of going to Gorongosa. The tone used by Chissano to say Gorongosa was no place to host any conversation, it seemed that Chissano was saying or trying to say that Guebuza, as Head of State, can not get together with someone (someone who is not God) in bush and in an unknown location. Chissano was saying or trying to say that is not the territory Gorongosa in Mozambique? or was he trying to say that Armando Guebuza is so important that it can not leave the comfort and luxury of the Presidential Palace and Presidential Cabinet to step into the woods Gorongosa meeting with Dhlakama (not God). This understanding is completely absurd to us, reckless and dangerous, a hazard that represents the size of the danger Joaquim Chissano poses to peace, stability and harmony of the country. It is a discourse that feeds localism, regionalism and divisiveness. The question that arises here is: will Chissano was in his full consciousness when spoke in those terms? Just in case, we have our doubts. If we can prove that he was in full mental faculty, it is important to ask, what was then the intention that Chissano had to actually utter those words? Flatter Guebuza? Guebuza Shoot the precipice? Guebuza of revenge? Why? Throw the country into chaos? Well, there are several questions that can be asked and so far the answer is all speculative field and hopefully leave the field speculative case Chissano, one day, to tell the Mozambicans who actually meant by his statement. Gorongosa, where Guebuza today should not go by the board of Chissano's where this same Guebuza will very briefly kneel and ask for votes for Frelimo and its candidate, the thousands of Mozambicans who are there. Therefore, we do not see the least problem in Gorongosa Guebuza go talk to Dhlakama. In fact, the point that arises is neither the venue is rather the need to show that the parties are fighting for the same goal and are fully and completely open to dialogue. The meeting can happen in Gorongosa, in Maringue, in Palma, in Songo, in Majacaze on Lake ... anywhere in the vast country. Guebuza won much to show this spirit of openness to dialogue because for a good listener, kind gesture is enough. If so acting, Guebuza claramenteÂÂ is registered as man of peace because even Gorongosa will ido the search for peace. Indeed, the pursuit of peace, the Mozambican government has been negotiating with the Maringué Renamo, has been to Malawi, Kenya, in Rome and elsewhere in the world. And then, it comes and goes all was coordinated by Joaquim Chissano. The idea was just to seek and secure peace for Mozambique. why can not it happen now? Just because Dhlakama is not God, we prefer to throw the country into the gutter?
Discuss legitimacy of the defenses of each of the wings is complicated matter that can only be fully and definitively clarified by the parties. However, we risk saying that not everything that comes from the mouth of Dhlakama is useless.
In fact, most of the concerns that has been be submitted by Renamo leader, has also been a running complaint of opposition political parties, academics, non-governmental organizations national and international bilateral partners of Mozambique and a considerable number of Mozambican population. It is true that the protocols of AGP were all incorporated and consumed by the Constitution, but it is not the Constitution that says that the state should be partisan, it is not the Constitution that says only the veterans, and their rulers next should be bigger and better opportunities compared to other Mozambican, it is not the Constitution that says that Frelimo members who are caught trying to rig the election results can not be tried (several examples), not the Constitution Republic which says that members of MDM in Inhambane tinhamÂÂ to be tried and convicted in a court case clearly manipulated to silence opposition, it is not the Constitution that says that the PRM must act in the interests of the ruling party, is not the Constitution of the Republic who made the demobilized Renamo were not incorporated in the police, it is not the Constitution that made the elements of Renamo in FADM were purged, it is not the Constitution that protects and sends deputies Frelimo winning 2-3-4 wages of one State under serene and quiet by those who should say no to this ... is an endless number of things listed in language as complaints of noisy and tortuosaÂÂ Dhlakama. Just this week, Renamo exhibited in full plenary session of RA, more documentary evidence of the politicization of the state, but in absolute cynicism, members of Frelimo bench smiled because convinced that nothing will happen to them. These situations are all worrying for any Mozambican and we must frame the concerns Dhlakama this state of things and then try to caress him responding positively the essence of their concerns. With that nobody loses. Only we all have to win. But reaching this desideratum need people humble people who cultivate common sense, lucid and conscious people committed to peace. By all indications, all these features Joaquim Chissano do not.
