Wednesday, January 15, 2014


What the government of Mozambique considers " political- military tension " or " incidents of Renamo men " has little or nothing different about the way he began the 1976-1992 armed conflict. Taking the nomenclature and regional geopolitics, both conflicts began with the deaths of innocent civilians . After making all the reflections on the origins of conflict , responsibilities , and everything else that matters most to political analysts and already flooded many shelves of books and articles , the reality that needs no analysis are the people , especially civilians , who die as a result of the war . But even so , there are still those who only consider a conflict as severe or serious when the death toll reaches alarming levels . This tells us a lot about human nature , the lack of empathy that men have towards each other . Deaths from this new conflict in Mozambique since mid-2013 are still not easily quantifiable , but a simple estimate can put the human losses in tens . But tens is , for many of us , as insignificant to alarmarmos in number. Compounding the fact that after all the deaths happen in remote villages in the center of the country . And remote is the information of the people who die, which further increases the distance between the reality that should be alarming to our comfortable city life . In retrospect, apparently we have nothing to fear . The water gets to our taps . There are electric lights day and night. The gas is available in garanges , as well as charcoal . The shops and markets are crammed with goods. The plates, though increasingly insufficient , continue to circulate quietly . We have private cars there is always fuel at the pumps . In the end, we have all the conditions for a self-indulgence that distances in the remote villages of Muxungue ( and now Homoine ) . And every news that there were attacks among men and Renamo FIR and FADM , one is struck in the head and abanamos . Sometimes we criticize , moreover , have increasingly criticized the government's arrogance and inability to resolve the situation . But do it on the sly , in corners , in our circles of friends , the plate at the bars . Even some newspapers , the unofficial course, write some articles protexto . That is all. All agree that these " incidents " , these " atques " can recreate scenarios of violence and destruction that characterized the armed for over 22 years conflict. What ever ask ourselves is the attitude we take when this conflict began . All of us in the cities , ran to join the ranks of mass movements , workers , young followers , Mozambican women , all come together to condemn the attack on our country by the imperialists and their domestic agents , "armed bandits " . We did this when we heard the first news of the Rhodesian attacks in Manica . We did it when the first " armed bandits " were captured and shown to the masses in the town square . When in 1980 we heard that the " bandits " had come to attack , now with more force , we return to the streets to protest . All accept the explanation of the origin of the war . It was the white racist South Africa. And made ​​so much sense . There was , in fact , contrary explanation. But the reflections of the origin of the war , which greatly fueled the academic production and conferred many universades catedraturas in the West , have not served to stop the war . In 1982 the "bad guys " were operating in marges the capital city. And they began the first wave of " black outs " of cuts electricity energeia who had to drag to the end of the war . But this was not the first alarming sign of conflict . Our cities , particularly the capital , had already tripled in size. There was so much people in the cities that the little we had started missing almost completely . The shops of the people now unable even had lamps , much less food. And machibombos , who had long ago lost efficiency , totally collapsed . Our buildings were crammed with people that their sewage systems have exploded , and with its black waters that flowed throughout the city , especially the banks , came the first major epidemics of cholera and dysentery . There were no schools and classrooms enough for everyone . Neither the " night school " resolved demand . And therefore there were more young people with nothing to do , much more than before . The State , the sole employer , never had much ability to absolve unemployed mass. In late 1982 the "bad guys " have killed Marracuene and Matola - Gare , near the heart of the country . And yet , we continue to take to the streets for demonstrations in support of our armed forces and their heroic , the second struggle for independence of our country . Many of us got to get some military training to defend our cities . Weapons to the people defending the homeland , these were the watchwords of our indisputable , immaculate , almost messianic leaders . Segamente believed them . After all , there was authenticity in his personality . Her concern for people was genuine and real . The path they had chosen for us was that it was not the best . Adopted a method that had aged and had failed everywhere where he had applied. Of course not in its entirety. Some things worked . But overall , it was a path doomed to failure . But this time it was not for us to think . Our thought leaders for us and decide what was best for us . The fit we go to rallies and support the central decisions . And we form militias in our neighborhoods and in monitoring as well be required . In 1983 we continued in the same inécria , thought to be and not think . And we continue to take to the streets to march in the name of revolution . And we applaud , salute , support the decision of our leaders who actually had a lot of people in our cities . Slut people who had nothing to do , who lived effort of our work . We support the decision that these people had to be evacuated to the countryside , where she had to work the land to feed ourselves ( and feed themselves and their families ) , as was customary . After all , our hunger did not come