Thursday, June 20, 2013
The Dutch companies Royal HaskoningDHV and Vitens Evides
International have been awarded a contract to work on a project to supply
drinking water in Mozambique’s capital city Maputo.The two
companies will design a new water distribution system for northern Maputo which will eventually supply safe drinking water to
550,000 residents and 20,000 households.The contract was awarded by Mozambique ’s
Water Supply Investment and Assets Fund (FIPAG) for the implementation of all
services required for the development phase of the project that will be funded
by the Dutch government. The contract is worth 2.2 million euros (just under
three million US dollars). The water distribution system will be part of
the Corumana Water Supply System, a 130 million dollar project funded by the
World Bank through a loan to the Mozambique
government.The Corumana Water Supply System will initially supply 60,000 cubic
metres per day of treated drinking water to Maputo
from the Corumana Dam on the Sabie
River . This capacity will
be extended during a second phase to 120,000 cubic metres per day. The
distribution system will cover an area of about 900 square kilometres. Royal
HaskoningDHV and Vitens Evides International will design the system with four
new distribution centres and 192 kilometres of primary and secondary
distribution pipes connecting 20,000 household to the water supply for the
first time.The consortium will also draw up the tender documents for the
construction of the distribution system.The design phase is due to end in April
next year, with building work scheduled to begin before the end of 2014.The
Dutch government will fund the construction phase with a grant of around 20
million euros, and will pay for the system's operation and maintenance for the
first decade, costing around one million euros.According to Royal
HaskoningDHV’s project director, Bob Bakker, “the new sustainable urban water
supply system will provide good quality drinking water for more than half a
million inhabitants in northern Maputo. The new system will improve drinking
water quality and quantity, and will reduce the costs per litre for the
inhabitants that now depend on unreliable sources”.Bakker added, “it is
exciting to have the opportunity to provide a system that will make a real
difference to the quality of lives of so many people, and help to enhance the
Maputo community in such a positive way”.Currently the cities of Maputo and
Matola and the adjacent areas rely on the Umbeluzi River for their water
supply. But the system based on the Umbeluzi treatment station is no longer
sufficient to meet the growing demand for water.The Dutch government previously
contributed 18.6 million euros to the expansion of the Umbeluzi system, a
project which increased the number of people benefitting from this system from
670,000 to 1.5 million.
port and rail company, CFM, has said that it will not close the Sena railway
line to traffic unless it is ordered to do so by the government, according to a
report in Thursday’s issue of the independent newssheet “Mediafax”.On
Wednesday, Jeronimo Malagueta, head of the information department of the former
rebel movement Renamo, publicly threatened that Renamo forces would halt all
traffic along the Sena railway line, from Beira to the Moatize coal basin, and
its spur that goes to the sugar town of Marromeu.Malagueta justified this
Renamo blockade on the ground that it intends to prevent all movements by the
riot police (FIR) near the current residence of Renamo leader Afonso Dhlakama,
at Satunjira, in Gorongosa district (even though the Sena line does not pass
through Gorongosa). Reacting to the Renamo threat, the CFM director of
public relations, Alvens Cumbe, said “in matters of order and security we
follow the recommendations given to us by the government”.To date, CFM had
received no instructions from the government concerning the use of the Sena
line, and so the company has not ordered a stop to the movement of trains along
the railway.The main users of the Sena line are the mining companies Vale and
Rio Tinto, which send coal exports to the port of Beira along the line. Malagueta
justified his threats with the claim that Renamo is in possession of
“classified government information” concerning a government plan to attack
Satunjira and kill Dhlakama. But ever since Dhlakama moved to Satunjira last
October, Renamo has claimed that a government attack on Dhlakama’s base is
Last Minute
A military contingent is the way to the center of the country most likely to respond to armed political tension which we live.The Canalmoz encountered a column of military vehicles apparently new that followed towards the Save River taking an average of 30 soldiers each. Altogether there are 15 trucks among which some of FIAT recently acquired. At this time six trucks and two military vehicles of Mahindra brand in the region are Chimondzo Bilene district province of Gaza because two cars are damaged. One of the brand TATA trucks following the military caravan is logistics.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Distractions caused by personal interests?
What is the reason for so much stubbornness and inconclusiveness in
negotiations that would be simple to solve? Is someone waiting for contingent
specialized mercenary forces or friendly governments to contribute to a quick
military victory? Does the political good sense and foresight policy no longer
part of the vocabulary of certain people with power to halt this drift of the
political process in Mozambique? Where is the sense of political leaders and
state government? The paralysis and immobility in finding solutions to real
problems and concrete is dangerous for the country's political stability. You
can not use strategic games poorly designed and extremely dubious consistency
to direct the defense and national security. Some of the events in the sphere of
defense and security ultimately convey a somewhat inappropriate to an entire
sector of vital importance to national sovereignty and territorial integrity.
