Monday, December 14, 2015

Empty the state of political parties

Resultado de imagem para mdmThe project act of politicization of public institutions, which now will be debated in the plenary of Parliament, presents a priori legal and formal nature issues that call into question its adoption, particularly with regard to merit and opportunity . This was noted during the hearing that the commissions on Constitutional Affairs, Human Rights and Rule of Law and Public Administration and Local Government, held with the leadership of the parliamentary group of the Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM) in its proponent of quality of the project . Speaking to journalists moments after this meeting, the president of "First Commission", Edson Macuacua said such gaps are limited in the project that do not present subject matter, scope, or epigraphs of retracted articles. "The project exposes legal issues of a formal nature, that arise, such as the fact that the project does not display the object and its context, which calls into question a priori, their analysis to assess the idea of ​​law "said the president of" First Commission ". Edson Macuácua also said that a law to be passed, "has to bring, always new. You must add value to the system, "an implicit reference to the document submitted by the MDM does not respond to these expectations. The Democratic Movement of Mozambique submitted to Parliament a draft Apartidarização Act of state institutions, document with nine articles. According Macuácua, they do not have title or title, a fact that was questioned during the hearing between the applicant and the two specialty commissions. 
Resultado de imagem para lutero simangoIn this regard, Luther Simango, head of MDM bench stated that his parliamentary group is open to suggestions, criticism and other contributions to improve the legislation so that it can be approved today, when it is debated by the plenary.In fact, in its reasoning, MDM refers to as his claim to create a law that reflects the equidistant nature of the state in relation to political parties. "In this sense, apartidarização goes far beyond despartidarização as a set-off and temporary measures for the elimination and correction of clear benefit of political parties in the state of practical operation," the project. The document in our possession indicates that if one considers the fact that the political parties in Africa, and particularly in Mozambique, had a historic and unique function to call on you, the hard and honorable task of struggle and proclamation independence, fears of confusion and interpenetration of a sphere over another are not insignificant. "In fact, in Mozambique, the party that proclaimed independence was declared also the sole legitimate representative of the Mozambican people and proclaimed the connection between party and state, an achievement that should be defended at all costs. And, at the meeting of Nacala in 1978, founding and creating the foundations of the new government, which was born from the ashes of escangalhamento of the State Colonial Portuguese Player, decreed to the need to belong first to the party, and then take positions in state, "says MDM in the project. Adds the applicant that "it stood then, the link tradition between state and party that penetrates in our constitutionalism and political-administrative praxis in vain to the 1990 Constitution, and the new tradition of the New Republic tried to fight." In this context, the document says, in its first article, that no citizen can be persecuted or discriminated against because of party affiliation or political options. Article two states that the establishment and operation of centers of political parties or other similar forms of organization in all public institutions at all levels and public companies or subsidiaries by the State is prohibited. 
Resultado de imagem para bandeira do estado e da frelimoThe same device prohibiting the other hand, the use of symbols parties in state occasions, as in the case of flags, songs and other forms aimed glory a political organization. Article three, the project MDM prohibits the use of state assets, government buildings, circulating medium of the government, embassies and consulates of the Republic of Mozambique, abroad, for partisan purposes. "Placing couplets and propaganda material Party activities and meetings and meeting of the same kind is prohibited in state buildings," concludes the third article of the draft. Members of the Defence and Security Forces are prohibited from participating in party meetings, attend headquarters of political parties, use and carry propaganda material of political parties and / or have party members cards. On the other hand, are required, the heads of public institutions and companies of the state or participated by the State in its appointments, grant privileges, dividend distribution, abide by the principle of meritocracy and professionalism, refraining from influences partisan nature.The outrage of these and other provisions contained in this proposal is sanctioned with fines up to six minimum wages, imprisonment up to one year, lose the position.

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