from the fact that they had more mouths in our cities , but the fact that not many people working in the field , because it is there where our food comes from . It was obvious to us as the solution to clean the cities of useless parasites who do not even think that is where such parasites had to be taken . Since we were away , was what mattered to us . It was more food, more transportation, more classrooms , more drugs , all to ourselves . And so we work hard in denouncing and removal of parasites , and we sent them there where many were fleeing from the war . Very contradictory . People fled from the countryside to the cities , and we in the cities , captured him and devolviamos to the field . Not occurred to us that these people whom we were to deny shelter, food and water could go ask this shelter , this water and bread to those who were just becoming impossible for bread , water , and eletectricidade came to our homes . It was a very complicated thing for us , anyway , thinking it was not our task . Were also prohibited from doing so. This simple mathematical operation , that we could be feeding our own enemy with us that we were pouring our cities , it was a very complicated operation for us . There was no connection . For us there could be no connection. And our leaders assured us that there was no connection . And so we turn against our neighbors , colleagues , friends, even family members, accusing them of stray , parasites , prostitutes and dumped them out of their homes and sent them to the field . Was so convinced our attitute , our support to our leaders who were confused middle when in 1984 these same leaders were signing a good neighborhood with South Africa was said that so war was to end , because the "bad guys " had not received more officially endorsed their employers . Again we celebrate and applaud in support of another intelligent decision of our leaders . Only this time the celebration and support were different . In our homes we were no longer alone . Our grandparents, uncles and cousins ​​, of which only had news and our parents had left the field since the time of the settler , had joined us. But came with sad news . Our other grandparents, uncles and cousins ​​were unable to reach the city. Fell by the wayside . The machibombos which they were traveling were burned by the " bad guys " , and they were all inside . Came time for dinner , where there was only a thin mackerel and a withered cabbage , which was not even for all the grief of our mothers have slept in the queue and had spent all day there . Often it could not , and had dinner with tea without tea leaf , sometimes no sugar, no bread . But this time for dinner , regardless of what was in the table , the big dish was what our grandparents, uncles and cousins ​​had to tell us . And told how our cousin died at his own wedding party when the "bad guys " arrived in the village and told everyone entering the church, the bride and groom too, and put fire in infrastructure reed . That went out crazy with the flames around the body caught fire or bayonets . And no one survived . Also told that our cousin, who did not get to know because he was a baby still , had been killed by our own aunt , the "bad guys " forced her to pillar the poor child in your pestle. These news dinnertime were more bitter than cacana that our mothers cooked without peanuts . And left us confused . After all, where were we FADM ing has exalted the charts ? Not occur in the " bandits " were more than simple flocks . Which were many , and well organized . But the big surprise was when in 1985 confirmed that in fact the good neighbor agreement had been a charade . And that the "bad guys " were much stronger than before . When captured the base of the bandits , said the gator had been settled, the poisonous snake removed from its burrow, that there was no quizumba amolestar over our country . Only this time we were not on the streets . And it was not just hunger and consequent lack of energy. We knew it was not true . Because our own mothers , and even our parents had to kill a few hours working on the farm , every day risking an encounter with the "bad guys " . For us in the capital , it was dangerous to go to Mathlemele the Bobole , atéAlbazini . And people who had lost legs , arms , roamed the city , alerting us that the war was always there, very close . But now was not just the " invalid " , the direct victims of the war that filled our cities . Our cleaning operation of invalid parasites had not solved anything. And now invalid were actually violent . Turned mabandido , ninjas . And robbed us in order to have food to eat . And killed in cold blood . After the death had become something so trivial ! And our cities , as the field also smelled death. The whole earth , our beloved land , was all she sleepwalking . And it was from here that we begin to awaken . We realized that something was wrong , that our leaders were too disoriented . They had rumors of people coming obretudo universities (more foreigners because our own were still , as we forbidden to think ) , that this war was more than a simple assault from outside. Mozambicans who were fighting against Mozambicans . And nobody ever even know why the fight . As a philosopher , when two parties argue for a long time, says mean no one is right . And the discussion that divided our country has ever ran for over twelve years. To make matters worse , we received one morning in October 1986 the news that our most beloved leader , our messiah , had died in a tragic plane crash , and with him more than thirty leaders . For the first time the entire country was in mourning . It was the first time that we all stopped for a single cry cry to more than one person , when the country had already lost close to half a million lives since the war had begun. I believe we have wept for these half a million souls in that day we were burying our leader . If we did then we will be punished one day. Maybe the resumption of the war today is the punishment . But we woke up the next day more convinced that the