While it may be a mere act of banditry is common to cities like Maputo is not
without strangeness and wonder that a chief of the General Staff of the Armed
Forces is mugged in broad road, losing both the car that followed as the arms pistol and a
laptop. Conspiracy theories as explanations scarce and people affected stand in
silence arise. So that the external hand whenever something goes affection
arrives at a moment of social saturation. There is no speech that is understood
and accepted as full and sufficient explanation for some very strange facts.
About the attack on the armory Savane many experts could provide authoritative
explanations. But it is obvious to the layman that something went very wrong in
this whole episode plus the arena of defense and security. It is up to
politicians and political-military strategists bring clear and definitive answers
on matters within its sphere or area of interest. While there are no explanations the
general public will consume so many rumors, hearsay or any other information
provided by different communicators. Those who say they are friends of the
truth seek to know in depth the genesis of the facts but this endeavor is not
facilitated by the secrecy surrounding government affairs even in the social
and economic sphere. What really is at stake is a set of procedures in
obedience to some strategy that will have been elected by the ruler. Or
distraction caused by so many interests and agendas in the public and private
spheres someone has forgotten that it was important and fundamental outline a
strategy corresponding to the actual situation of Mozambique?

safeguarded and the people suffer wearer. It's as if culture were
government or they were. So much talk and assign pejorative adjectives to some
extent to other rulers there who forget to think about the issues inherent in
their portfolios however that public servants ...
People with this quality or profile actually fulfills a role as
mediocre reality leaves vista.Afigura say that a whole experience in defense
and security built over many years of war was perdida.Quem forgets his past and
lessons offered by it runs the risk of repeating mistakes with serious
consequences ...
Do not rely on external partners to solve problems as Mozambican
government was quick to say that outside mediators are not required for the
government to talk with Renamo concerns about this. Whoever wants peace
struggle it without subterfuge ... (N. Nhantumbo)
Saturday, June 15, 2013
The Truth Newspaper (@Verdade) reporter witnessed the entry tonight, through the Port of Maputo, 50 armored military vehicles and unspecified amount of weaponry Belico.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
The publicly owned
Mozambican Hydrocarbon Company (ENH) has announced that it is not currently
seeking to sell any of its stake in the country’s gas fields.However, it has
admitted that it has been approached by companies interested in buying into
Offshore Area 1 and 4, situated in the Rovuma Basin off the northern coast of
Cabo Delgado province.According to the chairperson of ENH, Nelson Ocuane, cited
in the daily newspaper “Noticias”, the mission given to the company by the
Mozambican government is to enhance its participation and to create the basis
for the company to transform itself over the next twenty to thirty years into a
hydrocarbon operator.
Ocuane stressed that “we have a mandate to structure the financing and maximise
our participation in the blocks, and prepare the company so that in a few years
we can be a project operator in research, exploration, processing and
commercialisation”.He was responding to recent media reports that ENH was
considering divesting some of its fifteen per cent stake in Offshore Area 1,
where the US based company Anadarko is the operator.Ocuane stated “what we have
proposed to companies that have contacted us, and who would like to participate
in the development of natural gas in the Rovuma Basin, is that this can be done
through the stakes that are offered for sale - such as when Cove Energy sold
its shares”.Asked about plans for the company’s holdings, Nelson Ocuane said
that these will eventually be sold to Mozambican investors in line with the government
policy of promoting the entry of nationals into hydrocarbon projects.So far, up
to 65 trillion cubic feet of recoverable gas has been found in the group of
natural gas fields contained within Offshore Area 1. Several companies are
interested in taking a stake in Offshore Area 1.On Monday the Indian state
owned company Oil and Natural Gas Corporation announced that, together with Oil
India Limited, it was going to buy out the ten per cent stake owned by Videocon
Mauritius Energy for 2.5 billion US dollars.However, to the company’s great
embarrassment, the announcement was withdrawn within hours as the deal has not
been finalised.In April the Algerian state owned hydrocarbon company Sonatrach
announced that it was seeking a stake in Offshore Areas 1 and 4 through bidding
for a proportion of the part of the two licences held by ENH.Although ENH has
made clear that it is not looking to sell, there are other options. Anadarko
has indicated that it is willing to sell a ten per cent stake in Offshore Area
1.Meanwhile, planning is underway for the construction of onshore facilities in
Mozambique to liquefy the gas so that it can be shipped to market. Anadarko
hopes to bring this online in 2018, and estimates that it could make Mozambique the third largest exporter of LNG
after Qatar and Australia .
