also has a salt and lime industry, products exploited both individually and by
of lime generates yields.
of limestone in the Namathinthe community, 15 kilometres from Mossuril district
headquarters, is generating wealth for a group of artisan producers.
many of the operators have already made home improvements and have acquired
motorcycles and other goods as a result of the commercialisation of their
product, which is considered of high quality.According to the president of the
Association of Cal Explorers, Ali Amisse, an association of little more than a
dozen members, the opening of the mine has already generated employment for 24
people in the community, of whom 17 are women who work on an occasional basis
and, in one form or another, also benefit from the yields of the deposit.Producers,
who have been practising their craft since 1993 using picks and hoes, process
the ore in an open-air kiln in order to achieve higher production volumes,
currently 35 tonnes over a three-and-a-half month period.Ali Amisse, the
president of the association, who pioneered the activity in Namathinthe,
singles out the unsustainable price charged by hauliers to transport the lime
from the extraction zone to the warehouses four kilometres away as one of his
main difficulties.“Our lime is of great quality, because it is produced in a
process different from the usual one, and we have a guaranteed market in the
Island of Mozambique that absorbs all our production for building
rehabilitation, but we have a problem with transportation because, for each
hundred 50-kilograms sacks, they charge us 1,000 meticais for a four-kilometre
trip,” Amisse complains.
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