opens, but many parties start slowly as CNE money is late again.
the first day of the official campaign (yesterday, Saturday 31 Aug) Frelimo
flooded the cities and towns with posters. Renamo and MDM had limited
advertising material. The situation is worst for small parties, with no seats
in parliament, because they depend on state funds.The law specifies that funds
are to be distributed by the National Elections Commission (Comissao Nacional
de Eleicoes, CNE) 21 days before the official campaign starts – that is, three
weeks ago. The CNE has announced 180 million Meticais ($2.9 mn), but as in past
years, the money is delayed.Opposition parties note that the CNE was totally
rigid in enforcing the deadlines for submitting candidates lists; no excuses
were accepted and several parties were excluded. Yet with respect to funding,
the CNE can violate the law with impunity.
Timba of Renamo said the delay in disbursement of funds is the work of the
government to benefit Frelimo, which has more funds to support its campaign.“The
main objective of the ruling party is to get the into game ahead of the
opposition parties,” Nilton Barros of MDM told the Bulletin.Timba and Barros
said Renamo and MDM had expected this delay, which happens in each elections,
and were able to order posters and other material on credit.That is harder for
the 23 small parties. Unlike other democratic countries, small parties do not
raise funds from their members, and act like NGOs and depend on outside
funding. Ernesto
Armando from PARENA, Jose Carlos from PARESO, Cornelio Quivela from PAHUMO,
Mario Albino from AMUSI told the Bulletin that their parties depend exclusively
on public funds to start their publicity and the delay means they cannot start
their campaigns.Frelimo’s Caifadine Manasse refused to say if his party had
already received funds.A recent study by the Centre for Public Integrity (CIP)
found that the systematic delay in disbursing campaign funding has harmed the
opposition by forcing it to delay the start of their activities:úblico-à-Campanha-Eleitoral.pdf
Police escort for parades in insurgent
zones of Cabo Delgado
campaign parades in the areas of northern Cabo Delgado province affected by
attacks by insurgents will be escorted by the police, according to the
provincial police commander Bernardino Rafael. Our correspondents report that
in the opening Saturday, only Frelimo and Renamo were campaigning, and they
were accompanied by police in Quissanga, Macomia, Nangade, Mocimboa da Praia,
Palma, Ibo, and Mecufi districts.Thousands of people have fled from villages to
towns, particularly in coastal districts. The registration was disrupted by
attacks and there are fears of attacks during the campaign when there are more
people marching together:
“The conditions are created so that population can vote in the same way and in
the same place where they registered. Police and other armed forces will be
present to ensure that they vote without fear and without threat,” said police
commander Rafael.
‘Official campaign’ gives extra rights and
enforces more equality
the official campaign only started yesterday, President Filipe Nyusi has been
campaigning for two months and Renamo head Ossufo Momade has been campaigning
since he signed the peace account on 6 August. This is permitted because the
constitution guarantees freedom of speech.The 43 day official campaign gives
extra rights and enforces more equality between parties. Rallies and meetings
can take place at any time of day or night and authorities only have to be
informed 24 hours in advance; sound systems can be used until 21.00. Parties
have access to meeting halls and public buildings and have TV and radio time.
Posters can be put up in many public areas.Equality is enforced. Parties and
candidates cannot use state cars and other state and state-owned-company
resources. State-owned media including Radio Mocambique and TVM must be
balanced in their reporting.There can be no opinion polls in the 45 days before
the elections. There can be no campaigning in the two days before the election.
Four dead on 1st day of campaign
people were killed in traffic accidents on the first day of campaigning.
up posters always starts at midnight on the first day of the campaign. In Pemba
at 2 am Saturday a car travelling at high speed hit a group of Frelimo
supporters putting up posters along Av 25 de Setembro. Seven people were hit.
One was killed, three seriously injured, and three treated and released from
Pemba Provincial Hospital.In Concito, Dondo, Sofala, Saturday, a young woman
who had chased after a Frelimo car to try to get a t-shirt was fighting over a
t-shirt with another woman and suddenly fell off the vehicle and was killed.In
Gile, Zambezia, a Frelimo supporter was killed when his motorcycle hit a lorry
as part of a Frelimo parade.In Sussendenga, Manica, on Friday night before the
official campaign during a Frelimo parade two bicyclists crashed, and one was
Frelimo campaigners attacked in Niassa
Waracula, Maua, Niassa, campaigner Gerlado Cavelo urged a group drinking
utheka, a local brew, to vote for Frelimo. The group responded angrily because
they had been unable to register because of constant breakdowns of the
registration computer, and they attacked Cavelo.In Seli, Lago, Niassa a Frelimo
campaigner putting up posters was beaten by an unknown group and suffered
serious facial injuries.
Frelimo using state cars
law specifically prohibits the use of government resources for electoral campaigns,
but Frelimo is often caught using state cars. State cars have registration
plates with red numbers to make them obvious, so the plates are often covered
with paper or Frelimo posters.In Jangamo, Inhambane, Frelimo was using a Nissan
Hardbody of the district education, youth and technology service. In Mulevala,
Zambézia, Frelimo was using a car of the district planning and infrastructure
services. And in Mecúfi, Cabo Delgado, Frelimo was using cars from both the
district education service and the district office.
Arrested for taking down illegal posters
the official campaign, party posters can be put up in public places and on
street light posts, etc. But they cannot be put on government buildings or on
private property without permission. But it is also a crime to pull down or
deface posters which are properly posted.In Moatize, Tete, the manager of the
VIP hotel was arrested Saturday for pulling down Frelimo posters illegally put
on the wall of his hotel.In Xai-Xai Frelimo pulled down Renamo posters, while
in Matola and Maputo Frelimo posters were damagedIn Tambara someone pasted a
Frelimo poster over a Renamo poster at the Renamo office. In Guerica, Derra,
Zambezia, Frelimo pasted its posters on the door of a Renamo official. In
Milange both MDM and Frelimo put up posters on public buildings.
Calm opening to campaign
most places the campaign opened calmly, but with only the big three parties
campaigning, as shown by a sample of reports from our correspondents:
province: In Vilankulo district, Frelimo, Renamo and MDM were all out on the
streets campaigning. In Guvuro Frelimo and MDM campaigned, and in Jangamo only
province: In Bilene, Renamo, Frelimo and MDM were all out campaigning; in Limpopo
Frelimo campaigners were putting up posters well before midnight Friday.
province: President Filipe Nyusi launched the Frelimo campaign in Beira. In
Muxungue, Chibabava, only Frelimo launched its campaign. In Buzi and Gorongosa
both Frelimo and MDM started their campaign at midnight Friday putting up
posters. Renamo is disorganised in Sofala because of a split in the party, so
publicity materials are only arriving and campaigning has not started.
Province: MDM head Daviz Simango had a rally at Quelimane airport Friday night
and launched his party’s campaign in Gurue on Saturday. Frelimo and Renamo are
also active. In Alto Molocue, Frelimo and Renamo launched campaigns but not
MDM. In Milane and Mulevala, it was Renamo which was absent. In Derre, Frelimo
started at 21.00 Friday night and is still the only party campaigning.
Province: Frelimo, MDM and Renamo all started putting up posters at midnight
Friday. In Mutarara, all three parties started their campaigns, distributing
t-shirts and caps. But in Zumbo and Cahora-Bassa, only Frelimo was campaigning.
province: Renamo general secretary Andre Magibire launched the Renamo campaign
in Matola on Saturday.
By Joseph Hanlon
Source: 2019 General Elections -
Mozambique Political Process Bulletin
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