CIP accused the Executive
The Center for Public Integrity (CIP) accused the Executive
to present inconsistent statistics on the electricity sector in the Five-Year Government
Programme 2015-2019.According to the organizers, the data do not coincide with
those presented by the National Statistics Institute (INE)."There are
discrepancies between the data of the Government and the National Statistics
Institute (INE), the central executive body of the National Statistical System,
which is responsible for the production and dissemination of official
statistical information of general interest to the country," states a
report IPC released yesterday.CIP's research shows that in the context of
development of economic and social infrastructure indicators, the Five-Year
Programme of Government presents the process level to electricity in 2014, as
45% of the Mozambican population.However, says the Center for Public Integrity,
the INE shows numbers indicating the population access to electricity set at
just over 26% in 2014. Another fact criticized by the CIP is that "the QGP
does not mention the source of the development indicators economic and social
infrastructure ". [OD]
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