In an overall assessment of the country’s situation, Diop stressed the macro-economic successes achieved, but pointed to challenges that require the attention of the authorities including poverty reduction and job creation.“We agreed that the challenge for the future is to create jobs and to speed up the reduction of poverty”, he said. “To achieve this, it is important that there should be greater development of agriculture, to increase production and productivity and generate more employment”. Diop said he had also told Guebuza of the World Bank’s concern at the quality of education in
Thursday, January 31, 2013
In an overall assessment of the country’s situation, Diop stressed the macro-economic successes achieved, but pointed to challenges that require the attention of the authorities including poverty reduction and job creation.“We agreed that the challenge for the future is to create jobs and to speed up the reduction of poverty”, he said. “To achieve this, it is important that there should be greater development of agriculture, to increase production and productivity and generate more employment”. Diop said he had also told Guebuza of the World Bank’s concern at the quality of education in
United States has promised food aid worth 1.7 million dollars for people
displaced from their homes by the current flooding in the Limpopo Valley.According
to a press release issued by the US Embassy in Maputo, the aid will be
distributed by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP).In addition the US
Agency for International Development (USAID) is planning a supplementary
donation for shelter, water purification and support for the management of the
temporary accommodation centres. In an immediate response to the disaster,
ambassador Douglas Griffiths, on 24 January, provided an initial sum for clean
water supplies and sanitation, which is already being distributed in the
flood-stricken areas, and for hygiene promotion activities intended to reduce
the risks of water-borne diseases.
government also pledges to cooperate with other international partners, such as
the UN and the World Bank, to explore other possible disaster relief measures. The
embassy restates the willingness of the United States to act in solidarity
with the Mozambican people affected by the natural disasters which strike the
country regularly. Since 2000, the US has donated more than 230
million dollars for such emergency relief.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
In California style ...
An inmate who was serving a prison sentence for
robbery with greater use of a firearm in the Maximum Security Jail Machava, aka
BO, slipped away from the hands of the police on the morning of Wednesday,
January 23 chain. He was rescued by an armed group that paralyzed an ambulance
where, escorted by police, the registered returning from hospital after
receiving assistance. The leak happened Soares Osias Tausene in Labour Avenue ,
specifically at the stop of the hoses when this was back in the BO after treatment
of an alleged illness, the Jose
Macamo General Hospital ,
and was rescued by a group of eight men at gunpoint. According to sources Chain
Bo, the event took place at 11 am, when the ambulance carrying the registered
Soares Tausene Osias, better known in the intricacies of crime Sultane,
escorted by four agents of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM), was
challenged by a group of eight heavily armed men who eventually achieve
neutralizing agents escort and rescue the prisoner, apparently his partner. In
the rescue operation, according to the same source, the robbers, armed with
AKM-47, blocked the ambulance and asked the driver to turn the key to
the car, opened the rear door of the vehicle and "rescued the
prisoner." The "kidnappers" of the prisoner, now at large,
pulled guns to police officers of the garrison ambulance and took them. A
source who witnessed the assault on ambulance says the cronies Inmates were
armed with AK47. The police allowed the escape of dangerous prisoners were
registered and, according to the source information PRM, are incarcerated in
the 18th Precinct PRM Maputo City , adjacent to the Mounted Brigade, Lhanguene on
the outskirts of Maputo .
The four officers of the garrison ambulance were armed with two guns of the
Makarov pistol. The ambulance belonging to the Machava prison, was intercepted
at a traffic light near the facility where the inmate had been receiving
treatment. Criminals who staged the assault redemption dangerous inmate took
with them two guns and the keys of the ambulance. The reclusive Soares Tausene
Osias, better known in the intricacies of crime Sultane is natural Manhiça,
residing in the neighborhood of Intaka, block 22, house no. 30 and serving a
13-year court for robbery. He was imprisoned from 2009 in Chain Machava. The
National Prison Service (Snapri) confirms the occurrence, but not no more
details. It claims that an investigation is being conducted by the BO, in
partnership with the PRM, but still have no concrete data. Only on completion
of the investigation will be able to provide clarification.
