mapping of the national industrial park, an exercise aimed at identifying
points that need investment or support intervention, is in its final phase in
Mozambique, Noticias reports today.According to the Minister of Industry and
Commerce, the initiative will allow the possibility of visualising the
characteristics of the country’s industrial park.Speaking a few days ago in
Maputo, minister Carlos Mesquita said that the process would boost the country’s
industrial potential, with a focus on border areas through which many locally
produced cereals pass to be traded in the market in neighbouring countries,
such as Malawi.
are creating mechanisms for the restructuring of the network of rural
‘cantinas’, being currently in line with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural
Development’s agenda on improving seeds, agronomic research and increasing
productivity,” Minister Mesquita said. He
added that this restructuring would create jobs and boost producers’
confidence.The government recently completed preparations for a study of the
establishment of industrial parks in three provinces of the country, as an incentive
to production and an opportunity for the restructuring of the local economic
fabric. These are the provinces of Moatize district in Tete province, Dondo
district in Sofala and Báruè district in Manica.Feasibility studies are also
being prepared for the establishment and development of industrial parks in
other parts of the country, specifically in Mocuba, in Zambézia province.
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