Guebuza to send messages back to their detractors
The president, Armando Guebuza, who is visiting the province of Tete, in the 'Open and Inclusive Presidency' (PAI), returned to send messages to those who exclusively have dedicated themselves to speak only of the errors of their Government and make it so they called the 'destructive'. To these, Armando Guebuza took a few adjectives not very friendly. He called them 'chattering and intrigues. "It was during a rally in the town of Mangan, administrative Ulónguè station, in Tete province, where Guebuza a few minutes to answer those who, in his view, just keep talking about what is wrong and what's good. It is this group of people, according to Guebuza, who has been rumor that poverty is not being won and will never be won. "During this great struggle against poverty there are people who try to discourage us. They say that poverty is not being won. For them everything is bad, nothing is improving. In fact, they do not like to work, spend their lives gossiping, "Guebuza said adding that" they do so with the aim of disrupting those who actually are fighting poverty, and in this case the Government and people of Mozambique. "In fact, Guebuza said in the same rally, that poverty is' suffer hard knocks' that are being inflicted by the Government and people of Mozambique to the feeling that one should have right now is hope and courage to continue on ' Epic struggle '.To require that only the government and do not contribute to constructive ideas, Guebuza called them the 'impatient' and compared them with individuals who love to eat "so that food is ready." "There are people impatient. Are equal to those who put food in the pan to prepare and light a fire as soon as they want to eat without the food is ready, why not have the patience to wait for the food cook. They are lazy because they actually do not like to cook, "said Guebuza.
In Ulónguè Guebuza also heard the concerns of local people. He asked for ten players, on behalf of the inhabitants of that region, presenting issues that afflict them. All interventions have a common denominator: agriculture, health and employment. The Head of State asked the inhabitants of Ulónguè investments in agriculture through the provision of agricultural inputs, construction of dams to feed any irrigation system and agro-processing industry. There are many reasons that have made agriculture the center of interventions. Is that in that region there are many that are underutilized agricultural potential. What is produced, and that is very good quality, if not rot for lack of drainage system, they said, is sold in neighboring Malawi, tell if the price of bananas. By the way, are, among others, products such as potato reno, tomatoes, beans, cabbage, he was given poor treatment in Maputo and that are imported from neighboring South Africa, after a paradox.On the issue of health, the inhabitants of Ulónguè, especially the hidden communities, want hospitals, in addition to expanding the health network itself. Some dentists want in health care. There are even those who go to Malawi after a dentist who will help you get a tooth pulled in all cases.Young people urged expansion of the school and employment. Again and again the issue of employment. Throughout the country it is.All these are issues that the head of state promised solutions, which, incidentally, he said, should come from government and community involvement.Today in the pursuit of 'Open presidency' and also 'inclusive', Armando Guebuza Chifunde visit the district, where a rally will guide people who certainly discuss the issue on Monday. (Matthias Guenter, Tete)
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