The Mozambican government
announced on Tuesday that it is planning a package of measures to boost
national production and to mitigate the effects of the recent depreciation of
the country’s currency, the metical.Speaking to reporters after the weekly
meeting of the Council of Ministers (Cabinet), the official government
spokesperson, Deputy Health Minister Mouzinho Saide, said the measures will
include good foreign exchange practices, to avoid speculation, and a ”more
aggressive” search abroad to bring foreign currency into the economy. Doubtless
that is required to support the government’s pledge to increase intervention in
the exchange market in order to ensure greater availability of foreign
currency. Saide added that, as an exceptional measure, foreign currency will be
made available to import basic goods.The intention, he said, is that goods and
services must be available during the approaching festive season, so that
Mozambican can celebrate Xmas and the New Year calmly and peacefully. Saide
guaranteed that monitoring mechanisms will be in place “to ensure price
stability”. “There will be stimulus actions to guarantee the re-establishment
of national industry, so that there will be more industrial production, to meet
the needs of the local market for foodstuffs”, said Saide. “Agricultural
companies will be reactivated in order to produce more food”.But Saide gave no
details of any of these measures. They follow the press conference given on
Monday by the governor of the Bank of Mozambique, Ernesto Gove, at which he
urged that the country should cut its import bill by importing only goods that
are strictly necessary. He also announced that the central bank will restrict
the use of Mozambican credit and debit cards outside the country. The amount of
capital drained from the economy by the use of bank cards abroad is now running
at 800 million US dollars a year.As the holiday season approaches, prices are
taking off ominously. In the Maputo markets a 25 kilo sack of rice which until
recently sold for 600 meticais (11.3 dollars at current exchange rates) now
costs over 800 meticais. The price of a ten kilo sack of potatoes has risen
from 180 to 250 meticais, and a kilo of tomatoes from 35-40 to 60-65 meticais.Information
from the Agricultural Markets Information System shows that across the northern
and central provinces producers are hiking the prices of all kinds of beans –
sometimes by as much as 60 per cent. The price of maize, however, is remaining
fairly stable.One bright spot is that the metical appears to be staging a
slight recovery. The average exchange rate on the Interbank money market fell
from 54.74 meticais to the dollar on Monday to 53.82 on Wednesday.
Surprisingly, the largest commercial bank, the Millennium-BIM, is quoting a
lower rate of 52.5 meticais to the dollar.This is still a long way from the 45
meticais to the dollar which last month the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
said would be an acceptable exchange rate, let alone the rate of 32 to the
dollar at which the metical was trading at the start of the year.
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