Sunday, June 24, 2012

Manica: 250 sects to a million and half in habitants

The chief prosecutor of Manica province, Rotuto Augustine, believes that human trafficking has intensified at the same time when many churches of various denominations, is implanted, there are strong suspicions that this type of crime is associated with the emergence of these sects, whose pastors marry younger children, which are then taken out of the country."There are about 250 religious sects which arose in Manica, with offices abroad, mainly from Zimbabwe and South Africa all work with children, a fact that leaves the outraged authorities. Most of these children is between 10 and 11 years and are married to pastors. Some of these are taken out of the country without any control, "he said, speaking yesterday in Maputo, the second national public debate on the matter.
Rotuto also questions the type of monitoring done in this kind of religious organizations in the country. "In addition to the actions that the PGR has developed around this practice, we are left with still a great challenge on issues of control of these sects that are popping in the country," he said, adding that he believes that with the approval of the proposed law against trafficking, control the situation may improve.
In turn, Punishment Zimba, a community leader in Moamba district, in Maputo, seconded Rututo, arguing that the border with South Africa, where he lives, there are several situations of outsiders coming into the country without any type of immigration control.
"The authorities can no longer control the borders. There are many children who cross the border daily and illegally, "he said.In contrast, Margaret Guitunga, NGO representative, joined the emergence of various religious confessions organized crime of human trafficking. "The UNICEF report 2010 on human trafficking, confirms that these sects are directly linked to trafficking and organized crime are one," he said.

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