Sunday, December 26, 2010

For who it does not walk of helicopter, the state of the nation is not good

The President of the Republic was this monday to the Assembly of the Republic to say what every year she repeats, more thing little thing. He only changed the refrão. Before he said that “the state of the nation is good”. Now he says that “the nation is in the good way” and “route to the prosperity goes”. In short, he turns the record and he touches the same. For the citizen Seting Guebuza, filing a suit proper cause, “the state of the nation”, continues to be “good”. For who it does not have To be able and it does not have to praise its proper work, it is well different. Very different. For who not sobrevoa the Country of helicopter, does not have paid stewardships for taxes and other taxes, do not have health insurances and doctors to the headboard, do not have job, sleep seated with the feet in the water when it rains, he has its children in the public schools without wallets or nor obtains to register the children; for who it is assaulted all days here and acolá, it does not have as to buy medicines, it does not have adjusted transports, it deals every day with deficient telecommunications, it is collated every day with holes in the roads, does not receive you arrest of individuals suspicious of envolvement in drug trafficking, do not ask for to it to be partner of multinationals and other great and average companies, do not live of commissions or of lobbies, she does not have twenty mentally ill houses to the state, does not have accomplices as foreheads of iron in railroad, port or mining businesses, do not have great portions of unproductive land in its name to the wait of being able to speculate, or it does not have attributed workmanships of the state to its partners, the state of the nation is péssimo. For who it does not have as to live, it does not have what to eat, it does not have the minimum, the state of the nation is so precarious that until they judge that nor they are children of the same nation of that the head of State and the Government was to speak to the Assembly of the Republic in the last monday. Until many of that they had helped to free the Country today lives in the misery. It is alone to go the Mueda, or to any part of the territory of this “pearl” each peeled time more, to see itself as the majority of the old combatants lives. Already somebody was to ask to them if the state of the nation is good? E the state of them? What would come back to make if still they had the same forces it stimulated that them to free the Country of the colonialismo? They would catch in weapons another time? Frankly Sir President of the Republic! He falls in the Real. He leaves myself of manipulating speeches. He leaves myself to deceive the People. He believes us very sincere in what today we are here to say to it. We do not have skill to bajular nobody. Mr. I eat citizen is of course authorized to say what she goes to it in the soul, as by the way the common citizens. But as head of State Mr. it does not have the right to go to read in the Parliament what its bajuladores prepare and alone increases the indignation of who sees in wealth not justified what lacks to many families. If it was truth that the Country “is in the good way”, “is all good one”, as is that one justifies that the National Institute of Estatística (INE) has proven that the poverty increased? It will be that the National Institute of Statistics lay or did not have as to lie? Mr. President did not read the report of the INE? He will be that the minister of the Plan and hid it to Development of Itself or was its staff not to bother it? How it is that one justifies that the capital of the Country has been pure and simply paralyzed, three days, for pacific manifestations that had been lead for the violence for the authorities, if the Country is exactly good and in the good way as Mr., as head of the Government, despite on vestments of head of State, insists on saying, and repeated before the agent chief executives of the People in the last monday? How it is that the Country can be good and in good way if 90% of our children they every day cover with white lead in our schools and the entrepreneurs if they complain of that diplomee for our universities little or nothing they know, safe, obviously, honrosas and dignificantes exceptions? That future this reserve to the Country? How it is that our Country can be “in the good way” if had exactly you to relieve, has few months, the minister of the Health because already it did not have medicines in pharmacies of the State and the relations State-doctors and State-nurses were to the side to take the Country for a general strike whose causes had been not yet decided? How it is that the Country can be in the good way if the policies, the nurses, the professors, and the public officers who are not heads (same these only while they are heads if disembarass) of a general form do not have conditions to survive until the final o of each month, but you of the séquito of the President they always walk to change of viaturas of luxury and to show fausto supported by the public state treasury? In a country where Justice and the courts are an option already almost alone for who have dom of the patience, can be credível the speech of a head of State that says that the “country is in the good way”? When the expert of United Nations, the female judge Gabriela Knaul, finishes to evidence and to announce, in Moçambique, that “filiation in the Frelimo party is prerequisite for access to the legal career” and insisted “on the necessity of the imparcialidade and transparency of the sentences, that must be based on facts and always be in accordance with the law, without influences, aliciamentos, improper pressures, threats or interferences directas or indirectas”, can be said that “the Country is in the good way”? It finds, Sir President, who a Country where until tomatoe, onion, potato, if has to matter of the South Africa and what it is produced in the Country if ruins due to half placing the production in the commercial centers, if can consider “the way of the progress”? In a country that had industry, that had an agriculture and cattle relatively strong - it is withdrawn 1981 - and now imports everything in time of Peace, can be considered that “the state of the nation is good” and that “the Country is in the good way”? It finds, Sir President, who in a State where the majority of the people does not have a minimum wage and that exactly this of the one diligent not to eat it much less to support its family, can come the head of State to say that “the state of the nation is good” and/or that “the country is in the good way”? It finds, Sir President, who it is well to paint a surrealista picture instead of bringing to the People the real photograph of the Country? It finds that a Country is good when the State is every day to penalizar the entrepreneurs, the investors and the entrepreneurs, to small the e average companies on, so that the managers of this exactly Been live with a proportionate comfort for the public state treasury who do not correspond to its performance and to the quality of services that give to the citizens? It finds that a Country where all the economy is practically in informal somebody can say exactly that this country is in the good way? He stops beyond that they only know to bajular to survive, Mr. Presidente finds that plus somebody in its soul and its perfect judgment he can believe the successes that he relates in its informs to the Nation? Sir President, after “telegrams” published by the WikiLeaks, where if suggests to have had personal benefits of the citizen Seting Guebuza in the business of the reversion of Cahora Bassa, of Portugal for “we”, finds that it is not necessary to create an independent, paid commission for the State, with figures pointed for the respective parties of the Parliamentary Opposition and independent figures, in order to inquire and to esmiuçar the meandros of “arranjinho” on the barrage, with the French bank that “business” financed, and with the authorities of Portugal led by the first-minister Jose Sócrates? The International Transparency, has days, through the Global Barómetro of the Corruption did not leave in the photograph the authorities of Lisbon well. Because it will be? Those individuals that arrange sarilhos in some parts of the World have come to stop the Moçambique. Every day it has notice on them in the press of the countries from where they come. These do not admire that they say that the state of this our nation is good, but to hear the head of State of Moçambique to line up the same for diapasão, worries us. When the moçambicanos scientists prove in them that more was produced, in 1981, when the Frelimo Party said that the country “was surrounded by the imperialism” and to be “victim of a run down war”, as it is that we can leave to question and to doubt this alleged “good condition of the nation” and of “country in the good way”? In a country where who is in the cupola is there for being able more easily to mount its private businesses and to impute to the State the operational costs of these businesses, we can continue been silent? We can agree that “the country is in the good way”? Obviously that not. We want a Country the serious one. The controllers pass, the People are. (Canal of Moçambique)

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