
Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Lourenco  Rosario, rector of The Polytechnic, defends the need for the Frelimo party meeting in Pemba in its 10th congress, focus the discussion of substantive issues on the daily national, such abstentions massive who register in the elections electoral in the country.He believes that since the ruling party Frelimo, must reserve a mission to understand the causes of abstentions and find solutions to the situation.He so enjoyed the academic performance report Frelimo since the last congress in 2006, which presents encouraging data in the context of the increasing number of party members and accomplishments.Lourenco do Rosario said that although the party has been fortified, there was increasing rate of abstention in the elections and Congress should discuss what is wrong, "to avoid capitalization of malcontents."The source stated that two issues should dominate the attention of lawmakers, including national unity and achievements between the 9th and 10th congresses.He noted that in its assessment noted the need to emphasize the difficulties experienced in the space between 2006 and 2012 and this is the ideal time to discuss them.Meanwhile, journalist Mabunda Moses said not to expect major changes in the structure of Frelimo, but guess what Congress will leave "decisions that will contribute to speeding up the print fulfillment of government programs."He referred to the construction of infrastructures, offering more services to citizens, especially health, water and education, while in the latter the focus is on literacy. As for the speech of the moment, which puts national unity as a priority, the source says that this comes at a good time. However, it believes that the recent discoveries of mineral resources recommend that greater attention to the need to elevate the principle of national unity, to assess the reality of other regions.Mabunda Moses cites the cases of Nigeria and Angola, where no record of conflicts fueled by the existence of mineral resources, the fact that in his opinion should be taken into account in the country.The 10th Congress of Frelimo since Sunday that arises in Pemba has the presence of opposition parties and foreign parties friends.However, Mabunda considers the invitation to opposition parties as "a tragedy for the country," as they "offer nothing new to the event."He explained that discussions were witnessed by all parties in no time one of the opposition parties is booked for expression of its position in relation to the report of Frelimo."They are only provided spectators and not get up to say that you promised and what more did not. They are almost all comrades, "he said.The vision of Moses Mabunda defend arises from the fact that democracy is good causes divergence of opinion, which is not the case.On the other hand, indicated that, because extending the invitation to opposition parties and allowing them to witness the debates, Frelimo reveals its solidity.

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