In the wake of hipotises
are several factors that may cause the divisive discourse Renamo find
increasingly militant in the near future, to enable. Paragraphs list of such
factors to social inequality and wealth accumulation without observing the
consequences resulting therefrom by a Frelimo elite and the growing level of
social exclusion resulting from the lack of political and social institutions
inclusive. It is consensual - with the exception of the Government - that
poverty levels are rising. Hanlon (2010) not only defends this position, but
also emphasizes that poverty is increasing and deepening in Mozambique ,
thus widening the gap between the poorest half of the population and half of
which are in better condition.
idea is also supported by the report of the African Peer Review (2009), when
referring to the number of people below the poverty line is growing and the gap
between rich and poor widens, creating a potential exclusion and social
conflict. Although it makes sense, we should not underestimate the Renamo
speech on the grounds that the party was reduced, at the polls, their
insignificance, coupled with institutional problems caused by its dictatorial
leadership and lifetime. Although it is losing influence in the design and
definition of decisions or national public policy, Renamo continues to have a
large support base, both in terms of cities and the countryside. This support
base that left his party at the polls can join a new strategy that may be drawn
by the leadership of his party. No support at the polls can not mean that the
electorate abandoned the Renamo. It may not be reviewed in the current
personality of its leader. A change of discourse Dhlakama can revive the
electorate who left Renamo not feel identified with the current discourse and
behavior of its leadership. As I mentioned above, the current levels of
poverty, social inequality and accumulation of wealth by a small group of
political elite of the ruling party and social exclusion resulting from the
absence of political institutions inclusive constitute a threat to political
and social stability of the country. These are factors that, in the future, may
make the speech Renamo, which makes no sense today, tomorrow makes sense.
the book "Challenges for Mozambique 2012," Brito publishes an
interesting article - "Poverty, PARPA and Governance" - in which he
made calculations about the number of poor in the period 2003-2009 and
concludes that in 2009 there were nationwide More than 2 million poor people
more than in 2002. These are studies that constitute what Acemoglu and Robinson
(2012) called "Critical Juncture", indispensable for the development
of a nation, that irritate the Head of State, Armando Guebuza, giving the
authors of such works names as "apostles of disgrace, "and most
recently" professional agitators ". In last year's onslaught against
the "professional agitators", Guebuza noted: "There are
countries that, because of this kind of intrigue, gossip, are knocking up tribe
against tribe, religion against religion, and they are there to extract
resources . And then come here to say that the gap between rich and poor is
increasing ... "and that" Many people talk and we hear that wealth
does not reach everyone. It's true. But the problem that arises is that wealth
is built ... the potential is there, but while we do nothing, we bring home,
the energy, the road for us, through hard work, they will not come. " He
concluded: "We speak today of natural resources everywhere and some say
only enrich the few. Others do it for lack of information, but there are those
who do so out of malice. " This reaction of the President demonstrates
that the Government, while recognizing the phenomenon, not to assume that this
is a reality. Allergy to "critical juncture" that can result from
Galbraith (2007) considers "effect sicofântico bajulatório or" the
leader. This is a phenomenon that has to do with the origin of the power of the
leader, ie, when the leader's power stems from his personality, this seeks to
be surrounded by sycophants, people who see it as a phenomenon and a mirror of
the organization, hence reprimand or isolate those who try to say what he wants
to hear.
