Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Preferable to negotiate to avoid war

The President, Philip Nyusi, and the Renamo leader Afonso Dhlakama agreed to submit the proposal for autonomous regions to Parliament. Today, Frelimo members of the Commission are campaigning against this same idea. What is your opinia, Dr.Teodato Hunguana, as Central Committee member in this regard?
There is no doubt that there are differences between the initiative of the President and the statements of our party. The President Nyusi took a major initiative because it opens the way to unlock a situation that would worsen almost unsustainable way for people. In my view, the president of Renamo put their ideas to the President and this indicated where they should be placed. Dhlakama accepted this counter and consider it extremely positive, because the Parliament is the proper forum to discuss the issue. However, at various levels heard our party leaders in answer to in order to reject the idea, even having been submitted. We can not take actions or pronouncements as if we had already discussed the project. At this time, Renamo should be concentrated in the proposal. Members of other stands should, in my view, study and discuss seriously the ideas that probably will guide the proposal. We have time to prepare for this debate and not anticipate positions on something you do not know.

It then considers the right decision of the President?I have no doubt, I fully support the President's position. He did not arrogated powers that it has not decided on anything, indicated own forum where the debate and the decision should occur. There he respected the Constitution.

It is timely appearance of the senior members of Frelimo knowing it was the party that supported the candidacy of Philip Nyusi?These statements pose problems that can cause dangerous misunderstandings. There pronouncements that undermine the President. The Head of State is the highest magistrate of the nation, the symbol of national unity, the guarantor of the Constitution, the Commander in Chief of the Defence and Security Forces and may not appear at any time, any instance above it. Be that party is the president, the party and the president are bound to the Constitution. The Constitution says that the parties are subject to the principles and constitutional requirements. No party, even to which I belong, escapes this, so there can be no appreciation as I sometimes hear there misconceptions, readings that say the president is subordinated to any party body.

That reading is the positioning of the Political Committee, especially the idea that "we do not want the autonomous regions"?I do not want to do any reading at this point because it is a matter of course you deserve analysis within the party. Who have questions may raise. I myself have already raised the level of the meetings we have.

Paragraph 2 of Article 76 of the Statute of Frelimo says that holders of government posts, elected by the party respond to the Commission Policy. To what extent this Article is in line with the Constitution?The statutory and regulatory standards or legal or have to be interpreted and the Statute of the Frelimo party did not escape this rule. They have to be interpreted with all the legal rigor and by no means the result is unconstitutional. The constitutional principles say the head of government is the president. Therefore, the President does not respond either to the Parliament under the Constitution.

So considers unconstitutional the article of the Frelimo statutes?If the interpretation is that it is unconstitutional, but it is not the only possible interpretation, so call attention to read and interpret with caution.

Do you think that the proposal of the creation of autonomous regions draft will pass in parliament?
We can not call into question the competence of the Parliament, so I have my reservations when questions are asked with an ultimatum when it comes to the State of destination. We can not call into question the competence of Parliament. This debate can not be anticipated by unhappy paths, hidden in some mobilization of political action. We must take seriously this debate, and for that we have to look seriously at the deputies.I think that the work should be done at this point is the study, analysis and internal discussion in preparation of the Assembly debate and this must happen in all parties entering the Parliament. It does not seem that they should come to the debate now in the media. We can not fall into a situation where a scream and others also cry. It seems that we are in a situation where we will see who is screaming more.

Takes the view that the current president of Frelimo must deliver the presidency before the end of the term?What I think is that the party organs will take the necessary decisions to solve a problem that is not a problem unless the invent accordingly.The fact is that this issue is not written in the party statutes, the result of some experience.

Resultado de imagem para teodato hunguanaConsiders that there is room for this?These principles and standards were put in place in a not very old situation. It was ten years ago with President Chissano. We can not act with a weight and two measures. I would be hard pressed to imagine what are the arguments for not cease. This argument that the mandate given by the Congress went beyond does not, because until the president's term Chissano went further.

Joaquim Chissano resigned willingly. There can be no waiver of will on the part of the current president of Frelimo?The President Chissano, from the state, was able to reapply and he has drawn its unavailability. In relation to the presidency of the party, he was president of the party and came to resign because the gap between the party presidency and the presidency did not obey the principle of unitary power, which is the principle against which Frelimo was established and always worked. What is asked is that someone may not want to act according to the principles of the party. There is placing a complex problem. In any case, the competent bodies discuss seriously if there is anything which calls into question the principles and causes that were being followed in a certain way.

As a fundamental point, which is the difficulty the party to put it in the statutes?
We have good laws, but they are not perfect. You need to make an effort of articulation and legal and correct interpretation of the statutes so that they result not unconstitutional. It means that some parts of the statute are not clear, need interpretation. Congress in the Congress had to make an effort to improve our statutes with a view to be conformed to the Constitution.

It would be surprising if the presidency of the party were not passed to Philip Nyusi before the end of the mandate of Armando Guebuza?There is no doubt that it would be surprising, because not correspond to a practice and I know we're all used to. We must shape the understanding we have of statutes and conform them to the dictates of the Constitution otherwise come to absolutely unaffordable conclusions with the constitution and may call into question the respect we should have with the highest magistrate of the nation.

That comment is in relation to the senior member Gabriel Muthisse on Facebook in response to the publication of Marcelo Mosse?I do not know in what context it made this statement, but it seems to me, from what I understand, that President Nyusi wanted to move away, legislating and judge to be superior to Frelimo. Have you heard this critical statement, I think we would be to draw up a misconception suspect the President. Nyusi is Central Committee member as we who chose it as our candidate for President. The President Nyusi assumes and exercises to the fullest the powers that are in the Constitution, was why he was elected. We in Frelimo party, are the first to observe these principles.

There will be conditions for that, in fact, Philip Nyusi have peace in their governance?He is the guarantor of the Constitution and has a great commitment that goes beyond everything and everyone. Was publicly invested therefore involve creating the conditions for the President effectively exercises power without obstacles, inerências what are the norms of the Constitution itself. If there are problems within the Frelimo party must be resolved, but not undermine the commitment of what is the mandate of the President.

Considers being impaired performance of the President?The President took an open initiative and had caused a salutary thaw. However, there have been developments seem to us reconduzirem foregoing. And if in fact it bring us back to previous situations of tension because of something that is out of alignment with the initiative of the President, we must resolve these issues wherever they arise, and most urgently, are not problems to be postponed.

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