war was over, it was necessary to a peaceful political solution. But we have not done any speed . Have not had any energy for it , and our party was so discouraged and disorganized as we are. And the men of the churches , the churches had tables that shouted down a few years ago , in the heat of revolutionary euphoria , these were men and women of the churches that have taken a firmer position for the negotiations between our government and Renamo . Now you wore your own name, not " armed bandits " . In the end, it seems that they had imposed on us the respect that we refused them . But nonetheless , continued to be a strange these Renamos . We did not know them. Until the talks began . But it took five years from 1987 to 1992 . Were five years of negotiations , during which the other half a million people lost their lives . And this time not completely believed they were the actors Renamos some attacks on villages . The news has reached us confused . Everything seemed possible to us. After all , our own forces no longer had the same sentiment in the beginning , and they lacked the same things that were missing to Renamos . And the peasants , if they still had some, could no longer feed the two parties . In Homoine in Inhambane , we never get to know what really happened . But the entire village was queasetoda she disimada . It was the largest massacre of the war , which had now all of a civil war . The designation of destabilization war Jao did not sound as before . It was now a very old name . The wars get older too. And our war was already very old when the two parties decided to sign the agreement in Rome . From 1989 to 1991 we had returned to the streets en masse. Shouted by the end of the war , though his voice hoarse from thirst and hunger . But more importantly, we shouted by increasing salaries , condenávamos the closure of our large plants ( Mecanagro , the metal cutting , the Vidreira ) , and wept for fairer indenmizações . Ie , at the time the talks to end the war were already in an advanced stage , we were in the cities hugs with other struggles . That these struggles were of our own class of workers but we were forbidden to express . Instead of using our power of dough to press harder for the immediate end of the war , still more concerned with our navels . There was a less noble struggle. Quite the contrary . Only deflected in the paper that we should always be taken soon in 1976 when there was the first attack and we did not. But now it was too late for that. The two warring parties , although they no longer knew what you were parties , were also exhausted . And there was reconciliation in Rome , far away . We heard on the radio that they had signed . Those who had watched television live or recording. And all ran to buy the newspaper the next morning . We entered into agreements with appropriate festivities , but not with exuberance. We were all tired . Enxangues . With babalaze sulfur and gunpowder. And came the hard years that followed. The onumozes , whom some of our sisters were sold for a handful of
washingtons or grants , these greener currencies that our Mpondo . And the first signs of an epidemic of sexual promiscuity that was to kill as much as the war that was the beginning of the end. And the hipsters and refugees , cheragam to 5 million , tried to return to the ashes of their land and recover what it could have survived . There was much soul waiting for routing due to the last rest . Many of these souls had already aged . But there were also many open wounds . To reach their villages , many were to know that your neighbor , your friend , your brother, your cousin, in the end, next we had known and participated in chassina eluntou that the Mozambican big family , regardless of which side they in the conflict . These wounds needed another type of medicine. But not only were the villagers , the biggest victims of this bloody war, who tried to rebuild their lives . Those who had made ​​the war , soldiers and guerrillas also had to reinsirir in society . Most would have to learn for the first time , to live in a peaceful environment . Not only had to learn to socialize , but they had to learn to be people being people. Many had discovered the world killing and killed during the 17 years that the war lasted . Today we say 16 , but a simple count from 1976 to 1992 corrects this misunderstanding . In the end, there was much to be resolved. 17 years is a long time , and a culture of violence had taken root in our society and could not be simply ingorada . But what was our attitude ? Incredibly , choose the wrong path . With a lot of lesson to learn , we returned to err . We prefer the road to oblivion rather than the path of openness and truth , however painful it was . Our leaders decided that we should forget the past and look only forward, where there was a better future . All support the decision , and try to forget what had happened . When we reached the independence we used to sing " let's not forget what happened ," ie , abuse and violence of colonial domination . And the mentors of this philosophy could not be more certain , it was necessary not to forget that the country not to fall back into the clutches of colonial powers . Our hymn, the first , which everyone sang with soul and nothing moved when it was sung , reminded us of this colonial wound for which vowed not to return . But now We chose the path that led us into forgetting the horrors that we committed to each other . Wear well , we were all actors in that war . Whether in the field as in the cities . All were victims and perpetrators . Directly or indirectly . And yet we decided that the best solution was to forget and move on . In the background until it was understandable . We were so tramautizados quizemos not endanger the fragile agreement and rekindle a fire that was so big it would not need much to invigorate straw . But the truth is that we choose an unsustainable path . Many scholars , especially historians , also packed in the solution of silence and oblivion, viewed the agreement of Rome as