The page of "Frelimo Yes" on
facebook just make up a lie saying that the Leader of the Mozambican National
Resistance, General Afonso Dhlakama Macacho this seriously ill in the mountains
of Serra de Gorongosa and the supposed wife, Anita Malizane, shifted Beira City
seeking support from Sg Renamo. The "Yes Frelimo" point in his libel
that whoever wrote this news was the CRV Journal Magazine published in Beira.
1-Because I like to investigate, carburei to
any gas, and my research brought the following results:
a) The leader of Renamo-oriented, yesterday,
a meeting of Tables in Quelimane and today, has supervised over a meeting of
Tables in Beira-Dondo that took two hours using electronic media from its base
in Gorongosa;
b) The woman alleged that with the Renamo
leader in Gorongosa called Lucia Fate and not Anita Malizane as "Frelimo
Yes" says;
c) The Secretary-General of Renamo since it
was to Beira at the meeting of the National Council of Renamo never been in
that city;
d) The Secretary-General of Renamo, Manuel
Bissopo today out of Maputo to Quelimane on mission Caucus;
e) - Mahamad Hanif Mussa Editor-in-Chief of
Journal Magazine CRV edited in Beira, denied this news in his commentary on the
"Yes Frelimo" page but this page adiministrador deleted the comment
CRV Magazine newspaper publisher;
f) The leader of Renamo tried their criminal
record certificate last week and was in good health.
g) -
Renamo has a network of secret collaborators that makes link between their
bases inside and cities, so this supposed woman could not have left the base in
Gorongosa to intercede to the Secretary General of Renamo.
The leaders of Renamo inside has
communication with the leadership in cities. (L.Chisseve)