Wednesday, August 7, 2024

SERNIC claims to have identified masterminds of kidnappings

Mozambique’s National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC) claims to have identified the masterminds of the kidnappings that have been plaguing the country’s cities. According to Hilário Lole, the SERNIC spokesperson in Maputo city, cited by Radio Mozambique, the masterminds of the kidnappings are three Mozambican nationals who are living in South Africa. Lole explained that, in order to arrest them, the Mozambican authorities are working in close coordination with the International Police (INTERPOL).

“These are individuals we have already identified. International arrest warrants have already been issued because we have information that they are on South African territory. Work is being done with the forces of that country, in close coordination with INTERPOL, to facilitate their neutralization and subsequent accountability on Mozambican territory”, he said.

According to Lole, the Police are on the trail of the four armed individuals who kidnapped, on Monday, a 24 year old man, in broad daylight, in central Maputo. The victim is son of an Asian businessman.

According to eyewitnesses, the victim was forced to enter the car belonging to the kidnappers in the early hours of the morning, near the Hotel Términus.

Recently, the chairperson of the Mozambican Muhammadan Community, Salim Omar, said that the businesses of Asian origin no longer trust the police since they continue to be threatened by their tormentors. He also said that over 100 business people and their families have left the country due to the kidnappings that have struck Mozambican cities for 12 years.

According to the Strategic Analysis Report (RAE), published by the Mozambican Financial Intelligence Office (GIFiM), which is a specialist unit in the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the wave of kidnappings in the country have generated, since 2014, over 33 million dollars in money laundering. The document also said that this money was concealed in various accounts, held by the suspects, close relatives of the suspects and companies, controlled by the suspects and/or their close relatives, followed by the illicit export of capital under various pretexts with a view to concealing its criminal origin.

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