How do you see the involvement of the Muslim religion in the killings that are terrifying the province of Cabo Delgado? Do you feel that there are tendencies to stigmatize Islam by relating it to macabre acts?
Yes. There is a strategy of stigmatizing Muslims by associating terrorists with Islam. Unfortunately, people are unaware that any speaker of the Arabic language, whether Muslim, orthodox Christian, or other religion, when he says that God is great, utters the word Allahu Akbar. In the United States there is a group that kills doctors, nurses and arson clinics that perform abortions. They call themselves the army of God. They are murderers, but they are never considered terrorists, they are called radicals.
Unlike Christians, the fanatics of Islam evoke the Koran to commit atrocities. Why is the Qur'an a book that promotes peace?
The Qur'an says that the murder of a human being is equivalent to the punishment of the elimination or murder of all mankind. Therefore, the Quran makes it clear that if there is a forbidden thing is to kill someone. Now Boko Haram, Al Shabab, Islamic State or the terrorists of Cabo Delgado are not following the principles or teachings of Islam. As a Muslim I am against slaughter, destruction or any evil to others. However, my concern is: all these movements the world calls Islamic terrorists came long after the war in Palestine, the invasions in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and many other countries. What was the religious pattern of these invaders? Are terrorists linked to what religion? What does the world say about this group of terrorists who killed thousands of people in Iraq and Afghanistan in the name of a hypothetical democracy? Libya was a prosperous country. The quality of life of the Libyans surpassed that of some European countries and was destroyed. The world thought it was normal.
Let us return to the terror of Cabo Delgado and the involvement of Islam ...
Cabo Delgado's terrorism can not be seen in isolation. It is necessary to understand the economics of hydrocarbons, the performance of the great powers in countries where their multinationals have interests. What is happening in Cabo Delgado is no news to anyone who reads the literature that discusses the economics of hydrocarbons. It is not by chance that Mozambique is experiencing outbreaks of violence, with certain characteristics, at a time when Rovuma's gas exploration is about to begin. Coincidentally, these resources are in a Muslim majority area.
In Mozambique there is no religious war and there is no room for such. Colonialism tried to divide Mozambicans by relying on religion and failed. Frelimo Marxist also tried to divide the Mozambican people through religion, but also failed. It is not true that the killings of Cabo Delgado have the religious side. Four years ago I wrote an article in which I warned the right person that if we can not manage expectations about the resourcesthe country's security will be at risk. I came to this conclusion because universal history says that in the geo-economic strategy of hydrocarbons, in territories where resources are abundant there is war. This does not happen only in countries where the Muslim religion is dominant. We have examples from Congo, South Sudan, Nigeria. Strangely, in countries where multinationals that invest in hydrocarbons come from, there is no war, even with abundant resources such as Norway, the United States or Canada. This shows that there is a pattern of violence from developed to underdeveloped countries due to the control of resources. This violence is secular and is exercised in various forms. Even the hidden debts that are overshadowing the country result from the acrobatics of these powers with imperialist intentions to continue to condition the poor countries and withdraw their resources without counterparts. The hidden debts were contracted by well-identified Mozambicans. Where do multinationals enter? I am not saying that there were no thieves in Mozambique in the debts of Ematum and company. There are people who have taken money into their pockets and who should be held accountable. What I am saying is that we have been deceived or naive to create this situation of unsustainable rupture of our economy. How is it possible for European and American countries to sell war equipment without knowing where will it go and how will it be paid? This is at least odd. It is obvious that our secret services have also made mistakes. You see, those who had the obligation to identify the danger were the ones who led the country into a dangerous situation because of the ambition to make money without sacrifice. The imperialists have several tricks to make their intentions clear. Rather, they seek to identify weaknesses in each system and exploit them at their maximum. They have seen ethical inconsistency on the part of our State security services and managed to anchor the country to satisfy their wishes.
I understand the position of the heads of SDS. They are not stupid. They think very well and know that what they tell society about attacks does not convince anyone. Unfortunately the system is conditioned by investor pressure. The SDS fears that if they take a realistic approach they can condition the investment dollar figures, but the unrealistic approach to things will make the purpose of creating an autonomous village in the hydrocarbon exploration zone. Insurgents exist, are deeply rooted, organized with concrete goals. That is, to create pockets of permanent instability so that the multinationals get everything they could not get at the negotiating table. To that end, they are entertaining us with these terrorist movements to divert us the essential. This is the history of the hydrocarbon war. Cabo Delgado has hydrocarbons, has rubies, graphite, emeralds, is in a privileged geostrategic situation. As Mozambicans we should look at this scenario very seriously.
Some days ago, Blackwater Security owner Erik Prince was ready to eliminate insurgents from Cabo Delgado in three months on a $ 800 million bill. What do you think? Everything is priced. Erik Prince, through his company , reached 90,000 men in the Iraq war. It was a highly equipped contingent. That is, the war machine used by the US to destroy Iraq was from Blackwater. Do you think it's normal for a citizen's company to have such an army and military arsenal?
It became clear that in the Iraq War, Mr. Prince was representing US interests. Speaking of Erik Prince, it is important to remember that at the time of prospecting for hydrocarbons in the Rovuma basin, investors said they spent a million US dollars a day in safety. It was a foreign company that guaranteed the safety of the platforms. I think it is fair that the SDS looked at it as an opportunity to invest in the defense of territorial integrity. I believe that if there had not been so many thefts, the deal would have been viable. However, when the imperialists realized that if the EMATUM, MAM, and ProIndicus, no one would account for the indebtedness and their plans might not go away. Thus, investors its projections of the beginning of gas exploration and from there uncovered the indebtedness and put the country squatting. It is strange that in a situation where we are anchored and under terror caused by a group whose face is unknown, a security company linked to the country of one of the investors in these resources, to say that it ends up with the bad guys in record time in exchange for another indebtedness of the country. In reality, what the imperialists want is to take our resources and leave us at zero.
The modus operandi are the same. See what's happening in the Cabinda Conclave in Angola, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Libya or Iraq. See that this begins at Mocímboa da Praia and soon the population calls such criminals of Al Shabab. The population knows nothing of this. That of Al Shabab is the invention of those responsible for these movements to distract us because they know that Al Shabab acts in a radical way fomented terror in a hideous way. This was engineered in a way to consolidate the connection of these insurgents with the terrorists of Al Shabab.
By canceling Rovuma's gas contracts, the government does not run the risk of being pushed for calling into question the interests of these multinationals ...
Investors do not want to take Frelimo out of power. What they want is to condition governance. Investors know that with Frelimo their interests are protected. The entry of another party can bring uncertainties and investors do not want instability that they do not control.
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