With the recent pronouncements of Chissano, who is there now coming to the conclusion that peace processes mediated by Chissano will never have a happy ending, just because the former President to be a diplomat and man of good sense, nothing has.
Some are also hypothesize Chissano be using their malice to offend the current President. In fact, it is said that within the Frelimo remain wards, a pro Chissano and other pro Guebuza. More, Chissano said that he felt and still feels humiliated because of three minutes granted by Armando Guebuza, the Congress of Pemba. Some people also understand that Chissano is receiving some kind of pressure from within Frelimo to try to cajole the visionary boss, wiping some of the pressure that exists against Guebuza, that the need for dialogue with the Renamo leader.
Also in relation to the pronouncements of Chissano, President of the PDD, Raul Domingos, said at a press conference yesterday afternoon that was stunned by the pronouncement of Chissano, because, more than anyone, he (Chissano) know what is the scope of Dhlakama pronouncements. More, believes Raul Domingos "Chissano doctor is not to say that Dhlakama is unconscious."
Given all this, and because we are still in the speculative field on the degree of awareness of Chissano when uttered those words nor their real intention, we believe that the old PR was, once again, publicly clarify the doubts that now loom. For yes, not by, Chissano will take your past pronouncements marked for having lost an important opportunity to keep quiet because, as a precept Chinese says "silence is golden, the silver valley floor." That means: talk only when you have something useful to say. (Fernando Mbanze)
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Simango precipitate
Armando Guebuza (Frelimo) – 2,974,627 (75 per cent)
Afonso Dhlakama (Renamo) – 650,679 (16.41 per cent)
Daviz Simango (MDM) – 340,579 (8.59 per cent).
There seems little likelihood of Simango beating whoever Frelimo selects as its candidate (Guebuza is not eligible to stand for a third term) – but a realistic goal would be to replace Renamo as the country’s main opposition party.
The administrator of Macanga district, in the western
Mozambican province of Tete, has illegally closed down the local community
radio station, according to a report in Wednesday’s issue of the independent
newsheet “Mediafax”.Faite ordered the closure of the Furancungo Plateau
Community Radio on Monday, alleging that it was being mismanaged.He went to the
radio personally on Monday morning, with four of his staff, and simply ordered
it to stop broadcasting, claiming that it was being mismanaged by the community
association that owns the radio.Faite said he had ordered the closure in order
to restructure the radio and recover state property “because they are not
complying with the norms of community radios in Mozambique”.He claimed that
computers donated by UNESCO had been damaged, “there is no conservation of
state property, there is no system for managing funds, there is no coordination
with the local government, they are not serving the community”.Even if all
these accusations were true, it would not make Faite’s behaviour any less
illegal. But the radio’s coordinator, Vasco Captone, says they are not true He
declared that the radio is functioning well and has an operational management
committee. Captone believed that
the true motivation for Faite’s behaviour is the outspoken way in which the
radio has reported on the life of the district, which may not have been to the
liking of the Macanga district government.Faite says that the district
government is working “to restore order to the radio”, and he believed it would
start broadcasting again next week.