allergy to "critical juncture" in consequence of "sicofântico
effect" to the president's public pronouncements or rulers or members of
Frelimo in their interventions, from the young to the elderly. All Guebuza
refer to as "a visionary leader" who "knows how to drive the
destiny of his people." According Acemoglu and Robinson (2012), a corrupt
elite sees no problem in plundering the state if there is an institutional
counterweight. The emergence of inclusive institutions only occurs when there
is a "critical juncture", which provides a redistribution of
political and economic power. Brazao Mazula (2008) reinforces this idea,
arguing that the development history shows us that societies develop socially
and economically when they were opened to what he calls "think
problem that is threatening sociopolitical stability in Mozambique is
what Fork (2011) considers "low degree of institutionalization of
democracy", resulting in political and social institutions not inclusive,
that is, according to Acemoglu and Robinson, an obstacle to the enrichment
nations. For Acemoglu and Robinson, inclusive political institutions are the
foundation is built where the rest of the institutional structure of society. What
happens in Mozambique
is that institutions are highly partidarizadas, cells are installed in them the
dominant party. The phenomenon of politicization of the state, in the context
of multiparty democracy, may lead in future to political instability, which
could have a domino effect in a society increasingly weakened by poverty. This
effect can be felt by popular demonstrations, similar to what happened in
February 2008 and 1 and 2 September 2010. Is that the politicization of state
institutions leads to the emergence of institutions and therefore not inclusive
social exclusion, since only these institutions can benefit - for example,
access to employment in the state, by the way, the biggest employer - who has
affinities with the political party in power. This is also reflected in the
distribution of wealth, to the extent that the criteria for benefit or access
the area of wealth is
their party affiliation. If not Frelimo party, can hardly have room for
progression, either as an employee of the State, whether as an entrepreneur. Otherwise,
you must join one of the elite to permit access to the area riqueza.O
dismantling the party cells should be a priority in negotiations between Renamo
and the government, rather than the creation of a transitional government or
unit nacional.O speech Renamo supporters can find even in regions rich in
natural resources, by the way, where conflicts emerge between the state and the
population. These are regions where populations are removed from their areas
fertile regions for dry areas to make way for mega-projects. The wealth
generated does not benefit the locals, but the same political elite linked to
the ruling party, as advocate and Mandlate Castel-Branco (2012): "The
extractive capital presents an opportunity for rapid accumulation of wealth for
the political and economic elite national ". The authors say that
"the primary focus of industrialization is not fighting poverty, nor the
increased mesh density and economic production or transformation of the pattern
of capital accumulation, but the intensification of extractive accumulation,
represented by the alliance of multinational capital and national economic and
political elites. " For emerging conflicts between state and population,
and Selemane Fly (2011) report that this conflict will depend on the positions
of the bureaucracy from the options in its resolution. They argue that "If
there is an inability to agreed solutions, it is likely the loss of credibility
of the state, the emergence of social instability and animosity between
multinationals and populations." One or otherwise prevail if the problems
raised above, the current discourse Dhlakama and Renamo, the rejected may win
more supporters and be accepted as the solution to the problems that face the
Mozambicans, why can not underestimate it in the context of a society mostly
poor and politically and socially excluded. (L.Mabubda
columnist / OPAÍS)
Friday, January 25, 2013
Water invades Mozambique
The Mozambican government is mobilizing two
light aircraft to assist in rescue operations for people surrounded by flood
waters in the Limpopo basin, particularly in the districts of Chokwe and Guija,
which face each other across the Limpopo river.On Thursday, the Deputy Minister
of State Administration, Jose Tsambe, flew over the flooded areas, and could
see many people clinging onto trees or stranded on rooftops.Tsambe instructed
the troops of UNAPROC (National Civil Protecton Unit) to leave Chokwe town and
move to Chilembene, a critically affected area of Chokwe district. By midday on
Thursday, UNAPROC had rescued 49 people in Chilembene, and the operations
continued into the afternoon.Three accommodation centres have been set up for
flood victims, at Chihaquelane and Hokwe, in Chokwe district, and at Javanhane,
in Guija. But the numbers fleeting from the flood zones are so large that the
centres cannot accommodate them all, and do not have enough food. According
to Ana Cristina, an official of the Mozambican relief agency, the National
Disasters Management Institute (INGC), briefing the Minister of State
Administration, Carmelita Namashulua, on Thursday, there were now 500 families
at Chihaquelane, and there were not enough tents or food for them. People
without tents are sheltering under trees.To deal with this crisis, a further
five tonnes of foodstuffs arrived at Chihaquelane on Thursday.Although the
flood waters at Chokwe are now receding, families are likely to stay in the
accommodation centres for a considerable time, until they have rebuilt their
homes. The flood completely swept away huts and other houses made of flimsy
materials. Even brick houses will need time to dry out and become habitable
again.But attentions are now switching to the city of Xai-Xai ,
capital of Gaza province,near the mouth of the Limpopo . The flood wave is moving inexorably down the Limpopo and is forecast to hit Xai-Xai on Saturday. Low-lying
parts of the city, near the banks of the river will inevitably be flooded. The
waters will also spread out across the farmland surrounding the city. It is
calculated that 23 per cent of Xai-Xai district will be submerged.
