The state visit of President Nyusi to South Africa last
October had at its core one heartbreaking situation. They led President Nyusi
and his entourage with 60 entrepreneurs, more senior officials who accompanied
him to the construction site of the power station Medupi future of coal, 360
kilometers from Pretoria. Medupi is a gigantic monument to high corruption
Zuma's kingdom.
With over five years of delay in work and already 50%
surplus over the budgeted amount, served to fill the boxes of the ANC, through
its business arm "Chancellor House", imposed as a BEE partner (black
empowerment) in work. From 2018, Medupi will produce 4,000 MW (4 GW) of
electricity burning mega amounts of low calorific value coal. thus
substantially contribute to the degradation of the environment and water
resources in our region, even increasing the risk of global warming. Visit the
Medupi served to confront the Mozambican delegation to the brutality of energy
ANC options.
The energy strategy of the ANC, based on coal and nuclear,
is based on the interests of the coal industry in South Africa and favors
boundless lobbies of nuclear energy are promising. These options actually
reject the regional option of clean and economic energy production from the
natural gas fields of the Rovuma, fifth or sixth largest natural gas reserves
in the world.
For the nuclear option the ANC, which provides for the
installation of eight nuclear power stations from 2016 and within a minimum
period of construction of 14 years, the investment will not be less than 120
billion dollars. This investment is at least ten times the cost of energy
integration option from the Rovuma gas, without even taking into account the
indirect economic benefit that could result from an increase in transfers
between the economies of the two countries. Visit the Medupi expressed the
traditional role of the Southern Africa regional bully.
But exactly why, it raises the important question of the
sharing of benefits resulting from energy supply from Cahora Bassa. Cahora
Bassa Since the new 2007 supply agreement, ESKOM of South Africa buys power
from Cahora Bassa to the price of 0.1256 Rands per KW / h, a price in 2007 was
absurd, given the levels of the price of energy produced in South Africa and
worldwide. Currently, average energy prices are 32 cents Dollar in Germany, 20
cents in France, 16 in Brazil and 14 in Russia.
The price from 2007, of 0.1256 Rands, was at the time
equivalent to $ 0.017. Today, in 2015, it is equivalent to $ 0009. It means
that the price has dropped a little level less than 2 cents of the dollar to
just under 1 cent on the dollar. I mean that nowadays only ESKOM is paying 1/3
of that paid by the same energy in 1982.
Or in other words, the ANC government has tripled the
injustice practiced by the government of Apartheid! To get a sense of the size
of Cahora Bassa power of plunder, you must remember that the real pre- CO and
market value of electricity even in the regional context of the SADC, is 15
times higher than it is to win on sale this energy to South Africa through the
long transmission line from the Cahora Bassa. To hinder the prevalence of
normal commercial considerations, the transmission line from Cahora Bassa was
designed and purpose built in a way that makes it impossible any power supply
in the national Mozambique from this transmission line. This means that South
Africa remains comfortably and without risk of competitiveness receiving 1.3 GW
(representing about 5% of national energy consumption) from Cahora Bassa. At the
current price, equivalent to an annual value of 1,430,332,800 Rands, or 106
million dollars. The actual market price should add at 1,576,413 million or
1,576 billion dollars.
The sad conclusion is that the giant brother of Mozambique,
South Africa, largely enjoys its development and its relative wealth at the
expense of at least two generations of Mozambicans who have not had access to
education, health and often the opportunity to development. The political
challenge is to convince the brothers of the independence struggle in South
Africa that regional energy integration on the basis of energy sources in
Mozambique will have greater benefit to everyone, including the ANC.
* By André Thomashausen Professor of International and Comparative Law at the University of South Africa (Unisa)
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