Oldest Book Fair In Mozambique Opens Today at 'MInerva'
The Minerva Bookshop, in downtown Maputo, celebrates 107 years this
year. From today to the end of the month, Minerva will holding its 80th
Annual Book Fair, the oldest in Maputo, where over five thousand books
will be on show. The Fair opens at 18h00m.According to Victor Gonçalves, in addition to the exhibition and sale of
books, a band playing and an exhibition of Photography on Gorongosa,
Mozambican writer Mia Couto will launch two new books. Minister of
Education Jorge Ferrão will be attending."Besides being a repository of the books published in Mozambique, the
fair will also be an occasion for the launch of books," said Victor
Gonçalves.Minerva Book Fair will offer 47,000 books to schools in the cities of
Maputo, Matola, Beira and Nampula from first to fourth grade and will be
promoting talks between cultural players and respected writers of
Mozambique, he added.Victor Gonçalves indicated that junior readers also have a special place
at the fair, as it is planned to hold a children's book fair with
activities and storytelling for the younger ones.Both the Minerva Bookshop and Book Fair are the oldest of Mozambique and are among the oldest in Africa.To follow the activities during the Book fair, you can go to www.facebook.com/MinervaMZ
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