the end of a cycle in the history of the country . For many it was until the end of the story . Thereafter there was nothing more to study . All that had to be written about the war of destabilization or civilian , had been written . The origins of the war, although conflictuantes had been explored and were clear . And now the time was another. As time went on , and approached the first general elections , was convinced of the idea that the war was indeed over and that there were no real conditions for it again . Many still feared that the election result would throw the country into war . But it was more a concern that for many analysts had no material basis . After all , the giant of racial segregation had fallen and South Africa was , as we in the process of his first geriais elections . We arrived to shake when the news of the dark deaths in Rwanda , that in less than three months have claimed the same number of people that we had lost in 17 years ! We realized that the man has no limits in its destructive capacity . But the elections took place . Their results were surprising . We in the cities , especially the capital , had great difficulty in understanding how the Renamos could have achieved so much voting ! The difference between our candidate and theirs was minimal . Then we realized that in fact they were more than mere armed bandits . South Africa certainly has nothing to do with the fact that over 40 percent of Mozambicans who voted thought the leader of Renamos should address our country ! And these elections have created a lot of material for scholars , especially foreigners. Ours were also in the aftermath of war, and were still confused by the new opening scene . Should speak or not , should opine or not ? Could write about this or that, or not ? Foreigners had no such limitations. The more there is much more written books on Mozambique in foreign languages ​​, English and French than in Portuguese ! And many foreign scholars have written books and articles on early elections , and what they meant to the new political landscape of Mozambique . And they succeeded , once again , do catedraturas with issues that only they mattered and served . Others thought it was important to study the mis displaced war victims . And much has been written about the peasants who suffered , who lost their land and family . Others felt it was important to study the demobilized soldiers . These were not interested in knowing what the soldiers and guerillas had lived during the war , but many were , where they were to be resettled , and how they would receive pensions ( which in the end never arrived and now own agregidos are demobilized by the police when they demand what was promised ) . And that was it ! Today spend precisely 22 years since the end of the war . But , wait there , what purpose ? Or treated in a range ? Because the actors are the same ! At least the side of Renamo , the party that was once close to winning the elections . Or are not they ? And the stages of the war ( this current ) , are also the same . Only we, the people , the people of liability eternal comfort of the cities , which were always waiting for us to think and act , not academics , much less our rulers know who is actually making war ! The Renamo such men are as unknown as the old " armed bandits " . And the confusion is such that our leaders do not know what force must be deployed to tackle the insurgents , or FIR FADM . And it is unclear to what extent the force is the solution of the problem . And once again , we the people " educated " cities, we have television and radio at our disposal , and we have the best schools and universities , and porconseguinte best placed to take action to redeem us from our cowardice , we continue to act the same way we do until 1992 . We are waiting for us to think , to act for us . And we risk we see our country be destroyed once again when he still tries to get out of the ashes of the flames of the last war . Only this time our guilt is twofold. In 1975 we did not choose our government or our leaders . But since 1994 it is we who decide who should head in and this should solve our problems responsibly. From 1975 to 1990 we were told is that we were in power , that power was ours, the people , and it was all fake . Today they say that it is our will that is represented in power . And it is also false . The truth is that today , more than ever , we have de facto power. The power of mobilization against what we all believe is right for our country . The NO to war . And because we have this power , we have no excuse for waiting to die over a thousand people there for us alarmarmos . We have to accept that while we can not mourn the unnecessary and unjust death of one person , we will never be better human beings . Our morale is poor, and with it the legacy that we will leave to generations that follow us. And if these generations , our children judge us for having been passive when action was needed , we were cowards when courage was needed , even if we have been blind to the truth and facts wide open , we have been complicit by our silence , they have as much reason as the Germanic generations of post World War II . The path of silence, forgetfulness , lack of openness and maturity to face our most serious problems of the past is what led us , in part , for this situation . We kill each other partly because they knew each other and did not know for sure why we were fighting. Finished the war , rather than corrrigir the problem , to openly talk about the differences that divide us , we opted for oblivion and the ingorância . Never was any academic , these last 22 years, Marringue and " study" the Renamo men . Learn what motivated them to fight, why even today continue to live in Marringue , what are your expectations and dreams , how they think the differences and problems that led to war must be resolved , not their leaders living in Maputo and go 4W4s government . Nobody ever did a study for us to know how Renamo could indeed lead a war for 17 years, almost twice as long as the