The Mozambican police have arrested a Vietnamese
citizen caught in possession of six rhinoceros horns.A spokesperson for the general command of the Mozambican police, Raul Freia,
told reporters on Tuesday that the 58 year old man, named as Van Nga, was
arrested last Thursday at the airport in the northern city of Pemba, as he was
about to catch a plane. Freia did
not give the man’s destination, but he was presumably intent on taking the horns
to east Asia, where they are worth more than their weight in gold. Although
rhino horns consist largely of keratin, the same protein found in human
fingernails, they are believed to cure cancer and other diseases – a
superstition that is driving the animals to the brink of extinction.This is the
third time this year that Vietnamese citizens have been caught at Pemba airport
trying to smuggle rhino horns out of the country. It is not clear whether the
horns come from rhinos killed in Mozambique or in South Africa.Freia said that
also last week, in the central city of Beira, the police detained a Chinese
citizen, whom he named as T. Zuwo, who was trafficking a rare species of
protected marine wildlife. Freia did not name the species in question. He said the Chinese tried
unsuccessfully to bribe the arresting officer with a note of 500 meticais
(about 17 US dollars)Freia said that during the disturbances in Maputo and the
neighbouring city of Matola over last Thursday’s increase in bus fares the police
arrested 39 people aged between 13 and 23. They were accused of damaging buses belonging
to the Maputo municipal bus company (TPM), and to the Federation of Road
Transport Operators (FEMATRO).
A breakdown in one Mozambican cement factory, rises in
the international price of cement, and increased demand have all conspired to
cause sharp rises in the domestic price of cement, according to the Minister of
Industry and Trade, Armando Inroga.He was speaking in the Mozambican
parliament, the Assembly of the Republic, on Wednesday in response to a
question from the main opposition party, Renamo, which asked why the government
had not intervened to prevent a situation whereby a 50 kilo sack of cement is
sold for less than 250 meticais (8.3 US dollars) in some parts of the country,
but for 600 meticais in others. Inroga
replied that national cement production had reached a peak of 147,929 tonnes in
August, but the following month fell by 15.3 per cent, to 125,291 tonnes,
because of a breakdown in one of the six cement factories.Imports of cement
also fell, from 39.155 tonnes in August to 21,671 tonnes in September, because
of increased world market prices. Major
infrastructure projects in northern and central Mozambique
(such as the new bridge over the Zambezi in
Tete and the international airport under construction in Nacala) had increased
the demand for cement. The
factories prioritised supplying the large projects with cement, said Inroga, so
not much was left over for the retail market.He said that measures are under way to eliminate the shortage of cement. 11 new
cement plants are at various stages of construction in the south and centre of
the country. The largest factory of all, with the capacity to produce 500,000 tonnes
a year, should enter production in June 2013, and by that time the country
should have a total production capacity of 740,000 tonnes a year.Imports of
cement are being stepped up, with orders for 54,000 tonnes from abroad, said
the Minister. Of this amount, 5,000 tonnes is for the south of the country,
18,500 tonnes for the central
provinces , and 30,500 tonnes for the north.Inroga
added that his ministry will continue to send inspectors to check on the cement
factories and on the main wholesalers and retailers.
At the same question and answer session, Education Minister Augusto Jone denied a habitual opposition claim that teachers’ wages are paid late. The government pays the wages regularly and on time, he insisted. The problem is that not all Mozambican districts have banks. The wages are deposited in one of the commercial banks – but district education officials may have to drive a long distance into another, or to the provincial capital to pick up the wages for the teachers in their district.He admitted that there are delays in paying overtime, because of mechanisms instituted to ensure that claims for overtime are genuine, and that no fraud takes place. This involves brigades from the provincial directorates of finance and of education checking how many hours teachers work in each school.“It is in the interest of the government that this process should be speeded up so that teachers who have worked proven overtime are paid properly”, said Jone. “The inspection should not penalize honest and dedicated teachers, who are the majority”.Renamo also demanded to know why there are not enough desks for pupils and teachers in Mozambican schools. Jone blamed this essentially on financial constraints. He said there are 760,075 desks in primary and secondary schools, but a further million are needed, 90 per cent of them for primary schools. He put the total cost of purchasing a million desks at 5.3 billion meticais (about 177 million US dollars), which is more than 20 per cent of the annual budget for the entire education sector.The 2013 budget, due to be discussed by the Assembly in December, includes a sum of 415 million meticais for the purchase of about 100,000 school desks.
