Monday, June 4, 2012


Two car parks are due to be opened in July to ease the serious lack of parking in the Mozambican capital city, Maputo.According to Maputo’s municipal councillor for transport, Joao Matlombe, “in July a car park in Maxaquene will be opened with spaces for 1,500 cars. Following this, parking will be prohibited along Avenida 25 de Setembro. The other car park, with a capacity of 1,200 cars, will be opened in the downtown district along the railway line”.Matlombe stated that the council will continue to introduce more parking meters in downtown Maputo.He stressed that these parking initiatives are being promoted to ensure that people do not park on pavements and to keep roads passable.According to Matlombe, there are areas where the private sector is calling for the introduction of parking meters to improve parking, which will help them can carry out their business. “Within weeks we are going to tackle Avenida 25 de Setembro and by the end of the year we are going to cover the entire downtown district of the city”, he said

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