Monday, January 30, 2012

The white race just changed!

Our job is to say that Erick is called Charas, Charas is boss of the group, owner of the only newspaper printed and distributed free of charge in Mozambique.
Moz: When was the newspaper "The Truth", there was much skepticism about the project, especially regarding the free of charge. Why a free newspaper? What is the motive for the newspaper?
Charas Erick (Erick): The newspaper The truth is essentially free, because it came after a study has been done, a business plan and outlined their goals. Emerged as the best alternative and the option to bring information to people. After his studies and research that we had come to the conclusion that if the intention is to spread the access to information, should be taken into consideration what the people have. We're not talking about a group of privileged people who have capacity. We are talking about the majority who may appear to have money to spend, but has thousands of options to spend your money. So the basic idea was to observe this point of law that the people must be informed. We think that information is a right for us constitutes us as citizens.Moz: Is there an update that did in his Facebook page that said it was urgent that Mozambicans were freed of their liberators. The liberators that mean? And why? What would be the way, in your opinion, for this release?
Erick: Yah. This is one of those things for now is not and can not be attributed to a single person. It is a common conversation and the feeling that goes into each one since independence are still living the same misery. Most people walk dissatisfied with the level of governance we have today. Says so. He says I'm being managed today by the Government that are already in for thirty years. We were talking about the youth recently. You have people today who are younger and vote and determine the future of the country, who are younger compared to the period when the same people in power and nothing changes. And we talked about 50 times that Graca Machel joined the government in 28 years. So we continue to be governed with old ideas. Can not those who govern us today, create policies and programs for what we have today as needed. The rules that send live according to them are old. Only in context: you look for other sides and you see that liberation movements are falling. People are not fighting against governments that have existed for two or three years. People are fighting against governments with old old ideas.Moz: Once, a newspaper called him even in a very hidden and using resources stylistic with Frelimo disenchanted? Erik Charas is disenchanted with Frelimo?
Erick: (Laughs) I do not know ... For now this newspaper. But look, it depends on what is being disenchanted or even charmed by FRELIMO. Virtually maybe I'm reaching a point of saying this: Frelimo, with those who are leading it today, has expired. Needs new leaders. Need new thinking. You need to be a representation of the people. You must see that when Frelimo was created was as a representation of the will of an entire people of the Rovuma to Maputo, the poor and indigent. The people wanted to get rid of a system. Today Frelimo represents what? Today the leaders of Frelimo represent the will of the people out of poverty? During the war of liberation, the leaders of Frelimo were in the bush. Crawling with people. The people welcomed them and thanked the hut. Today the leaders of Frelimo people go to the hut with mineral water. They refuse to drink the water of the people. So disillusioned is not a personal case. There is disenchantment against Frelimo. No. Let me be clear: I am a member of Frelimo and when a person believes something is in line with their ideals. We are not talking here about ice cream. It is according to what is written in the constitution of the party. Now I ask: what is written in the constitution of the party is what their current leaders advocate? I do not know. Now comes a paper that called disenchanted, I'm actually disappointed with a lot and in the first place with this newspaper is a newspaper shoeshine. I do not even read it. Because deep down a newspaper is not to walk to lubricate. It is to inform people.Moz: The group Charas in partnership with its allies launched an ambitious project called home "Youth House" which besides being a business aims to contribute to alleviating the housing problem in young layer. How many walks?
Erick: The project is in progress and motivate us even more. In fact, the best news I had today (Wednesday ancestor), is that after all the rain that left the capital of the country flooded, the area of ​​the Youth House is brilliantly grounded. Our ditches are draining the water as it should be. Right now we move forward with the foundation of 15 of the 26 buildings we going to do initially. Everything is in progress. This year we plan to start with the delivery of houses to those in front. Unfortunately I could walk better, not from the perspective of buyers or construction. Necessarily speak to the issue of support. We are talking about a project that is primarily for young people. And it becomes clear that this project could be sold and could be implemented later. I am the implementer of the project within the Youth House in which theory is for someone. We have partnered in order to be hired to develop a project, the answer I gave, and that makes me be invited to various parts of the world and Mozambique, is that my interventions should be social curries. I said that the project fits in the land, it is young. There is a structure that owns it. But what was important to say this is to develop and the Government by its nature had to be involved as part of their responsibility to provide housing. Initially we will deliver around 150 homes. This is what is written in the contract. In global terms we have three years. But not everything is in global terms. You have people who buy this year, have a term, and who buy next year, have another term. But I can assure you one thing, people who come to the project today, the houses only have two years from now. There is no way. We currently have over 400 people who have bought and are waiting to receive the houses. And people who pay are a key part of the financing. At the stage where the project is already invested close to $ 30 million.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Poorly educated children damage the country’s future, warned the Mayor of Maputo, David Simango, on Monday.Speaking at the opening of the 2012 Mozambican school year, Simango appealed to parents, teachers and the pupils themselves to contribute towards improvements in the quality of education.“It’s not worth wasting time discussing the quality of education, since we already know it’s poor”, he declared. “What we must do now is work to improve the quality of our education”.There is a widespread belief that, although there are more children in Mozambican schools than ever before, this increase in access has been achieved at the cost of a decline in quality. The poor quality of primary education has knock-on effects in secondary schools, as seen by alarming failure rates in December in the exams taken by secondary pupils at the end of 10th and 12th grades.Simango insisted that all stakeholders in education should work to ensure that children know how to read, write and do basic maths, and in this way contribute to the fight against poverty.“For us to have good quality education, we need trained teachers”, he said. “But that is not enough in itself. For if the pupils do not apply themselves, then they are not going to learn. Furthermore, the parents even if they do not have high qualifications themselves, should contribute by accompanying the training of their children. If we were to do this, then we would contribute to raising the quality of education”.The school year opened throughout the country on Monday, under the motto “Let’s make good quality education a task for each and every one of us”.The Maputo City deputy director of education and culture, Alfredo Nahia, told the ceremony that all the vacancies for enrolment in the city’s schools had been filled. There were 71,246 vacancies in first, sixth, eighth and 11th grades – the grades that mark the four cycles into which primary and secondary education are divided.There is no enrolment in the other grades, since pupils move into them automatically from the lower grades.