Tuesday, May 1, 2012

As a woman, I think so ...

When decisions are taken by trawling the leaves can rnas hands of others, they do not repeatedly been identified with the procedures and hence causes drifting. It is not fair and even inresponsavel authorities starting from this type of positioning face their responsibility in front of thousands and thousands of people. The attempt to want a screen to cover the sun continues to be widely impossible to determining who leads the fate of the country, specifying among other things, the approval of the criminal code by the Assembly of the Republic. A unique opportunity to assert a national initiative originally, laying to waste the obsolete and Fascist Law produced by the colonial state. In sufficient time the body of jurists accepted the challenge because the requirement until the judiciary had the stamp policy. The heated debates between Members were not around the essence of the proposal but for the reasons preventing the bench for most of the discussion is not a legal instrument so necessary to prevent the looting of property of the Mozambican state. A contrarieadade that messing with the class of judicial power that is embodied by technicians of political trust not fail to put forth the nonconformity. The proposed new criminal code imposes a wide range of impairments who holds public office in the interests of the institutions of the state and its citizens. It was clear how the incompatibilities has served with the naked eye who is not never been interested in modern management, fair and respect for the taxpayers and not only. The reasons for delaying the debate on the forum own vain Law since its complexity to the lack of sufficient time that the agenda of the Assembly of the Republic for the purpose intended. There is no will, but this course also deal with the selfishness delipidation of the pillars of our sovereignty. With each passing year the Court Adminsitrativo, more professional politician, has made known his report on the management of public affairs, showing the details of the large sums diverted from their purpose and their whereabouts unknown, or else no disciplinary or judicial procediementos . At this time the National Heritage Board controls only 10% of state assets, including real estate. Given the stark situation in which it is the public administration is permissible and even repugnant let everything remain the same. From within the system came the call for politicians authorize the end of the mismanagement of the study, design of legal instruments and then return at the time of approval ago. The speed of events is such that the instituted power seems not to have understood that the national situation is no longer confined to national borders. The country is being sacrificed for the simple reason of being at stake interests of economic groups that are mixed with the occasional stay of political beliefs. Time is running out, the scope and minimum, you lose the opportunity to catapult bases of regulation of a State which is not as young as intended to justify perpetuating the problems. The best interests of the citizen as the application of a justice that is just one of the pillars for the young multiparty democracy. There is no time to entertain, because the independence of the country dictated the emergence of a critical mass more erudite and informed. The positions of intellectual power on the quiet are known and some do get them to the comrades of the old guard who knows dissatisfied with the direction given for the organization that helped found half a century. Democratic societies, such as Europe, many years practicing and setting up pillars to sustain them live moments of social explosion result of adverse economic policies such as the loss of rights essential to the lives of families and workers. The approval is not a debate in the Assembly of the Republic of the proposed code of Criminal Law and an error and large. The weariness of injustices, unemployment, ostentation are enough ingredients to the slippage of peace conquered and convincing the world that has invested in us. A cord vision, perspective surrounding selfish can lead to limits and everything will be different to what happens in the old continent, it is because humans democratic mechanisms instituted in accordance with their wishes. It is not possible to be equal but also do not seize opportunities for us, always giving foreign economic pressure to change when the house could do with more propriedade.O proposed criminal code also leads to court without excepccoes all those who serve the state. This is the great fear because private property is now confused with the public, or vice versa ...Faced with this conditioning dictated by political elites, legal career and exercise have circulated behind the scenes to influence the approval outputs protectionist. The inclusion of an article amnistiava looters of public goods by the date of entry into force of the Act or for exclusivity then determine the maximum 10 months for offenders can voluntarily resarcir the state. Anyway, the draft law put in the drawer at any time it will be approved, the pressure poque social well obrigar.É a dangerous game will go to the limits of tolerance, because the background do not give credit to those who begs for the correctness justica.Sem law to prosecute the criminals who live at the expense of the state, the power falls into the street and the crimes will eventually judge them.

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