Friday, September 12, 2014


Hamilton Saene is a young man aged 26 , born in the city of Beira and where he did Accounts Course. In 2011 he began working for Bolloré Logistic as disbursements analyst (Accounts department) in Beira, Bemba and Maputo. It was on 21st December, 2013, in the company of friends and colleagues went to Malhapsene Lodge in Maputo with an aim to swim in a pool. Inadvertently, while a group of colleagues and friends was at the reception to pay for the use of the swimming pool, Hamilton launched himself at the pool where he hit violently against a wall purposely built for separation of children and adults, that caused an immediate injury at the back bone (the cervical spine) and
consequently paralyzed the lower and upper body parts. However, this separation wall is submerged and painted blue that is easily confused with a painted background line in the water. Hamilton was immediately taken to the Maputo Central Hospital where he stayed for about two months. Hamilton is currently paralyzed dependent on a very slow recovery through physical therapy. Some medical medical diagnosis indicates that he will never ever move again in life.Contacts have  been made as an effort for his surgery possibility abroad, particularly in India. The necessary cost for his surgery is estimated between US$ 7,000 and US$8,000 without companion on journey.
This cost includes his travel and treatment. Hamilton is a patient that requires a care taker because he is unable to do for himself lots of things, therefore there is a need for him to travel with a relative. If he goes with a relative to India the cost goes between US$ 20,000 and US$25,000 of which the family can’t afford, that’s why we are seeking financial support for Hamilton’s treatment.
Contacts: Paulo Virgilio Saene (Father) Cell: +258 820167490.

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