The Foreigner
Identification and Residence Document (DIRE) and entry visa are more expensive
since July 5th. The temporary DIRE went from 19,200 to 33,760 meticais, the
permanent and lifetime from 22,200 to 62,520 meticais.
The granting, renewal or replacement of the
Identity Card has not changed in price, with 85 meticals for minors under 18
and 165 meticals for minors of the same age.
Crew transhipment,
transit and single visas for 1 to 30 days have cost 6,252 meticais, compared
with the previous 1,350 meticais.
The simple 31-60 day visa and the 61-90 day
visa, which cost 2,700 and 4,050 meticais, were increased to 12,504 and 18,756
meticais, respectively.
The 1 to 90 day work
visa, which previously cost 3,600, was revised to 8,440 meticais. The same
happened with the investment visa for the same period. What's more, in both
cases, the government abolished the one-year visa.
The new rates are contained in Ministerial
Diploma 64/2019 of 5 July, approved on 24 May last, by the Ministers of
Interior and Economy and Finance, Jaime Basílio Monteiro and Adriano Maleiane,