At the same question and answer session, Education Minister Augusto Jone denied a habitual opposition claim that teachers’ wages are paid late. The government pays the wages regularly and on time, he insisted. The problem is that not all Mozambican districts have banks. The wages are deposited in one of the commercial banks – but district education officials may have to drive a long distance into another, or to the provincial capital to pick up the wages for the teachers in their district.He admitted that there are delays in paying overtime, because of mechanisms instituted to ensure that claims for overtime are genuine, and that no fraud takes place. This involves brigades from the provincial directorates of finance and of education checking how many hours teachers work in each school.“It is in the interest of the government that this process should be speeded up so that teachers who have worked proven overtime are paid properly”, said Jone. “The inspection should not penalize honest and dedicated teachers, who are the majority”.Renamo also demanded to know why there are not enough desks for pupils and teachers in Mozambican schools. Jone blamed this essentially on financial constraints. He said there are 760,075 desks in primary and secondary schools, but a further million are needed, 90 per cent of them for primary schools. He put the total cost of purchasing a million desks at 5.3 billion meticais (about 177 million US dollars), which is more than 20 per cent of the annual budget for the entire education sector.The 2013 budget, due to be discussed by the Assembly in December, includes a sum of 415 million meticais for the purchase of about 100,000 school desks.
Eight miners died last Friday when an illegal gold
mine collapsed in Macossa district, in the central Mozambican province of Manica . According to a statement issued on
Tuesday by the Ministry of Mineral Resources, the collapse occurred in the area
of Kasse, where about 300 miners were digging illegally for gold.The Provincial
Directorate of Mineral Resources, in coordination with the Macossa district
authorities, investigated the causes of the accident, and concluded that the
miners had disobeyed instructions given by a government team that had visited
the area.The team consisted of the district administrator, the local police
commander and attorney, directors of the security service (SISE) and of the
district economic activities services (SDAE), as well as mineral resources
staff. They told the miners to stop digging – an instruction that was disregarded
with tragic consequences.The team gave their instructions, not only because the
miners had no authorisation, but because Kasse is within an area of
environmental conservation, where no mining activity is allowed, and because
the erosion was such that a collapse of the mining shaft in the near future was
all too probable.The man behind the illegal mining, Alvaro Mussage, holds a
mining marketing operator card. This form of licence only entitles its holder
to sell minerals, not to mine them. Since
he violated the condition of his licence, Mussage has been ordered to bear the
costs of the funerals of the dead miners. The Ministry did not say whether
Mussage will face any criminal proceedings. The
non-governmental organisation Environmental Justice (JA) has urged the
government to exercise greater control over artisanal mining, in order to save
lives and avoid the pillaging of the country’s natural resources. JA estimates that about 30,000
Mozambican and foreign citizens are involved in artisanal mining, under
extremely dangerous conditions, in the districts of Manica, Macossa,
Sussundenga, Barue and Guro.
Mozambique’s Minister of Labour, Helena Taipo, has
cancelled the work permits of two Indian citizens, Manoj Kumar Pandey and Ram
Many Pandey, with immediate effect, according to a Tuesday press release from
the Labour Ministry.The two men were the director of human resources and
the coordinator of operations of the company MGC, which has been subcontracted
by the Indian company Jindal Steel and Power for work on its coal mining
concession in Changara district, in the western province of Tete. The two Indians are accused of
repeated violations of the Labour Law and of the Mozambican constitution. According to the Ministry’s release they mistreated and insulted the 250
Mozambicans working at the company. They also made “false promises” to the
Mozambican workers, and failed to provide them with work contracts and with
protective equipment.No record was kept of overtime worked, and neither
the company nor its workers were registered with the National Social Security
Institute (INSS). Furthermore, the company did not provide any clean drinking
water for its workers.The behaviour of the MGC management led to a
strike last week. This seems to have alerted the Ministry to the seriousness of
the problems, which it attributed to “the lack of dialogue and the arrogant
character of the managers”.The two Indians even denied access to the
company premises to the brigades sent by the provincial government and the
police who were attempting to reach a solution to the workers’ grievances.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
History may one day be in charge of judge ...