The Bank of
Mozambique on Monday decided to cut its key interest rates by half a per cent.At
its monthly meeting, the Bank’s Monetary Policy Committee announced that the
Standing Lending Facility (the interest rate paid by the commercial banks to
the central bank for money borrowed on the Interbank Money Market) will be cut
from 9.5 to 9 per cent, and the Standing Deposit Facility (the rate paid by the
central bank to the commercial banks on money they deposit with it) will fall
from 2.25 to 1.75 per cent.The Compulsory Reserves Coefficient - the amount of
money that the commercial banks must deposit with the Bank of Mozambique -
remains at eight per cent.A statement from the Monetary Policy Committee
pointed out that the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD) has cut its prediction for growth in the global economy to 3.1 per cent.
The Committee also warned that economic activity in the eurozone in the first
three months of the year fell by 0.2 per cent, and growth in Japan is slowing
down.However, it was able to report that in May the consumer price index for
Maputo city showed a drop in prices of 0.41 per cent compared with a rise of
0.6 per cent in April. This was driven by a fall in prices
for food and non-alcoholic beverages. Prices also fell in Beira
(-1.75 per cent) but rose slightly in Nampula (0.19 per cent).The Committee
indicated that this shows a recovery in fruit and vegetable production
following the flooding that hit the south of the country at the beginning of
the year. In addition, some international commodities have dropped in price.The
national currency, the metical, has stabilised against the US dollar and
strengthened against the South African rand.On the last day of May on the
inter-bank exchange market there were 29.91 meticais to the US dollar, which
represents a monthly appreciation of 0.37 per cent.Against the rand, the
metical appreciated by 11.68 per cent and was trading at 2.95 meticais per rand
(compared with 3.34 per rand at the end of April).Despite the fall in consumer
prices in May, the country’s annual inflation rate rose to 4.9 per cent (up
from 4.79 per cent in April).The money supply expanded by 1,597 million
meticais to 40.399 billion meticais at the end of May.The Committee also reported
that net international reserves fell in May by 13.2 million dollars to 2,198.8
million dollars.The next meeting of the Monetary Policy Committee will be on 12
The population and just say it!

Saturday, June 8, 2013
After Addis Ababa, Tokyo and Seoul ... President arrived in Maputo!

The first signature on the letter to Guebuza, published on the AMM’s Facebook page, is that of Pascoal Mocumbi, a founder member of the ruling Frelimo Party, and who held in succession the posts of Health Minister, Foreign Minister and Prime Minister. He remains a member of the Frelimo Central Committee.
The two other former health ministers who signed are Helder Martins and Fernando Vaz. 81 other doctors added their names to their letter, many of them well-known specialists in various fields of medicine in the national health service, and including several founders of the National Health Service.
The letter stresses that the health service is one of the most important gains resulting from Mozambican independence and that the right to health care is enshrined in the Mozambican constitution. Those who work in the health service – doctors, nurses, and auxiliary and administrative staff – are the backbone of the system, but Mocumbi and the other signatories stress that “the performance of these professionals in the battle against illness, which is an inseparable component of the fight against poverty, requires decent working and living conditions”.
Over the years, the letter adds, those conditions for health workers “have deteriorated sharply, with shortages of basic medicines and equipment in the health units, very poor housing conditions, particularly for young doctors and postgraduates, and miserable wages”.
Furthermore, the health budget, the letter accuses “has, over the past five to seven years, shrunk by about 50 per cent, while the budget for some other sectors, of much less social relevance, has increased ten times, or by 1,000 per cent! This shows the level of priority that the government grants to the health sector”.
Such concerns had long been raised, “but regrettably the response has systematically been silence”, the letter says. “As a result, health professionals feel demoralized, disrespected, revolted and suffering injustice because of the authorities’ lack of a response to their concerns which would recognize the value of their work and their efforts”.
This, the signatories state, is what has really led to the demands by the AMM in recent months and the current strike. While the letter says nothing about the specific demands of the AMM (notably for 100 per cent rise in doctors’ wages), it describes the strike as “very just and legitimate”, while admitting that it is “tough and painful” for citizens who depend on the health service.
The letter notes that the situation could deteriorate. So far, minimum services have been guaranteed in the health units hit by the strike – but this may not continue. “The resort to medical and nursing students, first aid workers and volunteers, is a dangerous and deceptive solution, which could lead to serious and irreparable mistakes”, the doctors warn. “It is not the simple use of a white uniform that grants the skills and competence to exercise the profession”.
The signatories are thus appealing to Guebuza to intervene in order “to establish an immediate, genuine and fruitful dialogue”.
