Friday, February 10, 2017

New peace talks a trap for Mozambicans

Resultado de imagem para daviz simango moçambiqueMDM president Daviz Simango says the new model of dialogue is a trap for Mozambicans and that the results of it will be a time bomb.“Creating commissions ignoring the essential, which is the revision of the Constitution of the Republic, the reduction of the powers of the Head of State, the election of the governors and the financial political autonomy of the magistrates, merely postpones the problems of Mozambicans and promotes a time bomb which may explode at any moment,” the MDM leader says.Daviz Simango expressed concern over peace negotiations not involving other political forces and civil society organizations, which, he believes will create further impasses in the future. He also reiterates that the ongoing dialogue may well accommodate only the interests of the two parties and not those of the entire nation.The president of the MDM once again stated that telephone agreements between the President of the Republic and the leader of Renamo were insufficient basis for an effective peace.“There must be a written agreement, something proven by mediators, a transparent contact. If this does not happen, we will continue in the same process as yesterday, where agreements were signed but behind the scene the conflicts continued.”Simango also expressed concern that the two parties remain armed and had no concrete plan to resolve this situation.

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