Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Hello friend Emilio...

How you care? And your whole family? I'm fine, thankfully.
But I am totally baffled by a story that began circulating a few days ago. Since it seems that some very bright minds (must have own generators ...) in Sofala decided decrease Beira! Yes, you're quite understand, reduce the area of the city. What does this mean? I mean that part of the city led by MDM and Simango would be reduced to a few blocks and all the rest of the city would become the "district of Beira" governed by an administrator appointed by the State, ie, Frelimo . You gonna tell me that it does not go through the Devil's head. And I agree. But it occurred to one, or more, party members who said he was the father of Mozambican democracy.  For these paternal Democrats remove the MDM part of the territory it won in the ballot box seems perfectly normal. Make all voting, which gave the vote to MDM, those areas that are left out, start to be governed by an administrator Frelimo is democracy at its best. I believe that someone in the dome of the Frelimo party, going on walks, walks to abuse soruma. I see no other explanation ... It seems clear that if this idea is ideótica forward, the population of the border comes to the streets, violently. And we watch the 40 clowns custom agreeing that violence is not that resolve the problems. But violence is not against the Constitution and many other laws, this aberrant idea? Will, if the MDM win the presidential election, will reduce the territory of the country to that building at Julius Nyerere and the entire rest of Mozambique continues to be ruled by Frelimo party?
It's all crazy?
A hug for you than
Machado da GraçaMAIL MORNING - 06/17/2014

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