Clik -
Friday, January 18, 2013
Mozambique needs no "heroes invented"
The cult of personality so characteristic of political regimes founded on anything but democracy is a worrying phenomenon. In Mozambique some currents understand that pursuing such an approach is ensuring achievement of political space. Some quadrants or political strategists believe that the maintenance of power needs to play practices reportedly corrosive of democratic precepts.The antics that unfortunately has given us to see and hear in various forums and is worrying sign that there is a planned offensive in the centers of power in order to give light and exposure summit to those in power and the potential heirs of that same power.With a majority of citizens lacking information, illiterate and politically influenced by policies at length monochrome, see Mozambique, its mass media surrendering to the effects of an official policy of "cult of personality".It's embarrassing occupying important space in the national information channels "hammering keys" and praising leaders "smearing" them as if they were little gods.
There is no known normal democracy, that stands unsubstantiated figures and personalities and partisan government under cover of achievements that not belong to them. Cut ribbons and inaugurators pubic works, speakers "glorious" scribes mercenaries and sycophants professionals combine and take turns trying to convince her that Mozambicans supported are the best that the country has and that their hold on power is a imperative.
The current avalanche information that RM and TVM, aided by some private media, deifying the figure of Armando Emilio Guebuza (AEG), has much to say about them. It is not clear nor is it acceptable for a country to be subjected to bombardments media to promote the image of mediocre politicians. The editors of major media seem lost without wisdom, shame, common sense, sense of ethics and deontology. It is understood the misery in which many Mozambicans but no hunger or need to be any cause for exaltation of human figures. "Men are born equal and are equal before the law."
People who took possession of power, which is mounted in power and who takes advantage of his inside information to grow their businesses and companies in a move that appears lionized patronage denotes basic and numbing.
The setbacks that occur in normalization of governance in the country are based on a position of leadership without leaders. Architecture and organization of votes that go through your purchase of the same unscrupulous manipulation and bring out a dangerous situation of rampant corruption at all levels.
Political parties turn into platforms aggrandizement and individual members in "lambs obedient and disciplined."Cleavages and frictions loom larger though carefully hidden by veils of silence.Democracy is so much talk did not sit well with the cult of personality in the high country. Our leaders deserve respect from the lowest in the hierarchy. Respect what is expected of the governed happens via an effective relationship of openness, consultation, exemplarity and confidence.
It must be clear and permanently terminated the servility of editors who cover themselves and spokespersons of political parties, parliamentary leaders, top executives in the public sphere lead to creating a false image and conditions for the fermentation of cults personality that has nothing to do with democracy and national development.
AEG however that individual does not need flattery, lambebotas, engraxadores or oil to "shine in the sun."There are people who know the evil that makes the country persists and insists on a path of false praise, the concealment of facts of public interest all in the name of an alleged partisan agenda. Party discipline often presented as the basis of policy exceeds suits up as a strategy always changing. Yesterday was Joaquim Chissano who sought to deify one can also say that when the living are not enough rescues to an association of the living with the dead. Samora Machel has been used and used as election dates get closer. The posters that line up the top leaders of Frelimo since Mondlane Guebuza to have concrete goals.
Mozambicans will be grateful when the next opening sessions of Parliament, Members save your eyes and ears of the nonsense praise, addressed to leaders of political parties. We want to see the government work in your day-to-day, seeking appropriate solutions to the various problems of the country. We respect our leaders, our government but it is clear that we will never accept that they are "gods".