"The General Secretariat of the Assembly requested the V.Excia the availability of a protocol car, brand Mercedes Benz S500, armored, to his Excellency the President of the Assembly of the Republic," it reads.
It was hoped, however, greater restraint in spending designed to give comfort to the President of RA. Because, at the beginning of this year, the Standing Committee of Parliament came to give a press conference to announce austerity.It is not, however, an expense than expected. It's a car that the President of RA is entitled by virtue of functions. But it is something that goes against the prevailing discourse, especially at a time when the Mozambicans face extreme difficulties in relation to public transport.
A report from Truth last week, realized the drama facing the residents of Marracuene.
A simulation of the impact of transportation costs for residents of that populous district found that a person spends 40 meticais per day. And at the end of the month spent something like 1200 meticais. Not to mention, for those who have, with transport costs generated by the school children.Currently, most of the neighborhoods of Maputo is struggling with the same problem: lack of transport. However, on the other hand the heads travel in comfort.
The purchase of vehicles should be phased manner, according to the speaker, the financial difficulties the country is experiencing. That is, the state is unable to pay the amount required to purchase, at one time, 250 vehicles for an equal number of deputies.
After the article published in the Savannah (first independent weekly) - titled "Deputies luxury", which said the state invested in full time of austerity, 304,805,827 meticais in the circulating medium for Members 'oversee' the Executive - triggered a heated debate on social networks, especially Facebook and Twitter.Political analyst William Egidio Vaz Raposo argues that the deputies are entitled to such benefits. These perks, he says, should not scare anyone. Incidentally, "are a pittance compared with others in the region and beyond: compared to other management positions in which one need not be elected," he says.

Sunday, November 4, 2012
Sidat, danger of losing support if you have not!
With the rope to stretch on several fronts, not the national daily dispenses what else touches the timeliness of Mozambique. The skirmishes in sports arenas, most often in football dictate how the adept ball up the gorge of this systematic suspicion around the sports results. Ja not to entertain even the least observant, if any, are negligible in number, compared to an activity that brings together all the sensibilities. Rises and condenses the idea in the group of professional sports, especially football, which when placed personal interests, how are above the associative dirigisme this to cement a wave of denial and outrage even physically. The result humiliating the football squad on the verge of their fifth African presence in the main race, mecheu with pride Mozambican even more unclear for the reasons leading up to the game against Morocco. Not only, also the accumulation of several abuses in internal tests, all of them on hand figures that even pressured by the media and other communication forums simply reduces the total insignficancia.
Given this impotence and it was not surprising that the protest movement who directs the Federation of Mozambican football grow, including movements created to the effect that joining vain and demanding the immediate resignation of Feizal Sidat.
The pessaos filled up the silence of the authorities can do nothing but nice chapter also does not have steps necessary to credibilzar the basic electoral processes pointedly particularly bowled over by bribery.
The latest events pinched self-esteem to the point of the recent government reshuffle provide the Ministry of Youth and Sports also from someone with experience of managing the state of things and not only, very close to the President of the Republic.
Just a confrontation, disempowerment and disrespect perpetrated in public and even to challenge by the current President of the Football Federation authorities face. A lack of education that nobody else would dare do it without being excluded from the sympathy of power.
Sidat and his older brother remains of stone and lime, the more they have as members of the state Party in the last congress of the political organization and be responsible for the solution of one of the main limitations of the important event, accommodation for delegates in particular the top of steering.
Alias Feizal when he first ran for President of the Federation for Football provoked a division of opinions within some well placed political figures in the ruling party, including the current mayor of Maputo that without fear at the time as Minister of Youth and Sports classified it as inconsequential and personality that had nothing to adult.
