Friday, September 12, 2014

Questions for Reflection

Have seen, by means of national media a "spot" advertising produced to disseminate the campaign of presidential candidate by the party currently in power in Mozambique, Filipe Nyusi. Similarly, a common denominator is presented to voters: half a dozen young to testify in favor of the candidate saying "Nyusi, I trust you" .Achei a very interesting expression. I then decided to do some instant research around the concept of trust and its various "nuances" to better understand the extent and understanding this propandístico speech. Generally, confidence is a feeling of safety or the conviction that one has against another person or something. Trust can also be a belief that an expectation about something or someone will be realized in the future, based on previous experiences and results that reinforce this feeling. Therefore, to rely on something or someone there who necessarily have previous evidence. Without such proof or evidence, the individual who has to rely on something or someone tends to be based only on the information given (simple phrases like "Nyusi, I trust you"), ultimately potentially follow a line of thought away the verdade.Como can we be sure that Nyusi will be a good President of the Republic? Just because it is the candidate of the ruling party? Or because I was Minister of Defence? Or because it was also a senior official of the Railways of Mozambique? Or why was President of the Railway Club of Nampula and he won the National Championships in 2004? Sane, these "prior experiences and results" not convincingly reinforce the confidence that Nyusi supposedly conveys. All who have eyes to see know that choosing Nyusi as Frelimo candidate in the presidential election is more a result of the internal dynamics of the distribution of power in that party than personal qualities of leadership and / or accomplishment that he has. 
Was "urgent" time to appoint a President of the Republic come from a different region of southern Mozambique and because of the historical founders of the national liberation movement "inherited" by the Frelimo party, Alberto Chipande was the name that followed. Due to his advanced age, this obviously used its powerful internal "lobby" to patronize and promote Nyusi, equal to its origins. Nothing more. In parallel, evidence of leadership of Philip Nyusi are almost all built of reed pillars. He was Minister of Defence yes, but everyone knows that this is a position for which the President appoints only people from absolute political trust. Therefore, would not be far from the clarity of the truth if I said it was not due to any element of personal technical competence of Nyusi he was appointed Minister of Defense. Certainly the same can not be said of the position he exercised with Nyusi senior official of the Railways of Mozambique, due to their area of sudden death when trying to relate to the fact that he was champion national football as a sports leader. It's just that everyone knows that any railway club in the country has in its structure Directive senior-level along the Railways of Mozambique - soon, these positions are not occupied by the competence of its members but by culture or norms of internal protocol - and only in this way, any of their top leaders can not become a good President of the Republic only because I won one and another national championship.
 Moreover, reliability is also related to familiarity with form of treatment. Normally, we trust "instinctively" in our parents, siblings, partners, friends or colleagues. Therefore, the people with whom we have lived in our day-to-day and with whom we have had professional, social or emotional ties. But objectively, the Mozambican people do not have any ties to empathize with Philip prior to his selection as presidential candidate of Frelimo Nyusi. The only people who knew Nyusi, beyond their family and friends were his comrades in Frelimo and colleagues in the Railways, the Ministry of National Defense and the Railway Club of Nampula. Just to remind, Nyusi was quoted less hopeful with masses of party Frelimo and national public opinion initially. It was literally imposed on others by one hundred and fifty members who form the ruling Frelimo elite with its Policy Committee. It was no accident that, after its choice, if orchestrated a "consensual strategy" of support and a heavy industrial propaganda campaign without memory in the country to promote his image as well as its "previous experiences and results." It is here where I situate those young people who appear in the "spots" propaganda witnessing his blind trust in Nyusi. Here is where I situate the "friends of Nyusi" in vogue by the media and social networks. Young people who voluntarily froze their conscience in the fridge mandatory trust in Nyusi imposed by the ruling elites and manufactured in the kilns of an artificial consensus sold to potential voters with colorful unanimity refinements.
In conclusion, trust implies a suspension of uncertainty regarding the actions of something or someone we trust in the future. Therefore, when we trust in something or someone, fully forget all the evil that probably in might be done for you. When someone comes in to say that trust Nyusi or whatever we trust Him, the screens of our televisions, in our streets and in our markets or murals on social networks, is saying to bury any doubt about it. I am not such a fool. I suspect Nyusi, particularly by saying that his election manifesto is full continuity with the previous presidential governance. Is that the previous government achieved historic levels of popular discontent (expressed by systematic surveys and demonstrations and by turning to the opposition in the last local elections), in addition to having been an invariable succession of failed public policies reflected in the erosion of quality of life , education and health provision to citizens (remember the reports on the human development index produced by national and international institutions), the collapse of public security (armed conflict between the Frelimo government and the Reman conflict upsurge of crime and violent crimes associated with the unequal redistribution of wealth), the triumph of corruption and sequestration of assets, resources and services of the State (involving senior members of the ruling party) and the exponential emergence of islands of prosperity (mansions, condos and resorts luxury) surrounded by ocean robes of extreme poverty in urban areas, and rural expansion. If trust Nyusi means automatically and blindly vote for him and the continuity of it, then I prefer to distrust him. And to begin to report it. (Edgar Barroso)

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