Covid-19 pandemic is not foreseen in the State Budget,” the Minister of Health
revealed to the deputies of the Commission of the Assembly of the Republic on
Social Affairs, Gender, Technologies and Social Communication. Minister Armindo
Tiago explained to @Verdade that, since January, the fight against the new
coronavirus has been carried out by withdrawing funds “from other health
extremely late 2020 State Budget is for 345.4 billion meticais: 124 billion for
civil servants’ salaries, 70.9 billion for public investments, 40 billion for
financial operations and 34.5 billion for the acquisition of goods and
services. The drama is that the government plans to collect only 235.6 billion
meticais in revenue, 195.5 billion of that in tax. As
@Verdade revealed, 14.2 billion meticais of the capital gains tax paid to the
state from the business between Anadarko and Total will be added to the revenue
pool, and the Executive plans to raise 28.5 billion on the stock exchange
through further internal indebtedness. “When this pandemic started, we did a
review and we arrived at a lower scenario, which is what we are using here (in
the state budget proposal) of 2.2 percent growth (this year),” the Minister of
Economy and Finance started by explaining to the deputies of the Parliament’s
Plan and Budget Commission last Friday (10).

Maleiane confirmed the news advanced by @Verdade, clarifying to the deputies of
the 3rd Parliamentary Commission that, in the US$700 million that the
government is seeking from the Cooperation Partners, “we include 79 districts
on the base of ‘One District, One Hospital’, which is provided for in the PQG
[Five-Year Plan] but, because there are many districts that are not prepared in
the event that the country enters Stage 4 (of the Covid-19 pandemic response),
it was unanimously agreed that, if there is any availability, the construction
of these hospitals should be brought forward”.
minister of finance also revealed the request of the Confederation of Economic
Associations for the postponement of the payment of Corporate Income Tax
(IRPC). “That alone gives 29 billion (meticais), then it proposes exemption
from VAT on oils, soap and Covid-19 means of prevention and treatment and this,
added up, gives about 30 billion (meticais),” Maleiane said. These amounts are
not included in the State Budget proposal expected to be approved this week by
Frelimo party deputies.
Combating the new coronavirus is being done by withdrawing funds “from
other health programmes”
another parliamentary hearing on Saturday (11), this time to the Commission on
Social Affairs, Gender, Technologies and Social Communication, the Health
Minister reiterated that: “The Covid-19 pandemic is not foreseen in the State
Budget”. Armindo Tiago told deputies that the Health Ministry projected the
cost to Mozambique of facing the new coronavirus “is US$50 million, which we
hope will be covered by 70% by Partners and 30 percent by the State Budget”.

by @Verdade how the expenses the Ministry of Health had incurred since January
have been paid for, Minister Armindo Tiago stated: “We are doing it through the
twelfths reallocation process, but we also reallocated the funds allocated by
the Partners. We had a meeting and they accepted us reallocating the funds
available (for other health programmes). These are the ones that are being used
to face Covid-19, obviously with all the difficulties that this process
entails. We are withdrawing from other health programmes considering that this
is a priority. When the State Budget is approved, we will make the due
jets could be made available to the Ministry of Health
learned that the National Institute of Health, an institution that has been at
the forefront in testing suspected cases and epidemiological investigations of
patients, is running at a budget deficit. In 2019, out of the 92 million
meticais it expected to receive from the State Budget, only 63.5 million were
made available. More than 41 percent of the funds that the INS needed for
research and scientific activities had to be obtained through bilateral
agreements, multilateral organisations and competitive funds.
fact, the collection of samples of the suspected cases and their transport from
the provinces has been carried out through the normal flights of the Mozambican
Airlines LAM, by a private cargo company that charges for its services and “in
a ride” [provided] by oil company Total. It is important to remember that our
country has two executive jets at the service of the President of the Republic
which have, since Covid-19 was detected, been on land.
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