Friday, October 23, 2015


Resultado de imagem para tubarao em inhambaneAbout 60 people have been mobilized to catch a shark which attacked and killed a woman last Saturday in the Bay of Inhambane in southern Mozambique.The Mozambican Maritime Administration has authorized the operation, and a team of around 60 fishermen, biologists and local officials has been assembled to hunt and kill the shark. The Megafauna Association, an NGO that protects marine wild life in Inhambane, is opposed to the operation. Cited in the independent daily “O Pais”, the Association warns that, even if a shark is caught, there is no way to be certain that it is the same animal which killed the woman on Saturday. It is not even clear which species of shark attacked the woman. The spokesperson for the association, Dalila Siqueira, said that although the lives of human beings are certainly more important than those of sharks, killing sharks is no guarantee that the seas will become any safer. 
There were plenty of cases of beaches in other parts of the world where sharks believed to have attacked people were killed, but shark attacks continued. Furthermore, sharks travel long distances, and there is no guarantee that a shark that was in the Bay of Inhambane last Saturday will still be there now.Nonetheless, the operation to catch and kill the shark began on Wednesday. Six boats using long lines were used. The long lines, familiar from tuna fishing, trail behind the boats, and carry hooks laden with bait. Chunks of fish and of red meat were used as bait – but no shark was caught on Wednesday.If the long lines do not work, nets will be used to hunt the shark. In both cases, it is more than likely that other species of fish will be caught – and not only fish. Long-lining has come under strong criticism for its effects on seabirds. Birds go after the bait, become hooked on the lines and drown.The hunt for the shark could go on for a week, and the estimated cost of the operation is 90,000 meticais (about 2,200 US dollars).Shark attacks are rare in Mozambican waters, and vastly more sharks are killed by human beings than the other way round. Sharks are killed, including in Mozambique, for their fins, which are sold in Asia where they are regarded as a delicacy.


The London based company Ncondezi Energy announced on Thursday that it has extended its commercial deal with Mozambique’s publicly owned electricity company EDM for the development of a 300 megawatt coal-fired power station in the western province of Tete. Unlike neighbouring coal projects, Ncondezi is devoting itself, not to exports, but to meeting demand for electricity, using its own thermal coal. It is thus, unlike other mining companies in Tete, not dependent on rail and port infrastructure.The Company is targeting commissioning of the power plant in the second half of 2017 with commercial operations beginning in 2018.Key to these plans is signing a binding agreement with EDM over the sale of the electricity. So far a conditional agreement has been reached – and the extension of this agreement until the end of the year is necessary as Ncondezi has not yet been able to fulfil its obligations.In particular, the company must reach a binding agreement with a strategic investor, confirm the Engineering, Procurement, Construction (EPC) and O&M (operation and maintenance manual) arrangements and reconfirm the projects economics.Ncondezi plans to eventually expand the project in stages to 1,800 megawatts.


Total projected investment in natural gas operations in the Rovuma Basin, in the northern Mozambican province of Cabo Delgado, now stands at 31 billion US dollars, according to Omar Mitha, chairperson of the National Hydrocarbon Company (ENH).Most of this will be consumed in Rovuma Basin Offshore Area One, where the operator is the American company Anadarko.
Speaking at a Maputo press conference launching the celebrations of the 35th anniversary of ENH, Mitha said that about four billion dollars has already been invested and the figure for Area One could reach 24 billion dollars in the coming years. He broke this sum down as 5.6 billion dollars for the preliminary exploration, ten billion dollars for building two gas liquefaction plants (known as “trains”), 3.3 billion for later development studies, 4.4 billion in interest and bank fees, and 2.6 billion as contingency funds.Mitha expected Anadarko and its partners to make the final investment decision in the first quarter of 2016, which will then be followed by financial closure with the sindicate of banks financing the project. He estimated that building the gas liquefaction facilities will take five years as from 2016.The operation will be 55 per cent funded by bank loans and 45 per cent by own capital from Anadarko and the other members of its consortium. That will include ENH which has a 15 per cent stake in Area One. Mitha admitted that ENH does not have the liquidity to pay for its 15 per cent of the investment costs and is looking into options for funding.The investment needs for Area Four, where the operator is the Italian energy company ENI, are much smaller. Mitha put them at seven billion dollars “all supported by financial leverage”. ENH only has a ten per cent stake in Area Four.While Anadarko is committed to building its liquefaction trains onshore, in the Afungi peninsula in Palma district, ENI plans to set up a floating liquefaction factory (FLNG) adjacent to its wells.

