
Thursday, November 28, 2013

It is an operation to recruit soldiers who fled the war

The city of Beira was yesterday " fire and sword " . Reports realizing forcible recruitment of young people to join the ranks of the FADM , in the war that the government is moving against Renamo in Sofala , put the city in an uproar . First registered an unusual calm, because young people were afraid and did not the streets . After the city was agitadíssima , because young people took to the streets to protest and seek military walking to recruit people . Hence tempers rose and a city with a reputation for " hectic " lost control of everything. Within moments , everything was burning with youth clubs and machetes in hand looking for the military. The situation is exacerbated when the police and military took to the streets to fight youth . There are reports that there are young people who were shaking " captured " to parts unknown . The Canalmoz learned of the operation on Monday , when a manager called to inform us that one of his staff had escaped the recruitment and took refuge in the bunker Maquinino market. Come into contact with that employee who told us that two young men who walked with him were caught that morning . Did not know them . Already on Tuesday , we received a message from a citizen in Beira with the following wording: " A group of elements FADM is starring in operation commonly known as " Operation Take Shirt " , forcibly recruiting youths for parts unknown without the consent of their families . This morning at the market more Maquinino 45 young were captured and sent to take shirt and confiscated their cellphones to avoid communication with their families . At the moment the market is Maquinino flies and not opportunistic missed in this process , many goods were looted . Reportedly this operation began on Monday , the ' plates ' are sent stop and withdrawn young to parts unknown , " reads the message sent by a citizen in Beira for Canalmoz . Reports of recruitment multiplied and the city was to fly to decide the youth take to the streets to defend " their freedom " .The Ministry of Defence ( MDN ) convened the press yesterday afternoon for by the National Director of Human Resources , Edgar Cossa , belie the forcible recruitment of young people into the ranks of the Armed Forces for the Defense of Mozambique ( FADM ) in Beira ." It is not true that the Ministry of Defence Force or other defense and security is making the enforced military conscription . It is aimed at discrediting the rumor fulfill this sacred duty to the fatherland , " Edgar said Cossa .
The Canalmoz contacted a senior IDF officer in Beira said that the operation exists, but is not for every couple. " We really had an operation with the Military Police aim to capture several soldiers who fled barracks including Gorongosa , and Muchungue Marínguè . Are young people who have operations in Gorongosa afraid to die . Many of them left the uniforms and weapons in the woods . But the operation was poorly executed and shook the city . And the attacker youth and thieves have taken this situation to vandalize the city, " the official told us FADM . Until the closing of this edition had already reported the death of a minor.Official data collected from a source Bank of Relief Beira ( HCB ) , Central Hospital indicate that , until 21 : 30 hours of yesterday, had given those input services , 30 wounded . this number , 10 downloaders four are in the resuscitation room and the rest was discharged . Of those in resuscitation , two are in serious condition therefore have bullet in the abdomen . Until the closing of this edition were toenter the operating room with haemoperitoneum diagnosed . ( Eugene Bapiro)

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Candidate asks to resign

The Police of the Republic of Mozambique ( PRM ) on Gúruè , in Zambezia province again resorting unnecessarily to the force , shot and killed two teenagers , including a boy of 15 years old and a 17 year old girl , who accompanied a group of citizens who challenged the victory supposedly made ​​the Frelimo candidate Janguir Ussene , on the last Wednesday ( 20 ) elections . Is that authority , where the population had already promised not to vote for Frelimo , as in Mocuba , after the counting of votes MDM and its candidates and winners listed as householders were aware of these results while already counted victory for the party Simango . However , some juggling of electoral administration bodies addicted votes placing them in favor of Frelimo , a party with 50 years of existence and that of long time here has been strongly contested by its members and supporters , especially since 2004 when where Armando Guebuza became President of the Republic and of the same political formation .
Following the defense of city Gúruè - without using any violence - against the results of the previous election , the PRM fired on unarmed citizens , having just two innocent lives . A police officer was seriously injured , because at the time wanted to shoot , population, already angry with the death of two teenagers , has mastered the man , took possession of his gun and physically assaulted . Note that at the public presentation of Janguir Ussene after internal elections Frelimo , in August this year , he was publicly rejected by residents and these promised not to vote for him or his party in the case in the past would compete scrutiny. Apparently , the people knew what I was saying and kept his promise .
In the municipality of Gúruè lives an environment to cut with a knife . There is a further strengthening of the Rapid Intervention Force ( FIR ) that runs Cuamba . The mission of these agents with a reputation for mistreating individuals and unmannerly to suppress social tensions is to walk from house to house in order to identify members and supporters of MDM to mistreat them . There are currently too many people to abandon their homes because they fear reprisals residence . There are reports that the very Frelimo candidate Janguir Ussene asked to resign because nobody counted on the environment that you live locally . Indeed , he acknowledges that at no time has won the elections on the 20th of this month , so we prefer to resign. He is a trader and want to touch the lives forward . However , Frelimo does not let you do that .
Now Janguir Ussene escorted walks and his family is out of their homes . Despite the fear of men in plainclothes circulating FIR by the local authority , in turn , the population is " hunting" for personal and family Frelimo also to do justice . Settled turbulence in Gúruè .