Do not hide the crap "proclaiming saint" who is even sinful.Mozambique needs no "heroes invented" by a political agenda of maintaining power. Building a national history that brings to the fore the Mozambicans showed that the anti-colonial struggle and in building the Mozambican state or the struggle for democracy must be something concerted and consensual because only then is it ensures fairness and tolerance.One must understand that the statues are not this or that to be reflected in national development.Today there are people who are tempted to "close your eyes" and defend the indefensible perspective of ensuring "bread." It is clearly set down and lightly million Mozambicans to criminal because criminals are also complicit ... (N.Nhantumbo)
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Dear compatriots
On Sunday morning announced a general strike of
Mozambican doctors. This position is the culmination of years of peaceful
attempts to resolve the deplorable situation of doctors in the public service
and I think they have a right to know how we got to this extreme situation.When
an individual started his career as a doctor in 1975, had net earnings as ±
15,000 mt which at the time amounted to ± 454 U $ D, and could live
comfortably, for example, with 9 salaries could buy a Honda Civic again, today,
37 years later and on the eve of retirement, as an expert consultant on top of
career and personality internationally recognized in the area, receives a base
salary of 29,629 mt which added to give a total net subsidy
± 42,000 mt, ie ± 1400 U $ D.A medical graduate with 7
years of career have a base salary of 15.531mt (535 U $ D) and liquid ± 24 000
mt (827 U $ D), which does not reach the 5th of the following month, I'm pretty
sure auferiria more like washing cars or used in some homes. And today to buy a
new Honda Civic will cost at least 60 salaries.A nurse usually receives a base
salary of ± 5100 mt and 7800 mt liquid ± (268 U $ D), a servant of hospital
receives a net salary of ± 2700 mt (93 U $ D). Might check it out at: - And
there are official documents that show the same.In the history of this beloved
homeland, doctors were ever (including the civil war period and until
recently), the only top-level professionals to be placed in districts, say in
passing mainly for political purposes, because we are often asked (especially
outside Maputo) to participate in partisan political tasks rather than the
exercise of our profession. We gladly accepted, because we are aware that we
graduated at the expense of the people and to serve. However we made no vow of
poverty and we are very resentful of the way the government has treated us.The
government's policy was to always put doctors in districts and was never
rejected, but we feel wronged when we are almost always housed (sometimes
literally in stores converted into houses) in substandard housing, often
without water and / or electricity, and work without time and few resources to
meet the needs of patients, and we see a young man like that but we chose the
judiciary be placed only where there is water and electricity, get about twice
as much, have the right to home and other perks not think and work under normal
time for 9 months a year. Do not envy your situation but have difficulty
understanding and accepting because they think we do not deserve this negative
discrimination by the Government.We feel powerless and angry to see some of our
nurses and orderlies make illegal charges for a patient can pass the queue and
be served in emergency services at the expense of patients who arrived first
and sometimes in serious condition, and that by tiredness commit omissions and
errors in drug prescription. But what have we as moral leaders of health teams
to rebuke the members of our team who have a family to support and to educate
children, who receive lower pay than many domestic workers and violate labor
standards to make shifts in hospitals and clinics and can neither physically or
psychologically to give patients the treatment they both need and deserve?.
As the practice of medicine for dealing with the lives
of our countrymen, a profession of great responsibility, and it requires the
sacrifice of living of our family, we feel wronged because we can not give our
wives and children the that our colleagues from the Universities of banks can
provide for their families.With wages the government pays us how we can live in
the same neighborhoods and our children attend the same schools and
kindergartens. We do not know how to respond when our children ask us why we
choose to be doctors rather than other professions or even merchants. Perhaps
the answer is that the scale of values of our society are the most important activities so
that more paid to save lives.When some of us, exercise private activity to try
to match the pairs in our society, we are criticized for allegedly descurarmos
care to patients in the NHS at the expense of private patients and yet his own
Vice-Minister of Finance said "we we can not afford, but you guys have to
go get some more money. "We would like to stay clear of the vast majority
of private medicine physicians has not choice but by necessity as such and only
happens in some provinces capitals, otherwise abandon the state to devote
themselves exclusively to private. I would particularly like to know that from
about 1200 doctors trained by EMU, one in four, some of which are renowned
experts in search of better living conditions, left the NHS to go to work in
NGOs, exchanged the public health clinic. Who of you feels free to criticize
them when they shared a salary of 24,000 mt for wages generally superior to
60,000 mt and 200,000 mt can overcome? We feel insulted, humiliated and
disgusted when the Government says that not only does not have money to pay us
better, but rather to improve our working conditions that could help save more
lives, but has tax money for all of us to pay our fellow South Africans and
others, not only treatment but also the routine check ups, the senior of the
three powers. We can only conclude that mistreat us and despise us because they
need us. That's how the President thinks we cultivate self-esteem?
The Government says not having the money you need for
Health Fails percentage budget proposed by the WHO. We agree, but would like to
know how after 37 years of Independence have not found that health insurance
can be an alternative source of funding, not to mention the microimpostos
megaprojects. Travel for everything in this world and the site is that they
have learned? Our state of exasperation is why it seems to us that the problems
of the people and our and rather than propalam, are the least of your worries.
