Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Access to Information and missed opportunities

The debates would be broadcast would help greatly to increase cognitive awareness of citizens at least for the purposes of this election, to the extent that they would have a general idea and compared the manifests and projects each told by themselves.The past week was marked by an intense debate in the public sphere (TV, newspapers, radio and social networks) on the need or not of one or a series of election debates in the three presidential candidates would confront their ideas and views on the country.We would suggest that these debates should in fact happen for a number of reasons for that step we mention.
1. The debates would increase cognitive awareness of Mozambicans
We are a society of low information as the paper notes Carlos Shenga and Robert Mattes, "uncritical citizenship in a low information society: Mozambicans in Comparative Perspective." In Mozambique, only one in five Mozambicans is that it is able to tell how many terms is that the President can fulfill (two terms). In rural areas, this figure drops to 16%. Worse, President Guebuza will reform with only 20% of the Mozambican population to know him by his full name! In terms of cognitive awareness (amount of information that people have about politics and democracy; their exposure to information through typical sources such as radio, television and printed information agencies or through alternative sources, such as friends and neighbors etc. .) the same study indicates that our rates are low: only 13% of Mozambicans regularly read newspapers; 8% daily and 5% a few times a week; 16% of Mozambicans watch television news programs every day and 8% a few times a week. Approximately only 40% of the Mozambican population is interested in politics. This whole introduction was to say that election debates were broadcast would help greatly to increase cognitive awareness of citizens at least for the purposes of this election, to the extent that they would have a general idea and compared the manifests and projects of each said by themselves.
2. The debates would increase the audience
Indeed, an electoral debate three put many Mozambicans glued to receivers than any other political activity in this campaign. In terms of audience, an electoral debate three put almost all Mozambicans is connected to the radio, the tv is and would report directly and critically about the manifestos, plans and priorities of each candidate without intermediaries.
3. The debates reinforce the party identification of voters
Contrary to what one fears, studies show that election debates strengthen the connection with supporters of their candidate regardless of what one can conclude (victory or defeat in this debate). In "Political Campaign communication. Principles and practices ", Judith Trent and Robert Friedenberg argue that electoral debates reinforce the political beliefs of voters regarding their options or candidates. Therefore, theoretically, there is no reason to fear an electoral debate to three.

4 .The debates activate undecided and helps clarify the message
The debates are also a time when candidates take advantage of the opportunity to justify or clarify some misunderstandings, deviations of interpretation as well as enable the undecided and absentee. At a time when the Mozambican struggle with low rates of voting, election debates could help in raising levels of interest and trust of the voters towards these elections.
5 .The debates help in defining the voting schedule
The election manifestos made ​​by the three parties did not have broad participation and involvement of citizens, as could be expected. Three weeks after the start of the campaign, the candidates themselves realized If some salient features, others minimized in their schedules and still others barely addressed. The real priorities of citizens come to the fore as a candidate to make the field. The debates are a single moment that finally the affairs of the people are discussed and analyzed in the perspective of governance.
6 .The debates increase levels of knowledge of the electorate on matters pertaining
As referenced in Section 1, we are a society of low information, practically very little access to political information quality. Hear directly from the candidates and their manifestos so cross greatly increases the levels of knowledge of citizens on political themes.
7. The debates change the image of the candidates. Worse than that is not out
That's it. The debates can only improve the image of a candidate. Worse than this is not possible. Politicians, while making the debate have a noble mission to convince the electorate on three specific aspects
a) your suitability for the position
b) their readiness to take over
c) the technical competence and the feasibility of its program for the greater good.
Thus, lesser-known candidates are more likely to solidify its image with the public and potential voters. But there is an inverse proportionality between participation in electoral debates and improving the image of the candidates. Recognized candidates rarely come his image changed with the debate while less known candidates use these debates to finally solidify his image.
8 .The debates strengthen democracy and satisfy citizens

The popular principle that the ruling politicians are our servants is strengthened when candidates are exposed to public scrutiny and cross, mediated by the media. For all these reasons, we believe that the debates are rather urgent and should happen.(Egidio Vaz/Consultor/In facebook)

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