Friday, February 10, 2012

Samora today furthered his dream

For the sociologist Carlos Serra, even though by hypothesis, there is only one way to look at Samora and historical context that was his. That is, "Can not say things the color-blind or gender Samora Samora was that was that. Samoreanas There were multiple ways of being, ways to reformulate today suffer from memory, or wound grateful, reverent or aggressive. More than one person, Samora was a collective process, more than he was a conflictual history of the country, more than failure or victory, samorismo was and continues to be a way to discuss a different future, " says. With regard to its governance, Sierra argues that "the plunger samoreana governance" since the liberation struggle was to change the social relations of production and distribution in the country. "All levels, all endeavors, all enthusiasm, all the problems, all resistances, all drama, all the tragedies in short, should, in my view, be managed and analyzed through this prism, the prism of a desired new way of life, the prism of the revolution. "    The current conditions, according to Sierra, justify this "love" the figure of Samora, especially where poverty is more scathing. "Years ago, a survey conducted by me showed that, in the suburbs of Maputo City, Zamora emerged as a sort of messiah figure strong, noble figure, as a sort of vigilante, a redeemer who, if living end the theft, with burglary, with the cunning, with the unrest, with social injustices. At certain times of life, according to the perceptions that we have it, especially if they are bad, we act on our desires symbolically rebalancing social figures like samoreano, made redemptive myths, alternative lifestyles, "he explains.
BMN-List positive and negative aspects of governance of Zamora.
(Carlos Serra) - Built-in millenarianism, intransigence and distrust inherited the hardness of the armed struggle, governance samoreana (and his revolutionary group) was the project of changing the urban and rural life of Mozambicans voluntarismos with typical ages of revolutionary and in permanent conflict with national and international resistance. That proposal called into question on the one hand, the interests of certain groups for whom national independence was just a simple substitution of the settlers remaining inherited social system and, secondly, the racist and capitalist interests of regional powers such as Africa Southern Rhodesia and then South This double constraint is the origin of authoritarian State measures, programs of armed counter-revolution like Renamo and many phenomena of social unrest and shortages of consumer goods.
BMN-How would the lives of Mozambicans if he were alive (and power, of course)?
(Carlos Serra) - Let me tell you something in the form of a paradox: it is easier to predict the past than the future. Most likely Samora proceed now your dream, perhaps with some corrections. To conclude: there are today who, in his role as arúspice specialist, argues that it was with Zamora, the first two liberal measures. With some more work, playing on opportunism, the arúspices say one day that neoliberalism is the current work of Samora, he was, after all, a capitalist born. So, to remember a series of one blog of mine, "to each according to his needs, to each according to his Samora."

1 comentários:

A.Majacunene said...

Será que quis dizer: Samora prosseguir hoje o seu sonho
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carrissimos'm just a young man born in 1986 for failure to equip our history to know who I really was / is very under Samora Machel of DVDs sold by itinerant, I can say that now I feel and all the days that deambulo ave. Samora Machel and I spot one frondoza statue, the void left in us by the physical disappearance of MS. I say I am descended by blood from Mondlane and follower of the ideals of Machel unavoidable, so the house stormy days I do not accept WHAT is before us by those who fought with autrora Machel, his followers were pledged to the people and welfare today are the exploiters of the people created a bourgeoisie in our country ... Samora could hardly believe ta for now proved that his followers 'current governors' show it, but I say Samora never died and never die they live in each one of us then it's time we samoras today we unite and give back to pride and honor to bring welfare to the people we samoras we end up with the bourgeoisie and return the people's power to Mozambique ...

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