Daviz advocates inclusion for discriminated Mozambican heroes
The president of opposition party Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM) Daviz Simango said on Tuesday that the country had committed "serious errors" in censoring its history and rewriting it according to the government's agenda: He advocated the "inclusion of the heroes" who have been "denied" recognition.Simango, head of the third-largest party in parliament, said that the classification of Mozambicans as either "reactionaries, counter-revolutionaries or traitors" has excluded many who fought for the independence from the pantheon of national heroes. Simango believes that this is "a discriminatory action that divides Mozambicans", and has become a real brake on efforts for reconciliation."If we do not recognize the heroism and ‘moçambicaneidade’ (Mozambican-ness) of others there will never be reconciliation," Simango pointed out in a statement on the MDM’s Facebook page alluding to the 40 years of independence celebrations. Simango said it was vital that a profound reflection on the country’s journey so far be undertaken. According to Daviz, this would allow us to “identify the causes of the delays that persist in the social, political, economic, and cultural spheres" of Mozambique’s development."It is time to openly and unequivocally clarify that the project of building a strong, democratic, united and fair Mozambique has suffered severe setbacks due to a number of causes," said Simango, insisting that political intolerance and a "hoarding attitude" demonstrated by a group of Mozambicans are factors which slow down development.
"When we look for the causes of discord that threaten peace and stability in Mozambique, we always come across political intolerance, in the first place," he said, adding that it is necessary first and foremost to "admit that independence was the result of sacrifices made by millions of Mozambicans."The MDM wants to participate in the national political process, Simango said, working towards resolving a situation that is acquiring increasingly worrying dimensions concerning the "rehabilitation of other peoples’ heroes" and the management of the post-electoral crisis."The media blitz of interviews with national figures who participated in the independence struggle is important but it fails to acknowledge the views of other Mozambicans who also participated in the struggle for national independence," he said. (Photo 2, Eduardo Mondlane, the first president of Frelimo and its particular secrectário Urias Simango, father Simango)
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