
Thursday, April 14, 2011


Mozambican President Armando Guebuza on Wednesday inaugurated a new terminal at Vilankulo airport, in the southern province of Inhambane.The larger and more modern terminal, costing 10 million US dollars, was built to meet the needs of the growing number of tourists visiting the region. It is expected that the new facility will further promote the development of aviation and tourism.Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, President Guebuza appealed to the residents of the town and district of Vilankulo to look after the new facility because it will open new opportunities and serve as a boost to local development.“This new terminal will increase tourism, which will in turn create the conditions for more employment”, said President Guebuza.
He pointed out that there will be more business opportunities for the town’s residents. He argued that most people arriving by aircraft will need to be transported to the town and other places.Furthermore, he continued, although Vilankulo has hotels, there are still not enough to meet the demand of all the tourists who will be coming to the area. As a result more hotels will be built, leading to construction work and then employment in the hotel services sector.The new terminal has been built to modern standards and offers passengers convenience, security and comfort.It has separate sections for embarking and disembarking passengers, and facilities for domestic and international flights. The number of check-in points has increased from one to four for the rapid processing of passengers. Furthermore, more room has been set aside for customs, immigration, health and security services.Facilities available at the airport will include a VIP suite, a duty free shop, a foreign exchange bureau, banks, restaurants, a bar and internet access. Outside there is a car park, and it is envisaged that there will be a car rental point.The building of the new terminal is part of a project to modernise and expand the country’s airport infrastructure by the company Aeroportos de Mocambique (ADM)The construction work was carried out by the Chinese contractor Anhui Foreign Economic Construction Group Co, Ltd (AFECC) who are also currently working on the international airport in Maputo.

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