“You spent your entire youth always fighting for just causes”, the letter tells Guebuza, “and so you will certainly recognize that what the doctors want is that they should be valued and that their working and living conditions should be improved. It is also a struggle for their own dignity and the dignity of people who deserve to be treated by qualified and motivated professionals. In the end, it is a struggle for the self-esteem of doctors and of other health professionals”.
The letter also attacks “situations of coercion, intimidation, dismissals and repression against health professionals involved in the strike”. Such measures are “unacceptable under the rule of law and only worsen the situation”.
In particular, the signatories condemned the detention of AMM President Jorge Arroz on 26 May. On that date, the police made a clumsy attempt to charge Arroz with sedition, but were thwarted by the speedy intervention of the Attorney-General’s Office, which ensured that Arroz was set free within four hours of his arrest.
The letter also denounced what it described as “a campaign of disinformation waged by the public sector media (which live on taxpayers’ money) and by some authorities who are trying to minimize the seriousness of the situation, hide existing problems and denigrate the just and legitimate demands of the doctors and other health professionals”.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
a strike by doctors and some other health workers now in its third week,
negotiations between the Mozambican Health Ministry and the Medical Association
(AMM), which called the strike, remain at a standstill.Each side accuses the
other of responsibility for the impasse. A Monday press release from the
Ministry said that it has always been open to dialogue with health
professionals and their associations – but it has not found from the AMM the
openness needed to solve the dispute. In the Ministry’s view the impasse is
caused by the lack of respect shown by the AMM leadership for the government
negotiating team, which is headed by the Permanent Secretary in the Health
Ministry, Marcelino Luca, and includes national directors from the Ministries
of Health, Finance, Justice and the Public Service.The AMM, however, claims
that the government team is not empowered to take decisions. It has thus sent a
letter to Prime Minister Alberto Vaquina requesting that the government replace
members of its delegation with people who can take decisions. This looks like a
veiled demand for the government to send Ministers or Deputy Ministers to
negotiate with the AMM. Meanwhile, the strike is taking a heavy toll on
the health service in Maputo
– but seems to enjoy little support among health professionals elsewhere in the
country.In the capital, out-patient appointments have been suspended because of
the lack of doctors to deal with them. Other services in the main health units
(Maputo Central
Hospital and the Mavalane and Jose Macamo
General Hospitals )
are operating with the support of military doctors, volunteers from the
Mozambique Red Cross, and students from the Health Science Institutes). Cited
in Tuesday’s issue of the Maputo daily “Noticias”, the director of the Mavalane
hospital, Ussene Isse, said that, due to the absence of striking doctors, the
hospital can only provide basic services such as maternity and paediatric
facilities and intensive care.“In recent days, we have seen the return to work
of some nurses and other support staff, so the teams on the wards seem
complete. But we can’t say the same about the doctors”, he said.The Jose Macamo
hospital is semi-operational, thanks largely to the presence of the medical
students. “Noticias” found that the emergency services at this hospital were
now functioning “with some degree of normality”. At both hospitals, the morgues
are now operational, which has allowed funerals to be held normally.In the
northern province of Nampula two doctors at the health centre in Ribaue town
have returned to work, after a two week absence. But there are still 21 doctors
in the province on strike – 20 in the Nampula
Central Hospital
and one in the Angoche
Rural Hospital .
In Gaza
province, the situation remains unchanged. Two doctors and two nurses at the
Chokwe Rural Hospital remain on strike, but the other health professionals at
this hospital, which serves all the northern districts of Gaza, are continuing
to work.The clinical director of this hospital, Manuel Cipriano, told
“Noticias” reporters that the commitment of these workers, plus the
contribution made by a military doctor and nurse provided by the Interior
Ministry, has allowed the hospital to operate “in complete normality”.The Gaza
Provincial Government issued a press release praising most health workers in
the province for refusing to join the strike, and those who, after initially
taking part in the strike, have subsequently returned to work, “thus showing
that life is above any other interest’.In the central province of Manica too,
the situation remains unchanged with only two of the 47 doctors in the province
on strike – one in the provincial hospital in the city of Chimoio, and one in
the Chitobe health centre in Machaze district.The Manica Provincial Health
Director, Juvenaldo Amos, told reporters that the gap caused by the absence of
these two doctors has been filled by resorting to foreign doctors, and students
from the local health science institute.In the northern province of Cabo
Delgado not a single health professional has gone on strike. The provincial
health director, Saozinha Agostinho, said that in all 17 Cabo Delgado districts
the health units are operating without any restrictions, and all the health
workers have presented themselves for duty as normal.
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