As servants of the state know that many in the public have bad wages and we are
sympathetic to all professionals. However, it is documented that in certain
sectors things work very differently, for example, a servant of the Bank
Mozambique receives between 20,000 to 30000MT, a driver in the same bank
receives between 20,000 to 50,000 mt, an assistant clerk of court has a base
salary of 17,584 mt, a legal secretary has a base salary of 31,970 mt, a judge
on top career has a base salary of 37,366 mt, a commissioner general tax /
customs has 47,453 mt, many of them have 100% of emoluments and perks as home
and car service, fuel, and other expenses homemade, but the good of truth have
a commitment of exclusivity. And the deputies?
Apart from MPs, do not mean it's wrong to pay them
more, I would like to know why was the doctor who devotes all his time to work
some more and have a lower recognition in terms of salary that an assistant
registrar and is not equated with other graduates who earn much more. There is
in the public weights and measures clearly different. Throughout our history
post independence, at no time was made to revise the salaries of doctors as
happened to other classes, countless worlds and fund managers promised but
never fulfilled, and they have their guaranteed health care in the private
sector or outside the country at the expense of our taxes. In 2011 the current
Minister of Health promised to doctors specializing in a grant that could help
address the difficulties they face because it is difficult to have to devote
the time to learning and paying bills with just meager salary and so far
nothing was made. In November 2011 we presented the health sector concerns to
President Guebuza, and the current claims were reported, and was promised that
it would resolve the matter and to date nothing has been done.
The current direction of the Medical Association of
Mozambique (AMM) was elected and took office in May 2012 and this ceremony the
current Minister of Health expressed his satisfaction and urged and pledged the
cooperation between the two institutions.
ut since the
beginning of the activities only difficulties were encountered, even in ways
that would benefitting the doctor, for example, blocked and prevented the
execution of an agreement that would allow the creation of a web page that is
also intended to be a source of scientific information for associates. They
documented the numerous requests for clarification on the status of the status
and salary review that is underway and we knew there was never reply. Against
this silence is convened in November 2012 a general meeting that approved the
continuation of attempts to clarify the situation by letters sent to MOH,
the Secretary General of the FRELIMO Party and the response was silence. The
AMM part then for the pre warning strike that disperta the Government's attention immediately and it makes a meeting between the Prime Minister and the MOH, and the Medical AMM and this came to a determination to find a solution. Following the MOH and AMM initiate negotiations to review the status and salary in specific committees which involved only medical officials. It was then that the MOH has a starting salary proposal that there would be a rise in base salary for the newly formed 20.000mt to the newly formed and 38.000mt for the specialist consultant, on balance the rise of real net salary would be 24,000 mt of ± current to ± 28000mt for the newly formed and 42,000 mt for ± ± 48000mt. This had never been discussed with representatives of the class and had cabimentação budget in June 2012, in a document signed by the Minister of Finance: This proposal is made in the general meeting of physicians today by historic turnout. Never at any time in the history of MMA joined a meeting so many doctors, and the amphitheater of the Faculty of Medicine was little to close to 400 that occupied the entire space of the room and outside were several, besides those who attended this meeting on the internet, it is estimated that certain quarter of Mozambican doctors in the public service have been at present. This assembly chumbou the government's proposal because it was clear she was not dignified the doctor and following the principle of fighting for a decent base salary supplemented by subsidies that can be withdrawn at any time and has delegated to management the AMM to advance to the negotiation with a proposal for a minimum of 40000MT of basic salary in view of what is paid to other classes of professionals in the public, because the doctor is no more or less valid than the other professionals who earn these wages.
AMM part then for the pre warning strike that disperta the Government's attention immediately and it makes a meeting between the Prime Minister and the MOH, and the Medical AMM and this came to a determination to find a solution. Following the MOH and AMM initiate negotiations to review the status and salary in specific committees which involved only medical officials. It was then that the MOH has a starting salary proposal that there would be a rise in base salary for the newly formed 20.000mt to the newly formed and 38.000mt for the specialist consultant, on balance the rise of real net salary would be 24,000 mt of ± current to ± 28000mt for the newly formed and 42,000 mt for ± ± 48000mt. This had never been discussed with representatives of the class and had cabimentação budget in June 2012, in a document signed by the Minister of Finance: This proposal is made in the general meeting of physicians today by historic turnout. Never at any time in the history of MMA joined a meeting so many doctors, and the amphitheater of the Faculty of Medicine was little to close to 400 that occupied the entire space of the room and outside were several, besides those who attended this meeting on the internet, it is estimated that certain quarter of Mozambican doctors in the public service have been at present. This assembly chumbou the government's proposal because it was clear she was not dignified the doctor and following the principle of fighting for a decent base salary supplemented by subsidies that can be withdrawn at any time and has delegated to management the AMM to advance to the negotiation with a proposal for a minimum of 40000MT of basic salary in view of what is paid to other classes of professionals in the public, because the doctor is no more or less valid than the other professionals who earn these wages.