Friday, November 22, 2013


STAE ( Electoral Administration Technical Secrectariado ) was , yesterday afternoon , meeting emergency Mocuba , in Zambezia province , because the Frelimo candidate , Beatriz Nhula , lost the elections in favor of MDM candidate, Fernando Wee . The candidate Frelimo had 10090 votes against 10630 votes the candidate MDM . Frelimo won for the City Council with a minimum margin . Had 10501 votes, against 9644 MDM . Tables STAE instructed journalists Securities and RM not to announce the
results . So here were not yet public the results of Mocuba . A journalist from a public agency said the pictures were STAE " adjust the results ." The Director of the Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration ( STAE ) confirmed the delay in tabulation Mocuba , but says it is due to a confusion that is installed on the table and forced a break in the process. But STAE director confirms the information we advance , that counting had been completed . Did not advance results and advised us to " wait " . There is much nervousness in Mocuba .

In the first picture , a citizen shot in Mocuba this morning framed in a group that manifested itself against the possible results that give defeat the candidate of MDM that cidade.Na second photo MDM bloody flag that was around the neck of the young singer Max love, who was killed by police while celebrating the victory of Manuel de Araujo the presidency of the city of Quelimane , on the afternoon of 21 November.

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Are not yet officially known partial results of the 4th local elections this year widened to 53 municipalities ( 43 municipalities against 2008 ) . But the one that is granted on a national scale , the election was marred by violence , sponsored by the Defense Forces and Security, with great involvement of the Rapid Intervention Force ( FIR ) . Beatings , arrests of opposition members and tax , assassinations of citizens , is what is recorded in terreno.Os clearance results at polling stations reveal generally a win Frelimo party and its candidates in most municipalities . MDM has managed to position itself in second place in both the Municipal Assemblies and number of municipalities won. Partial official results should be known at 10 am today at the State Administration Technical Secretariat ( STAE ) , announced the Director eira and Quelimane cities to date of the election were ruled by MDM , the results available so far indicate that cities will remain under the management of MDM in both counties as president of the Assembly Municipal.No municipality of the capital , Maputo , MDM and its candidate managed to amass high number of votes . Throughout the area of cement, including the neighborhoods of the elite and urban waist , MDM won comfortably . The results favor the Frelimo candidate and its peri-urban areas . Even Simango and Frelimo gain in Maputo , this will result in tighter Frelimo capital


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Political manipulation of the police

Is not a party of peace and for peace .

