A teacher from epicentre of deadly outbreak describes
the growing anxiety under lockdown and anger towards government.
by Shawn Yuan
31 Jan 2020
![Officials in protective suits check on an elderly man wearing a facemask who collapsed and died on a street near a hospital in Wuhan on Thursday [Hector Retamal/AFP]](https://www.aljazeera.com/mritems/imagecache/mbdxxlarge/mritems/Images/2020/1/31/245610d802324d5e8a2749e476fe0d04_18.jpg)
Officials in protective suits check on an elderly man
wearing a facemask who collapsed and died on a street near a hospital in Wuhan
on Thursday [Hector Retamal/AFP]
At least nine million people in Wuhan were put under quarantine on January 23 after the authorities decided to
seal off the entire city. The order was later expanded to the entire Hubei
province, affecting nearly 56 million people. Now a week has passed. What does
Wuhan look like under quarantine? How has the city's population been handling
I have been in touch with a few local residents since
the beginning of this outbreak, and here is one of the stories of all those
people living in the epicentre of this epidemic. The storyteller is a teacher.
He has requested to remain anonymous.
Story as told to Shawn Yuan
on January 30
My city has been ill for over a month now, and it has
been sealed off for a week. Millions of us have been put under quarantine for
seven days now, and all of this still feels surreal. These days, I have been doing the same things over and
over again: eat, sleep, eat, and the cycle continues.All entertainment shows have also been cancelled by
the government, and that leaves only the news about the virus playing on a loop
on TV. Every aspect of my life is constantly reminding me of a single fact -
the virus outbreak is still very real.
Last night, I looked outside of the window of my
apartment - absolutely empty streets, eerily quiet neighbourhood, some
flickering streetlights, and one giant LED screen playing the public service
announcement, advising people to stay indoors. All of this almost feels like a
scene out of a zombie movie. I try to distract myself and keep my mind fresh: I
read books, I make podcasts, I watch films, trying my best to make sure this
whole mess doesn't get me. But sometimes, in this repetitive daily routine, we start
to forget what we used to and aspire to be. This epidemic has taken a toll on
all of us.The memory of waking up to a city completely sealed
off remains fresh. "Dumbstruck" is probably the best word to describe
how I felt. This had never happened - not in my life, not in my parents'.
Fear and anxiety Having seen what the SARS outbreak did, this still is
the first time we all became nervous. That's also when I realised the situation
had gone way beyond what the official facade looked like. In the first days
following the lockdown, I was overwhelmed, but more afraid, I guess.
The morning of the lockdown, many private cars were
trying to get out of Wuhan. But all my family is in Wuhan and it made no sense
for me to leave. Instead, I rushed out to get more masks, but at that time, the
supply for masks had already dwindled significantly - many pharmacies had run
out of them. That's when I first started to freak out - what if I couldn't get
them? What if I or someone in my family got infected? Luckily, I managed to get some after a few tries in
different pharmacies. And that was the last day I was out of my house for more
than one hour during a day. Almost hourly anxiety took over me during these
past seven day.
I went out yesterday to go to a supermarket. Food was
running out at home, but also because I really needed to get out. I was going
crazy - it's ironic that when I was working, I always wanted to stay at home
and rest, but now that I am spending almost my entire time at home, it feels
like torture.
Luckily, food is still readily available, and the
price wasn't ridiculous, either. There were a lot more people than I expected
at the supermarkets. Waiting outside of the market to get temperature checked
and using hand sanitiser before going in have become the requirement for all
the markets.

'Eerily empty neighbourhood' Yesterday I saw the video of people singing the
national anthem and shouting from their homes to each other to keep the
morale high. "Add oil! You can do this!" It really made
me smile and want to cry at the same time. It's a tough time but I have always
thought Wuhan is a place full of potential and energy. Today is the fifth day of the Chinese New Year, so
according to traditions, we are supposed to go to temples and pay tribute to
the God of Wealth today. Most of the businesses should be open today, too. But
I took a walk around my neighbourhood this morning - just like the past seven
days, it's empty - eerily empty. But at least the
weather is getting better.
I took a photo of my dad today standing on the
pavement of a park. His quarantine life, like so many others, has been eating
and sleeping and eating again. No friends to talk to, no relatives to visit, and
no TV programmes that he loved to watch nowadays. The only little
"entertainment" for him is to take a look at this empty road and do
nothing. Whenever I get bored and start thinking, which happens
quite often these days, the feeling of anger started to boil inside of me - why
did this local government keep hiding the truth and even arresting the eight
people who initially shared the information? I had already known the situation wasn't as rosy as
pictured by the government at that time, but I never for a second thought the
scale of the crisis had reached a level to warrant a city-wide lockdown. 'An incredibly difficult time'. The Lunar New Year couldn't have come at a worse time,
either. My family had already planned some trips during the week, and we're
supposed to go to my grandmother's. Of course, all of this has been cancelled,
but the thought of what this could have been is making what this ended up being
even more unbear On New Year's Eve, my dad went to sleep early because
the Lunar New Year has been ruined - no visiting family, no drinking with them,
no entertainment, but more importantly, a constant fear looming the entire
family and the city.
I saw him turning off the light before 10pm - this is
the first time I saw him turning off lights on New Year's Eve. He always told
me that we should leave one light on for New Year's Eve. I guess a new year
like this has made him forget about all the rituals.The gala hosted by China's state television angered me
even more. The entire country was struggling to cope with the virus outbreak
and thousands of people were getting infected in Wuhan alone. But there was
almost no mention of Wuhan during the gala except for poetry recitation."Wang Qiang defeated Serena Williams during the
Australian Open, so that means we can defeat anything," one host said.

Wuhan Yangtze River Tunnel is blocked with a barrier
following an outbreak of the new coronavirus and the city's lockdown, in Wuhan
on Saturday, January 25 [File: China Daily via Reuters]
That only made me angrier - their response to how we
are going to defeat the outbreak is this completely unrelated analogy? I guess,
after this crisis, people's trust towards the "Big Brother" will be
more fragile. It's an incredibly difficult time for this city, but
I'm so very proud of my city: everyone is trying their best to make sure the
city continues to operate as normal - something we desperately need right now. But still, Wuhan will be forever changed, and now we
are just anxiously waiting for the epidemic to end so we can start getting used
to whatever the shape new life will take.
Years or even decades from now, how are we supposed to
tell this story to our next generation? Can we really realise what it means to
be a "citizen" of the society? The only thing I hope now is that our generation
doesn't fail the next. At least I know I will keep this memory fresh.
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