Thursday, October 2, 2014

The controversy of the Blue TEC

The case of the Mercedes CTA was just, for me, the overflow cup water in a plot that has been dragging on almost any term of the present incumbent of the Ponta Vermelha. In my view, there is absolutely no problem with someone offering a car or any other type of gift to the Trustee of the People, regardless of their value and reach.The problem starts when a political dimension Armando Guebuza, and after receiving notice that incurs an offense, takes over 72 hours to make a decision that, in these situations, to avoid any kind of suspicion, should be taken in the morning the next day the offer. If we consider that the consulate was President Guebuza of the Law on Public Probity (LPP) was introduced in the Mozambican legal system and it was he who sent enact, so this is someone who knows the spirit and scope thereof.
I mean, it's not a question of the President be waiting for legal advice from institutions that should provide. Incidentally, the LPP, as everyone will recall, is a law that created friction between officials of organs of state sovereignty, Parliament, government and civil society.
Who does not remember the famous statement of Mrs. Margaret Talapa, head of the Frelimo bench, which, lungs, referred to "the inside and outside ...." in the headquarters of the National Assembly.Whilst it is understandable that President Guebuza did not want to be rude, declining the Mercedes on the day and time of the offer, the next day morning, a letter from the Presidency should have followed for the CTA, communicating the return. That did not happen, and such shows - clearly - that someone paid by taxes from all of us to take care of the image of President Guebuza was the sornar.The letter of caregivers image of President Guebuza should have followed for CTA, communicating that the presented gesture of thanks that guild and economic declines on the grounds that the LPP imposes.In this regard it should be recalled that, wanting, as happens in these situations, President Guebuza had the option, he being presented, but may not receive the offer, suggesting that it was sold, and the value from there that works to overturn charitable, as it sounds happen in other places in this world. A donation of these could be channeled, for example, the Mozambique Red Cross, House Gaiato or any charity.This gesture, in election times like this we are in, would be a big help that would capture some sympathy and, by extension, some more votes for Frelimo and its candidate. Because, like it or not, if someone wants to be honest with you, will agree if you say that, even with so many accomplishments, President Guebuza has its image on the streets of bitterness. To say otherwise would be like trying to find out the sex of the angels!

Everyone talks wear the image of President Guebuza, from leaders of state institutions, Frelimo members at all levels, journalists, etc., and if they do, is recognize that it causes much outrage considerable part of "wonderful people. "Some members of the "just" speak G40 image of President Guebuza in cafes and say the same thing is said in various circles of opinion in this country: the image of the President inspires special care, even in public behave in "politically correct ".On the other hand, the law aims Public Probity (va) serve as a brake to behaviors that would configure conflicts of interest especially in the socio-economic area. Thus, one would expect that the Legal Office of the CTA had alerted the most relevant responsible organization that his gesture was getting a "frock" to President Guebuza.Regardless of whether the President has returned the Mercedes, the eyes of the people, always remains a curiosity that is to know what was the goal of pushing the president to this level?Does the Legal Counsel of the CTA not advised Mr. Rogério Manuel and his "board" of the consequences of his act would cause, subjecting the President to all this ridicule and public reprimand.Does exist vested interests of some members of the board of CTA that are behind the burning of the image of the President? But the other said, the ends do not look at the media. (R. Bie)

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