Being free to choose each of your bets in life, so this detail becomes negative ingredient in the current tension in football, when they are exploited to justify delaying the personal interests and the shadow of the Federation.
This team family branches deeply poisoning which ha more than sublime, the image of the football squad which discipline succumbed businesses expected to face in selling players in the European market in particular, although not being in shape at the expense of more capable, all this demand for increased visibility and individual bank account.
Conflicts with previous picker, the Dutch Noij Martin, skilful in shielding the spa, responsible for the presence of CAN in Angola in Mozambique, were due to his intransigence to not allow any interference in their work whosesoever.
But ultimately the problem is not in the current leader of Mozambican football, but the system that enables all these outrages, which now appears to regain their dignity and respect as a result of the growing defense ... popular.
The meeting that took place in the last week and convened by the Ministry of Youth and Sports to hear the reasons the Federation of total silence in the face of a laundry list of issues may be the beginning of the end of the cycle. Opened the game, not face to face and side by side as seemed to be happening.
With the main objectives of the election manifesto lost Feizal not have anything else to give the national football the past two years he has left and then one realizes that behind the scenes who protected him until now can be removed by force of reason giving space to those who aware that as the mode structure in the short and medium term.
Among the figures to make a turn and with a plan of formation from the interior of the country rich in talent and Augusto Matine. Matine out in a press conference called by Feizal finally say that unkindly not have money to hire ... a wink to publicly entertain the public opinion. Feizal foresaw and felt in late September that its pillars were being undermined and own fault.
But Matine well as an entire team of teachers from different specialties so respond YES to the Ministry of Youth and Sports Federation of the cast is another.
Pressure increases on Steering the Mozambican Football Federation and one of them will be the end of the financial restraints indole coming from the state budget.
A delicate situation knowing the consolidated alliances between the business group and identified Sidat faces of politics.
Where is here the sport, particularly sport so concealed the truth?
Rumor mongers attack
The rumor circulated of an alleged event that would take place on 01 November, in the cities of Maputo and Matola, in response to the rising price of "plate", the Government left scared and put battalions of police on the streets of the capital to suppress any rebelião.A Municipal Assembly approved the price rise of urban transport from the current 5 to 7 meticais meticais and 7.5 meticais to 9. The entry into force of the amendment of tariffs continues to be tested by the Government, before yesterday circulated in Maputo information that effecting the price of transport would be the first day of Novembro.Em response to rumor and as a form of prevention, Government dispatched police officers Protection and Rapid considered probable locations for outbreaks of demonstrations, including the rotunda of Mission Roque, market Benfica in stopping the terminal semi-collective, the Green Zone neighborhood, the neighborhood of Jardim along the National Highway No. 1; zone Machava Stadium specifically at the intersection of Av 4 October and Eduardo Mondlane, the "Junta", interprovincial transport terminal, among other lugares.Logo morning, these locations were police apparatus in vehicles. The police were armed with firearms, AK47.Tudo has to do with the balance of the last manifestations (February 5, 01 and 02, 2008 to September 2010). Since then the problem of transport and living costs continue to rise at the inability of the Government to solve the problem. Everything indicates that the government no longer has ideas and the only solution is shielding itself behind the Police who earns around 2500 meticals as monthly salary.In turn, the president of the Municipal Council of Maputo City (CMCM), David Simango, the public came to calm the public about the alleged rise in prices of "plates" which reportedly come into force from the day one. Simango assured that the new tariff is not yet in force because no carrier was authorized to charge the price recently updated. The source explained that the municipality has not yet determined the date for this rate comes into force, and is still studying the best ways to do it. "We agreed with the FEMATRO to warn his carriers to not worsen the rate sheet before notice of the municipality. Now, the council is working with other agencies to find better ways appropriate to announce the new tariff, "said the president CMCM.
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