Elements of a unit of the Rapid Intervention Force - FIR - erupted this afternoon , November 16 , for the 15 hours in the field of Munhava armed with AKM - 47 and lacrimogemeo gas grenades , firing guns into the air and launched tear gas shells to the crowd , thus creating great confusion terrible cries for help and people to trample over each other in their desperate search for a safe place to hide . This happened a few minutes after Philip Paúnde , secetário General Frelimo party , failing to pass the street Kruss Gomes , towards Chota - Munhava due to the flood of cars and people , having been forced to go back and arrajnado an alternative route that take him to the local committee of the Frelimo party , located near the field where people were concentrated to hear the closing speech of the campaign Simango , candidate of the Democratic Movement of Mozambique , MDM , for the office of President of the Municipal Council of Beira . Philip was Paúnde who called FIR for having judged humiliated by the opposition , said a source from the provincial command of the Polica to restore their dignity pinched . The launching grenades into the field , were paused and cadenced , with the key objective of not allowing people reagrupassemm more , having done thus aborting the crowded rally MDM awaited for over eight thousand people , acompanahavam caravans of Simango , waiting to hear the last words of encouragement politician. The MDM candidate and his family were removed , the races , the security , to a safe place . A police source command Sofala province , who declined to be identified , said that the aim of the operation was aimed at solely Simango for being a nuisance to Frelimo . A bullet fired purposefully , to annihilate it passed very close to Simango , which ended up hurting a lady , too, was looking for a shelter . As a result of the disturbances that caused FIR , about 25 people were admitted for treatment hospitar at Station Health Munhava among inanimate , to have inhaled excess gas , and injured and four cars that at the time , sported symbols Frelimo party , such as flags and election propaganda material were vandalized and fired by the people furious , despite the intense firefights of FIR . Additionally , two motorcycles , which were art caravan Jaime Neto , Frelimo candidate , were burned , even in front of the committee of the party comrades . Our informants Munhava neighborhood of where the riots took place , told us this Sunday morning , the headquarters of Frelimo , the former headquarters of the district, the city council expropriated numprocesso judicial addict, located Maraza , was looted and vandalized by the population and the shots continued into the night . Also noticed this morning that the Tribune that Frelimo had assembled for the closing rally of his campaign , in the field of Samora Machel Secondary School , was burned and removed all symbols of Frelimo . Ask the service personnel at the Health Center if there was any input given death as a result of skirmishes with the FIR , so we said no and has passed the 19 hours . Meanwhile , some of the furious went to the local committee of Frelimo ( in Munhava ) wielding stones and flammable materials to burn the premises . The police contingent was reinforced police protection ( cinzentinhos ) and task arremassar tear gas shells and make fire with live ammunition was reserved to the FIR , considered an armed wing of the ruling party because of its subservience to the command of Frelimo . The population assaulted screamed for FIR feel strong and capable , and then go Muxungue Gorongosa to confront armed Renamo men and leave the people in peace , because the policy is solely for political parties and party nehum should be patronized by State's armed forces . The FIR did not want to hear the appeals of the people to go fight armed Renamo continued , oblivious to launch tear gas grenades against the population . Comes running reliable information according to which the Frelimo party will not allow any authority of a provincial capital will be with the opposition and , if necessary , will use the Frelimo Polica and much blood will be shed . It is exactly what you can watch the cycle of violence against the people and the opposition has begun to attempt to decapitate the MDM , taken as a major obstacle to the plans of the ruling party . With violence and patronized the electoral bodies , the Frelimo party can get all the municipalities , not need to pretend elections since it is concerted with its FIR and its supposed impartial electoral bodies . Remember that for the current military crisis that the country was going through STA FIR which took the initiative of war , for the purpose, while Renamo attacked concentrated at its headquarters in both Gondla , in Manica province , and in Muxungué , in Sofala province , culminating in the seizure and occupation of Satunjira on 21 October. With such acts of violence , it is sufficiently demonstrated that Elements of a unit of the Rapid Intervention Force - FIR - erupted this afternoon , November 16 , for the 15 hours in the field of Munhava armed with AKM - 47 and lacrimogemeo gas grenades , firing guns into the air and launched tear gas shells to the crowd , thus creating great confusion terrible cries for help and people to trample over each other in their desperate search for a safe place to hide .
This happened a few minutes after Philip Paúnde , secetário General Frelimo party , failing to pass the street Kruss Gomes , towards Chota - Munhava due to the flood of cars and people , having been forced to go back and arrajnado an alternative route that take him to the local committee of the Frelimo party , located near the field where people were concentrated to hear the closing speech of the campaign Simango , candidate of the Democratic Movement of Mozambique , MDM , for the office of President of the Municipal Council of Beira .
Philip was Paúnde who called FIR for having judged humiliated by the opposition , said a source from the provincial command of the Polica to restore their dignity pinched .
The launching grenades into the field , were paused and cadenced , with the key objective of not allowing people reagrupassemm more , having done thus aborting the crowded rally MDM awaited for over eight thousand people , acompanahavam caravans of Simango , waiting to hear the last words of encouragement politician.
The MDM candidate and his family were removed , the races , the security , to a safe place . A police source command Sofala province , who declined to be identified , said that the aim of the operation was aimed at solely Simango for being a nuisance to Frelimo . A bullet fired purposefully , to annihilate it passed very close to Simango , which ended up hurting a lady , too, was looking for a shelter .
As a result of the disturbances that caused FIR , about 25 people were admitted for treatment hospitar at Station Health Munhava among inanimate , to have inhaled excess gas , and injured and four cars that at the time , sported symbols Frelimo party , such as flags and election propaganda material were vandalized and fired by the people furious , despite the intense firefights of FIR . Additionally , two motorcycles , which were art caravan Jaime Neto , Frelimo candidate , were burned , even in front of the committee of the party comrades .
Our informants Munhava neighborhood of where the riots took place , told us this Sunday morning , the headquarters of Frelimo , the former headquarters of the district, the city council expropriated numprocesso judicial addict, located Maraza , was looted and vandalized by the population and the shots continued into the night . Also noticed this morning that the Tribune that Frelimo had assembled for the closing rally of his campaign , in the field of Samora Machel Secondary School , was burned and removed all symbols of Frelimo .
Ask the service personnel at the Health Center if there was any input given death as a result of skirmishes with the FIR , so we said no and has passed the 19 hours .
Meanwhile , some of the furious went to the local committee of Frelimo ( in Munhava ) wielding stones and flammable materials to burn the premises . The police contingent was reinforced police protection ( cinzentinhos ) and task arremassar tear gas shells and make fire with live ammunition was reserved to the FIR , considered an armed wing of the ruling party because of its subservience to the command of Frelimo .
The population assaulted screamed for FIR feel strong and capable , and then go Muxungue Gorongosa to confront armed Renamo men and leave the people in peace , because the policy is solely for political parties and party nehum should be patronized by State's armed forces . The FIR did not want to hear the appeals of the people to go fight armed Renamo continued , oblivious to launch tear gas grenades against the population .
Comes running reliable information according to which the Frelimo party will not allow any authority of a provincial capital will be with the opposition and , if necessary , will use the Frelimo Polica and much blood will be shed . It is exactly what you can watch the cycle of violence against the people and the opposition has begun to attempt to decapitate the MDM , taken as a major obstacle to the plans of the ruling party .
With violence and patronized the electoral bodies , the Frelimo party can get all the municipalities , not need to pretend elections since it is concerted with its FIR and its supposed impartial electoral bodies .
Remember that for the current military crisis that the country was going through STA FIR which took the initiative of war , for the purpose, while Renamo attacked concentrated at its headquarters in both Gondla , in Manica province , and in Muxungué , in Sofala province , culminating in the seizure and occupation of Satunjira on 21 October. With such acts of violence , it is sufficiently demonstrated that Frelimo is not a party of peace and for peace . It is undemocratic to not accept to live with the difference . . It is undemocratic to not accept to live with the difference .

