“The Public Prosecutor’s
Office understands that co-defendants who have played the coordinating and
logistical role should have an extraordinary aggravation of sentences and that
a prison term of 40 years is imposed,” said Rodrigo Munguambe of the Public
Ministry, quoted by ‘O País ‘.The defence team, alleged lack of evidence and
witnesses and called for the acquittal of the defendants, O País reports.
“The Defence asks the
Court’s court that the charges be considered unfounded, unproven and without
any legal grounds of the facts articulated, [as in all such cases] the
defendant benefiting from the doubt [in dubio pro reu] ,” argued Ussene Daniel,
one of the lawyers of the defence group.

The trial began on 3
October 2018.
In total, 20 court
sessions were held, presided by judge Geraldo Patrício, who requested time to
analyse the arguments and evidence.Among the defendants there are Mozambican
citizens but also foreign nationals, mostly from Tanzania, a country with areas
bordering some of the Mozambican districts that have been the target of attacks
by armed groups in the province of Cabo Delgado.According to official data, at
least 140 people, among residents, alleged atackers and members of the security
forces, have died since the wave of violence began.This is the first of the
five court cases which are currently underway in connection to the attacks
perpetrated by unknown groups.
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