Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Moçambique must walk to 10 hour ...

The debate on the model of exploitation of mineral resources in Mozambique and its benefits for the state continues ... Last week was the economist and university lecturer, Firmino Mucavele, arriving on the scene. Criticized the model used by the government to manage resources and warned that "if current levels of advertising and exploitation of mineral resources continue, in a few years will only Mozambique with holes, while others will take money and go away."
According Mucavele, "we're moving at 200 kilometers per hour (in the exploitation of natural resources) and run too." According to the academic, to monitor current levels of resource exploitation, "Mozambique should send 10 thousand students per year to Australia," he said, repeating that "we will stay with holes while others will take money."
The economist said that the existence of mineral resources in the country it is not no discovery, because already in the 70s had a lot of coal in the country and the Russians and Germans spoke of these phenomena. "But now, anyone announces the findings, which is dangerous."
According to this scholar, the fight against poverty can only be effective with the work. "To teach young people do not need to use the policy, but rather simple words. Using science to create wealth. "The wealth is in the field. Leaders must know how to drive, listen. Young people have to use science to contradict dirigentes.Mucavele spoke last week at a meeting organized by the Mozambican Youth Organisation, under the "celebration of 50 years of Frelimo".

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