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Former spies in presidential contest

Former employees of the Information Service of the State Security focused on the Presidency demanding payment of their pensions.

Journalist beaten

The Armed Forces of Defense of Mozambique ( FADM ) beat two journalists from the Independent Television of Mozambique ( TIM ) , until they lose consciousness . The occurrence took place in the city of Matola . It is the Chief Editor of TIM , Alexandre Rosa " Chando " which is currently in inanimate Emergency Clinic of Sommershield in Maputo , and cameraman Claudio Timana , who is stuck in the barracks FADM Malhanpsene in the city of Matola .It happened when the military was threatening the population because of a land dispute in the neighborhood of Malhampsene in Matola municipality .The population contacted TIM and reporters this private television station went to the ground. Arrived there were met with gunfire and then arrested .The journalists were brutally beaten with rifle butts and kick by Army soldiers . Alexandre Rosa ended up losing the senses in the hands of the military , so they immediately dropped and has thus been possible to succor him .Rosa , was first brought to the Private Hospital of Maputo , where there came to give entry because an order from headquarters instructed the driver to take TIM journalist for Clinical Sommershied .The Canalmoz was in Maputo Private Hospital where noted exclusive images of the arrival of Alexander Rose , still, still in the car .TIM has already submitted a complaint at the police station Mussumbuluko against the military .Until they publish dispatch knew only that health care already being provided to Alexander Rose , but still unaware of any prognosis. ( Editorial )