“With these investments”, Mitha said, “Mozambique will increase its capacity to export gas, and to develop industry through projects to generate energy, and to produce fertilizers and liquid fuels. This will increase income for the state, create job opportunities, and provide opinions for the provision of services by Mozambican businesses”.ENH is also a partner of the South African petro-chemical company SASOL in exploiting the onshore gas reserves in the Pande and Temane fields in the southern province of Inhambane. Installed capacity here is currently 183 million gigajoules a year. Most of this is piped to SASOL’s plants in South Africa, but 1.5 million gigajoules a year is used in Mozambique.Electricity generated from the Inhambane gas initially reached just 100 households in the northern districts of Inhambane in 2004, but that figure has now risen to 980 households (about 4,000 people). This source of energy, Mitha pointed out, is 40 to 50 per cent cheaper than buying firewood or bottled gas.The Inhambane gas is now being distributed in Maputo and Matola cities and the adjacent district of Inhambane. Initially, the gas is being piped to industries and commercial establishments, but distributions to homes should begin by the end of this year.

2.5 million meticais for albino organs

In Nampula, the abduction of people with lack of pigmentation in the skin dates back to the end of 2014. From December to this part, about a hundred people with albinism was the victim. Some individuals were killed and others are reported missing. 
Resultado de imagem para albinismo em mocambiqueIn connection with these cases, 42 individuals are detained. African healers even pay 75,000 US dollars for a full set of organs of an albino to use them in spells they believe bring good luck, love and wealth. Because of this "game", albinos living in panic in this region of the country. In March this year the United Nations (UN) warned of the attack increased against people with albinism in countries around the southern and eastern Africa because of impending elections in several countries where politicians resort to witchcraft rituals to enhance their chances of coming to power. To learn this harsh reality that continues to sow mourning in Mozambican families,Verdade interviewed relatives of the victims. Of our respondents, we learned that the crime resurgence is due to the ineffectiveness of the police.
The most recent cases occurred in Namina, Larde and Malena in the months of September and October, where a young man disappeared in strange circumstances, and others were killed, including Alfane Anthony and Lydia Carlitos.Segundo Mauritius Carlitos Pedro, brother of Lydia Pedro leaving two children under six and seven years old, this was abducted at his home in the administrative post of Muralelo, Malema district, the dead of night. The victim was taken to a forest, near a cemetery, where he would be murdered. Evildoers drew some body parts cut off from the gut, breasts, teeth, hair, among others. The murderers took advantage of Lydia's husband's absence to kidnap la.Naquele day, according to Peter, his brother did not sleep in your house, but rule out the possibility of this being complicit in the murder of her sister. Lydia was 25 years old and lived in recent days in pânico.Importa noted that our interlocutor and his brother Ricardo Carlitos Pedro are also albinos, and with the kidnapping and death of his sister, they feel threatened. At this time, those citizens are in the city of Nampula.Pedro said the case is being dealt with by the police authorities of Malema, but from that day to this part there has been no development.
In the case of Alfane Antonio, a nurse who was kidnapped and dismembered in Larde, on the 17th September,@Verdade learned that six individuals, one being relative of the victim, detained and a criminal case is following the procedures legal in the morning Angoche.Pela district on 17 December 2014, a young man with albinism, identified by Aid Caesar Augustus, 21 years of age (until that date), disappeared after receiving the invitation of individuals still at large for sightseeing. The fact took place in Mutauanha neighborhood in the city of Nampula, and the meeting place between the victim and the alleged wrongdoers was in Labour Avenue, specifically at the gas station in the area of ​​Faina.Segundo Eduardo Caesar Augustus, the victim's father, the alleged kidnappers had asked his son with promises to employ it in the factory Beers of Mozambique (CDM), which auferiria 15,000 meticais victim's father mensais.O is located outside the city when it was harvested by surprise with the news and tried to report the case in the 1st Squadron, where it was opened a criminal case under number 2857 / PIC / 2014.Augusto said a day after the disappearance of Aid a young man named Elias Martins would have come to your house looking for her son in order to offer you a job. This situation will have drawn the attention of the family, as this individual presented a salary proposal equal to what motivated the disappearance of the victim.
