moderate to strong rain that has fallen in the last few days in the city and
province of Maputo and caused urban floods in all neighborhoods and still a
tragedy in the Hulene almost did not contribute to the filling of the reservoir
the Small Libombos and for that it is a necessity the saving of municipalities
of Boane, Matola and the Mozambican capital. However in the Center and North at
least two basins are overflowing causing flooding and property damage.
rainfall, which in the last two days exceeded 50 millimeters in 24 hours,
contributed very little to the filling of the reservoir from which the water
that supplies the city and province of Maputo comes from.
Friday (16) the national hydrological bulletin registered a 19.77 percent
filler in the Pequenos Libombos dam and, on Tuesday morning (20), had increased
only to 20.03 percent.
more than raining in Maputo, the filling of the reservoir is dependent on the
rainfall that falls upstream of the Umbeluzi river basin that is born in
Swaziland, where it flows in 3,140 square kilometers, passes through South
Africa and enters our country, where the remaining 2,240 square kilometers, by
the border town of Goba.
the neighboring country it has even been raining but the Mnjoli dam, where the
swazis retain the water they also need for their consumption, maintains the
same level of filling as the week ending, 47.12 percent.
and urban floods in Maputo, Matola and Beira
A Mundzuku Ka HIn Meanwhile, the weather predicts that "moderate to
strong" rains will continue in the next 24 hours, which is expected to
continue to cause isolated urban flooding in Maputo cities (in the districts of
Maxaquene A and C, Luis Cabral, Chamanculo B and C , Munhuana, Xipamanine,
Airport A and B, Mafalala, Urbanization, Laulane, Costa del Sol, Hulene,
Mutanhane, Magoanine) and Matola (in the districts of Machava A, Km15, Nkobe,
Tsalala Ndlavela, São Dâmaso, Infulene, Singatela, Clover, Patrice Lumumba,
Matola A, D, J, H, F, Kongolote, Fomento e Libertad).
is expected to extend to Sofala province where it is expected to flood urban
areas in Ndunda, Manga, Vaz, Munhava, Maraza, Praia Nova, Mascarrenha,
Macurungo and Chaimite districts (in the city of Beira) and continue to
increase hydrometric Pungwe basin, which has been above the alert level in the
Mafambisse hydrological station since last week, maintaining the interruption
of the road traffic from Mutua to Chissange, flooding of riverside machambas in
the low Mafambisse area, isolated floods in the localities of Tsangua,
Nharicondza and Matenga and conditioning road traffic on the bridge between the
towns of Lomaco and Têxtil, in the Nhamatanda district.
Norte de Cabo Delgado without
in the Central Region, the crossing by barge between the localities of Guara
Guara and Bandua is interrupted due to the rise of the Búzi river flow.
to the national hydrological bulletin, the road linking Bandua to Ampara and
Guara Guara to the Gruja is also interrupted due to the transshipment of Lake
Mucaranga and the rise of the Chiredzi River flow respectively.
north of Mozambique, although the precipitation has reduced the Messalo River
in the province of Cabo Delgado, it is close to its alert level at the Nairoto
station, causing strong currents that overturned a 100KV high voltage tower
linking the Macomia Substation to the Owasse Substation, leaving the districts
of Palma, Mocímboa da Praia, Nangade, Mueda and Muedumbe, without electricity
since Monday night (19).