Wednesday, October 20, 2010

“It has ministers that they enrich to the cost of the suffering of the people”

The old minister of the Information of the government of Samora Machel says that the Frelimo of the past was utopian e, for this saw, committed errors. As an example, he cites the “law of the Chicotada”. Equal proper itself, I rebel launched critical vehement to all those (over all of the governing classroom) that, in its opinion, they live to the cost of the suffering of the people. I  Rebelo was pronounced in these terms in reply to a fidget of a young, that it looked to know which age the opinion of the former-ideologist of the Frelimo around the corruption that if it installed in the highest spheres of governação. “The Government is an entity abstracta. Inside of the government ministers exist, national vice-ministers, directors (...). some of these are to enrich to the cost of the people. But it also has serious people. It worries what me is to see these serious and honest ones to be run of there. I know, for example, the Dr. Ivo Garrido and I know that he is not corrupt and nor is associated with the corruption, but was run of the Government. I do not perceive reason? I also know the Dr. Eneas Comiche and know of the fight that developed in the City council aiming at to finish with corruption projects (...), but it also was run”, lamented Jorge Rebelo. For I Rebelo, in the lecture promoted for the Youthful Parliament for the ticket of the 24 years after the air accident that vitimou the first President of independent Moçambique, Samora Machel, and more 33 members of its delegation, when returned of plus a mission of peace in the SADC., the country lives a crisis of values and lack of integrity references. Therefore, it has who search the reference for the combat to the corruption in religious confessions. However, the solution next is the figures of Samora and Eduardo Mondlane, therefore they had left lições and they defined the corruption as one badly to fight. “Vocês, youth, today faces a serious crisis of values. In part, they say, vocês proper, that is due to references. They look at to the return, they see or they hear to say that 14 million dollar in the BCM had been stolen, that Carlos Cardoso and Siba-Siba Macuácua had been assassinated because they knew and they could identify the outlaws, that a minister used money of its ministry to pay scholarships in the foreigner for its children (...)”. Still in the scope of the alleged absence of a worthy behavior of imitation in the actualidade, it says I rebel: “the young questions itself, but they do not find beacons for its behavior. It is as a field without beacons, each one mark golo in any part of the field and golo is valid”. However, the obsession for the enrichment inside of the pictures of the Government and old combatants are, as I rebel, a shunting line in relation to the initial behavior. “During the fight, nobody was worried in being rich, but we move”. To only give an example, Jorge I Rebelo says that in the death of  Samora Machel, the Central Comité of the Frelimo said, in a message fúnebre, that it swore to fight the corruption. The message was: “We commit to also point it the weapons with respect to inside. We will know to neutralize those that enrich with the misery”. In the optics of I rebel, the lack of reference in corruption substances and degradation of values is not alone that must worry the young, therefore also the politics drawn for the country, that are not efficient. “In agriculture, mainly, the food production is a disaster. Exactly the potato, onion and tomatoe that we eat daily are imported. The industry is practically inexistent e, as consequência, the prices are insuportáveis”, said Rebelo for who the politics for the sector are to fail. Jorge I Rebelo also recognized that, during the years of the “samorismo”, many errors had been committed. More ahead, I Rebelo said that mine they had been committed because the young governing had “utopian” ideas in the anxiety to make the country a referencial of development and social justice. Jorge Rebelo pointed three: Samora Machel, faced for the raised index of crime, arrived to convince the Assembly the Popular Republic for approval of a law, foreseeing chicotadas for the people who were accused in determined crimes. This proposal, in accordance with I rebel, created serious divergences of opinion, but it disciplines it partisan led, finally, to its approval, even so without congregating consensus. Therefore, in little time, the proposal would come to originate critical mutual in the seio of the sections of the Frelimo. I Rebelo left clearly that, even so Samora Machel was the leader of the party and by the Republic, the decisions were taken by a collegiate and solidary form.

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