News: elections first hours Mozambique
They arrested four members of Renamo
in Tsangano district, Tete Province, for having prevented the entry of the ballot
room with votes already voted in favor of the Frelimo party and candidate. When
the delegates realized Renamo demanded explanation to the chairman but, this tried
to call the police, who arrested the Renamo delegates. Meanwhile, Renamo
members were taken away by police more polls with votes entered into the room. The
population saw when fraud, tried to grab the ballot box and burned them. The
police had to return and is currently shooting the population. At this time, the
vote was interrupted. Tsangano and Changara are satellites of fraud Frelimo. In
the last general elections, Guebuza won in all the tables, but the number of
votes exceeded the number of voters. Ie: there was ballot box stuffing. In Beira,Sofala Province, a citizen was found over six polls populous neighborhood of Munhava. The
Head of Operations of STAE says he does not know the citizen and that it should
not be there. The citizen escaped a lynching. Such citizen, who was accompanied
by a woman who fled, says he was sent by the Director of STAE to transport the ballot
boxes. The population requires measures to "transporter polls" .However,
clandestine urns were found in the car of a police officer in Quelimane, capital
of the Province of Zambezia with the registration plate PRM 00313.Interpelados the
population, the police handed the polls two foreign citizens that transported in
two cars containing the plate ACU enrolls 173 MC 481 and MC ADJ. (Sources: Youth
Parliament and Canalmoz)
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