In negotiations were agreed the composition of
committees and deadlines (with a document signed by the parties) for completion
of negotiations with proven solutions, Jan. 5 for salary review committee and
January 31 for the commission to review the status.
The review committee status did his job without much
Contrary to what was agreed, should integrate the
salary review committee members from the Ministry of Finance and the Civil
Service but was never explained his absence, this negotiation was conducted
with the steps chameleon unexcused absence by MOH on December 24, not being permitted
AMM's participation in meetings in finance, for only the 3rd of January to
submit a proposal AMM minimum wage indecent because it was smaller than
initially sinker with an initial base salary of 18000mt sinker and that was
obviously the MOH was to present a new proposal for the next day. The argument
made was that the state budget had already been approved, there was not much
room for maneuver because there was no more money, and that a revision in the
base salary of the doctor would require a revision of the entire salary
structure of the employees. WE ARE SPEAKING OF MEDICAL 1274. Now there is money
to revise wages but no money for luxury cars, helicopters, first class tickets,
bridges to nowhere, during discussions at the negotiating table was none regretted
that because of lack of money had not been possible to Directors buy new cars
in 2012, and wonder what was done to the previous? And the previous ones?
Passed on to family members? It is claimed that there is no money but the
government spends on each Cuban doctor in the country that is $ 6000 per month.
It is claimed that there is no money but was recently published in the Journal
News that the National Assembly will review in March its Statute and Rules,
which will be verified with costs that are too high (880 meticais per year) and
will reduce them?
he meeting on
January 4 did not happen and AMM was forced to announce the guidelines for the
strike, and that's when doctors AMM senior counselors are called to a meeting
with MOH and senior officials of the Ministry of Finance that expose the
situation current of dissatisfaction and distrust in the class who have fallen
by the successive failures over the years and the recent and present
counterproposal that salary. At the meeting were instructed to find a new
We know that it exists but has not been filed within
the time agreed, and probably, if an acceptable proposal - a compromise with
guarantees to keep improving until they reach the desired, the AMM - open to
negotiation as to be clearly demonstrated, cancel this shutdown. The Government
again guided by silence, the same silence that led to the November General
meeting and the same silence that led to the pre warning strike. But this was
only silence at the negotiating table and because the Health Minister is
publicly attacking some members of the AMM, refers to values proposed not true values and also not true that pays few experts in the
provinces but says it does not pay it to Maputo, puts up against the doctors
and try to put the public against doctors. There are recent examples of the way
that such behavior has led, or not? And on such extra allowance is paid to
medical experts, the former Directorate MOH had removed the such $ 500 for
household income are actually 13000mt and rents are 20000MT in many provincial
capitals, besides factode such subsidies "topping up" not count for
reform. Then leaves the public with a press release threatening doctors and is
touted as the doctors' strike is illegal. Several legal experts consulted were
of the contrary opinion because the fact that the strike is not regulated in
General Statute Employee and Agents of the State does not make it illegal for
there other legal instruments that make it legal, including the Constitution,
the Labor Law and Statute of the Medical and its Code of Ethics. My compatriots
the strike is legal, yes and will be held during its duration will be
guaranteed minimum medical services. I would invite those compatriots who argue
the illegality of this movement to publish their salaries, perks and subídios
not published in the Government Gazette. I ask everyone to understand our
situation and we want to be treated just like other professionals in the civil
service. In closing I want to remind that Mozambique is today an independent
country because a group of young people became aware of a series of injustices
and joined and formed the FRONT OF LIBERATION OF MOZAMBIQUE. (Signed:
A young doctor and attentive)
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