struggle for indepenência . Why Renamo used looting and killings in southern Mozambique and not both at the center and other areas . How does the fact that they were recruiting (or we will continue to accept that they have swelled their ranks simply by abduction and coercive recruitment ? None guerrillas survive 17 years on the basis of forced recruitment only ) . What were the supply channels armanentos ? How have they remained logistically , especially after the good neighbor agreement ? Who were the generals and what kind of training did they have? How were the lines of communication and command ? How they interacted with the people ? Many countries have already passed similar to our conflict did this exercise in memory and learning . Rwandans who enfrentraram a much scarier horror than ours, were able to immediately reconcile with its recent past , however painful it has been . The Soviet Union opened the files during the time of Gobartchov and many atrocities of Stalin came to light ! Our South African neighbors also faced its dark past with courage . There are many more examples out there. Although these examples , in particular the so-called truth and reconciliation commissions , have not always produced immediate and tangible effects , at least leave the washed and ready to start Sarrar wound. The wound will always leave a mark , and it is good to let us always remember what caused it . But we never ask why we get no reply . She will continue to hurt, and is likely to donate whenever we remember , but at least we'll know why. It's terrible to have such a large wound that besides not Sarrar , Sarrar or not it should be, do not even know why we have it or who caused it. This is the path we chose Mozambicans . Threw sand over the wound and we expect her to get well . In many may have to sarrado . But for others it never sarrou . Simply rotted inside and was digging the meat . For other sarrou the wrong way and left a hideous scar. Just because we have not reconciled as our dark past . Not quite the nightmare and woke up still sonambulamos , or float like the thousands of souls who have never had a proper ceremony to forward these to the last rest as it should be . This resumption of the war , even when he does not ripen into a generalized armed and continue to be a series of " incidents " , conflict is a clear sign that not yet reconciled with our past . And this reconciliation necessarily involves openly talk about what once divided us and that continues to divide us . Necessarily the case with the smallest detail to know polítca economy of the last armed conflict , and sociology of their violence . Necessarily the case with uncompromised know and dispassionately what drove those who devoted their lives to war and violence. And it is especially to us , people of the cities , especially the capital, which lies responsibility of mobilizing every effort we can to put an end to the atrocities committed in Muxungue and national road number 1 . We have that responsibility because we are near the forefront of those who lead our country , before it's too late . And it is not an extra -cool attitude. The exercise of citizenship is not limited only to vote. We are not only citizens of five years , and in one day! Voting is just one of the rights we have to exercise citizenship . And to participate in last year's municipal elections as families were in mourning at the center of the country was more an act of complicity on our part . Demonstrations against the abductions were not enough, and sinned by being elitist . We did not have the courage to accept the fair prosecution of our citizens who live in suburban neighborhoods that we have to be more sympathetic towards the problems affecting the others , so they sollidarizem with ours. Likewise we manifest ourselves against abductions , we should have spoken out against the uncertainty in the suburbs , and even helped residents in their night patrols . Instead of indignant with the unnecessary use of police force in the municipal elections , we must demand explanations and that justice is done . We must press the Prosecutor to make a inquérido and establish the circumstances of the death of a young musician who accompanied the caravan Candidate Quelimane and responsible face justice . That there is an investigation, which is responsible who killed a member of the opposition in parliament Santungira . Let there be an inquiry into reports of fraud in the elections and that are found the truth . What people able and more willing to negotiate are pointed out to solve the impasse with Renamo . We must press Renamo to assume a more responsible attitute , she accepted his position as a political party and act as such , and not as a guerrilla with no respect for human life . That the true leaders of Renamo are pressed , not enfatados of parliament who do not even know where is your leader. We must press the other opposition parties , especially the emerging , so they have a more vigorous attitute in the interests of the people and the nation ! It is not enough to win seats in parliament for the opposition party , and then waiting around to work to win elections by country. The work should be done now , and he is to require the government to solve the issue of war immediately. Never any party in parliament , apart from Renamo , has spoken forcefully and pressed the government to give explanations about the impasse . As the ruling party , opposition leaders must show they deserve our support , because almost all of them add up all the time and only come when it is time for elections. We must pressure the former leaders who now hold positions of great privilege internationally, to be more proactive in seeking solutions to the impasse . They have the advantage of experience , and reap concensos in both parties . This is the time for action in favor of peace Mozambique . This is the test of our ability to take the reins of our destiny . Let not pass a teste.Depois may be too late . Mamidji , January 12, 2014

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