Last week, the 'Wikileaks' released a large number of diplomatic cables from several U.S. embassies. Contained dozens of telegrams relating to the political, economic, military and security of our country. In a telegram "Confidential", issued to the State Department in Washington on May 28, 2009, the then U.S. Charge d'Affaires in Maputo, Todd Chapman, quotes Leonardo Simao, who was foreign minister under President Joaquim Chissano, be to say his "conviction that President Guebuza is directly involved in corrupt activities and runs the party like the mafia." Simao expressed his opinion during a private conversation with one American diplomat. According to this telegram, the American Charge d'Affaires said he was told by Simon that this "Chissano and stood at the head of a group of investors who wanted to establish a private airline to compete with state carrier." The telegram adds, Simon said "that one of the sons of Guebuza appeared in his office to express concern and wanted to be involved. Simon lamented by all corners of the city, the Charge d'Affaires of the points have heard the Minister in the Presidency, Antonio Sumbana, that Simon and his collaborators carried out a campaign of defamation against the President. " In the telegram, sent a copy to the CIA and its military counterpart (DIA), Todd Chapman said that although some people believe that the "concentration of benefits" in the hands of the circle of friends Guebuza is likely to cause divisions in the party, "Simon argues that Frelimo will remain united because even those who are concerned about the slow pace of reforms, the party must recognize that the privileges and jobs that have the level of government, "emphasizing that" there is no other way to obtain employment or advance in economic terms. "The diplomatic telegram that we have been making reference also mentions a meeting between Chapman and the bench by former Member of the Frelimo Party and businessman, Ahmad Kamal, in which he spoke of the "urgent need for reform" within the Frelimo Party.Kamal said the American diplomat that "senior Frelimo leaders - including ministers in the discharge of functions - have strong ties with drug traffickers and individuals involved in money laundering."According to Kamal and mentioned the telegram Chapman, "the Government of Mozambique handled the import statistics in support of the operations of money laundering, and the Director of Customs described as the 'King Corruption'."The Director of Customs of Mozambique is Tivane Sundays. The wife came to form a company with a family of Mohamed Bachir Sulemane, the MBS group. This was confirmed by the DG of the MBS, son of tycoon Mozambique, in his letter to the Mozambique Channel. In it he noted that company, 'Mozambique Constructions Ltd', was terminated days after being formed.Todd Chapman said it was "interesting" the fact that Kamal had "described the form of corruption Guebuza as being" more benign ", of the kind, in fact, did not harm the poor."
Kamal said the Charge d'Affaires to the U.S. "The President and his cronies did not take possession of state funds received or gloves. Instead, economic agents Guebuza ensure that the President may have a minority share in some of the most important companies in Mozambique, including Vodacom. "
Chapman adds: "The family Guebuza is widely regarded as a major shareholderof Insitec, a Mozambican company with vast interests in Mozambique and Southern Africa".The PCA is Celso Correia Insitec which among other functions is also PCA of BCI.
About the alleged five passports that the U.S. administration said the Mozambican citizen "Momad Bachir Sulemane" has a different name, different spelling or rather, a source of Attorney General's Office told Canalmoz / Mozambique Channel that there is still a process research to run separately, which includes research in the National Migration Directorate, the entity issuing the passports."There is a separate process that was the first to be implemented and is currently underway, which is why the issue was not mentioned in this release. Right now I can not at which stage it is, but the process exists, "said the source of the Attorney Mozambique Channel in Tuesday, September 6, 2011.The source said to us that there are already identified and Migration officials related to the subject, which strongly suggests that something happened involving tycoon Mozambican Americans remain classified as "drug lord" and now says RMP Mozambique have found nothing in Mozambique to substantiate this.
In last Tuesday by telephone, heard Ahmad Kamal, who is living in Tete. Will inform you of what is contained in a telegram Wikileakks revealed by Todd Chapman and asked him to comment:"I do not remember saying that to Todd Chapman. However, my opinion is that there is lack of political will to combat drug trafficking "
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