Sunday, February 6, 2011

Beginning of the end of the colonial empire began 50 years ago

Translate the colonial war in numbers is risking. There will be three thousand corpses overseas. Here, live, more than half a million ex-combatants, five thousand people with disabilities. There are no certainties. The unique is that the 4th of February 1961 marked the beginning of the end of the Portuguese colonial empire.Today, we all recognize that the war did not make sense. At that time, 50 years ago, left convinced that the reason was on the side of the metropolis. Moved the patriotism in which they were educated, was for the war and in strength, defend national territory, serve the motherland, give life by country. Tugas against turras. Felt invincible, and even if it were otherwise, both did, hadn't alternative military service was required. About 11 thousand soldiers died there, in former Portuguese provinces, killed, shot, shattered. Three thousand have been abandoned, nobody knows for sure. The other, live only today 540 thousand (more about 130 blacks, who will live there, but that the Portuguese law not considers strangely), with more than 30 thousand injuries, came back convinced that would be embraced as heroes. "Come under fire, arriscámos life, fought for freedom, have done what the country asked us politician. What should we expect? ", asks, rhetorical, José Carvalho, 59 years, two of Guinea. But the medals received were only visible in some cases, scars, discrete in others, but they toldaram forever life.Erupts through a weekly lunch of ex-combatants adentro, Matosinhos, lunch as there are so many by that country below, and realizes that they are the ex-combatants to take care of each other, which are even they who take account of the remnants in places where fought. Raise money, buy food, medicines, send there and there, in Guinea, already built two water wells. The Portuguese State faz de conta, or, if it doesn't, hides very well."The ex-military Portuguese were abandoned. We are orphans of motherland ", complains José Manuel, sexagenário dourense venture, the Commission of 28 months met in Guinea. "When we arrived, the hardest was the social reintegration. Erámos caught in war was the expression that is used, "he says. Finding work was complicated. Many were lost, others converted to alcoholism, data on ex-combatants homeless homelessness are as disparate as all figures to the colonial war. In any case, versions oscillate between 100 and 300.
It was recently published a study on the "war wounds: (In) justice silenced", coordinated by Colonel of artillery in booking John Andrade da Silva. The JN, the investigator explained that the surprise of the workplace, based on a sample of 3020 complaints received at the Ministry of Defense, between 1997 and 2006, was realizing "that most complainants refers to physical and emotional problems not." If these cover 29%, multiple trauma injuries or reaches 52%. This shows "the degree of inefficiency Diagnostics then conducted. Between 20% and 40% were wrong or were optimists ". Nevertheless, it does not have "been abandonment of military". "Proof that the system is generous is that recognized the 25% disabled status of the armed forces". Research, even though it looks like a rock in the pond, there is consensus. Source linked associations of ex-combatants is considered "too close". And it says have difficulty believing "that the problems of stress are not greater than the physical". This is also the theory of ex-military contacted by JN. "Our wounds have no name. Married without saying to my wife that I was in the war. And never talked this until there are half a dozen years. " Confession the appellant. Nobody is proud of what made, everyone liked to have a switch that they shut down the memory. The stories, as the metaphor of onion, only reveal consciousness when the recorder turns off. Irreproduzíveis-and are impossible to digest. "There is no cure for this", they say.(JN)

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