The Mozambican First Lady, Maria da Luz Guebuza, said today in Chibuto, Gaza province, South of the country, or Domestic economic activity performed by children in their families, including grazing, should not prevent them from being enrolled in formal schools where they learn to read and write."Children can go graze cattle or work in the fields, but we have to give time for them to study to know how to read, write and master the science and technique," she said, speaking at a meeting held today in popular neighborhood June 25, outskirts of Chibuto, in its visit to the Gaza province, started this Monday feira.Guebuza argues that families should establish schedules for children devote themselves to household activities and also the school. "We can not stay without going to school. Today is not justified that no child can not read or write. "Currently, the illiteracy rate in Mozambique is estimated at 43.9 percent, a level that the government intends to reduce by 30 percent by 2015.Contudo, the level of adherence to literacy programs and adult education is still weak, which contrasts with dropouts, lurking to 30 cento.Na his speech, Maria da Luz Guebuza said not make sense the existence of children up to their 15 years could not read or write. So she called on all families to enroll their children and ensure that they complete at least secondary education geral.O appeal is extended to parents and guardians that not knowing how to read and write, must adhere to educational programs and adult literacy. This message is particularly aimed at men, since they are the group least adheres to these programas.Para expand the scope of education and adult literacy, the first lady suggested creating special classes to include certain social groups, as they are cases of religious, community leaders and traditional healers .
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