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Began campaigning

No Renamo , starts today Tuesday , in 53 municipalities throughout the country , the election campaign , overlooking the local elections that will take place on November 20 . In some areas of the country , mainly in the center , still the specter of civil war , and through that, until yesterday , the National Elections Commission ( CNE ) pondered postponing the said areas . But were not disclosed municipalities that may not have elections this year . Are properly attached to the local elections , parties Frelimo , the Mozambique Democratic Movement ( MDM ) , Humanitarian Party of Mozambique ( PAHUMO ) , Labor Party ( PT) , Independent Party of Mozambique ( PIMO ) , National Reconciliation Party ( PARENA ) Greens , Progressive Liberal Party of Mozambique ( WNPP ) , Party for Peace , Democracy and Development ( PDD ) , Independent Alliance of Mozambique ( ALIMO ) , Ecologist Party Movement Earth ( PEC- MT ), Movement for Democracy ( MPD ) and even citizen groups ASSEMONA ; JPC ; ASTROGAZA , ANATURMA , SINFOTECNICA and UIUIPI - Pemba .Elections if stemmed very hard-fought case, the electoral bodies direct the process with ethics, decency and transparency. There is much anticipation for the country's capital , Maputo , where three candidates competing particular Simango that competes for its own succession , by Frelimo , Venancio Mondlane , the MDM and Ismael Mussa , as independent..

Monday, November 4, 2013


The Mozambican writer Mia Couto was awarded the Neustadt international prize for literature , awarded every two years by the University of Oklahoma since 1970 , amounting to $ 50,000 ( 37,000 euros ) .The list of nominees for the prize of the Biennial International Literary Neustadt this year was part of the Argentine writer César Aira , the Vietnamese Duong Thu Huong , the Ukrainian Ilya Kaminsky , Japanese Haruki Murakami , the American Edward P. Jones , the South Korean Chang - rae Lee , the Palestinian Ghassan Zaqtan and Edouard Maunick , Mauritius .Mia Couto was thrilled to be awarded with the international literature Neustadt , claiming that it was a kind of " counter-current " because of the situation in the country and the " threats to his family ." The distinction with what is considered the Nobel Prize American " coincides with a troubled time and concern in Mozambique and , in particular , of my family , which was also the subject of threats ," the writer Lusa , reminding " grim situation [ in the country ] because of the possibility of resumption of war." In cities " there is a situation of great tension caused by threats of abductions , kidnappings and violence," said Mia Couto , who, being a "kind of counter ," admitted the joy of receiving a distinction . Mia Couto wanted to spend in the first place , the prize to his family , which he called "first nation " . " And then to Mozambique , for all the reasons , but now even more because we have to be more together in this quest for peace options for alternative development ," he said . The writer pointed out the importance of this award is given to a writer in
Portuguese to " arouse interest and attention " for languages ​​other than English . The award has honored , among others , the Brazilian João Cabral de Melo Neto , Álvaro Mutis , Octavio Paz and Giuseppe Ungaretti.Além the check , Mia Couto will receive a reproduction in silver of an eagle feather . Mia Couto is the pseudonym of Antonio Leite Emilio Couto , 58 , author who has received awards Camões , Eduardo Lourenço and the Latin Union of Romance Literatures . The author of Sleepwalking Land and Stories Abensonhadas has received the National Prize for Fiction Writers Association Mozambicans Prize Virgil Ferreira of the University of Évora , the Latin Union Prize 2007 of Romance Literatures , Prize Passo Fundo Zaffari and Bourbon literature , of Brazil , and Eduardo Lourenço Prize , among others . The Confession of Leone , published last year is his latest book.

Friday, November 1, 2013


The President of the Republic , Armando Guebuza , during the press conference Swing Open and Inclusive Presidency in Manica province , held Wednesday in the city of Chimoio considered that some journalists are " agitators of the people " and are said to contribute to the situation that the country is experiencing . "You journalists when they write not look for these details and choose to say what is wrong and publish for people to read things that are not consistent with the truth ," said the head of state . "You go to the Press forests Gorongosa and see that the Government is to intervene to maintain stability and security to the population but write that everything is bad," said the President of Mozambique . Below Guebuza said that in his view the task of the press should be, " report the truth to the people , prioritize the interest of keeping the peace among the population ."At this time the police suffers profound criticism of society in general due to their poor performance , especially in clarifying the kidnappings , the purpose and visibly worried, Armando Guebuza said trust deeply in the Police and the Military . "I trust my commanding general of PRM and my men of the Military and the police, if there is a problem let me know so I can rectify immediately , not just criticize and say what is wrong , "concluded the Head of State in response to a question a journalist who asked for comment on the alleged involvement of police officers and military home in the abductions .