Resultado de imagem para albinismo em mocambiqueEduardo Augusto denounced the individual to the police who would stop him. The process for the interrogation of the accused would have been sent to the Criminal Investigation Police (PIC) on 5 February 2015, and was heard on 12 February. The next day (13), the investigating judge initiating the proceedings exarou an order acting that kept the preventive arrest of Elias Martins, but filed the processo.Segundo our interviewee since that day nothing happened. But to his astonishment learned of the release of the accused, allegedly because a lawyer would have required the freedom of it for lack of evidence of their involvement in the abduction of aid Augustus. Elias Martins was released on March 3, becoming fulfill an order recorded by the judge, on 27 February, and only the process was returned to the PIC on 18 March. The accused was not, according to the victim's father, questioned by the police. "The investigating judge is complicit in the abduction of my son. First he exarou an order that kept the remand of the accused, but shelved the process. Why? "Asked Augustus, who added:" He revoked their first order two weeks later, for alleged intervention of a lawyer. He shelved the case because he knew that a lawyer would appear to require the freedom of the accused ".Our interlocutor also said that Elias Martins can not afford to enable it to be a lawyer, then you believe that the mastermind of the kidnapping of his son was who hired the services that profissional.Além addition, our source revealed that already denounced the mastermind of the crime to the police, but they proved to be indifferent. Eduardo Augusto said he has been exposing its concern to the Provincial Prosecutor for months. Dissatisfied with the way you are being treated the case, the citizen made a presentation to the President of the Superior Council of the Judiciary, which was received on 21 August of the current year, but to date has not acusado.É Aid to point out that Augusto is not / was the only son of Eduardo Augusto with albinism.
Abiazer and Pedro Augusto César live in terror because of the wave of kidnappings in Nampula. Abiazer Augusto is 29 years old, is married, but he was forced to change his residence, because I found I was being "hunted" in the area where he lived in the neighborhood of Muatala.O case of Augusto Aid is not the only the archives of the police and judicial authorities in Nampula. Diamantino Antonio Simila is a young man who was born with albinism and therefore suffered an attempted kidnapping perpetrated by a friend of his sister, who only identified by name Ramadane last month of Janeiro.Segundo Simila, everything would have started when the his cellphone rang. Was the call Ramadane, worker KENMARE Larde in which he recommended that join documents to qualify for a job vacancy in Topuito. The alleged infringer would have obtained the contact number by Sister vítima.Dias later Simila Ramadane received a call requesting that he would have with this immediately. The meeting was scheduled for nearby Secondary School Namicopo, Carrupeia neighborhood. Our interlocutor was done to the place where he was asked by Ramadane to go with him to the Nampula Central Hospital, allegedly to donate blood to an albino child who was low and would receive 20,000 meticais.O individual fazia- be transported in a car in the company of two other people who, for Simila, were strange. With the support of popular Simila declined the invitation, despite Ramadane has increased the value for 25,000 meticais. Arrived home, he told his mother what was happening, they tried to report the case to Polícia.Dias later, still in January, Simila took the case to the Provincial Prosecutor, where the attendance of Ramadane would be required, but in absence of the complainant. Simila said he was told the Prosecutor that the offender confessed that he intended to smuggle the jovem.O that worries Simila is that, ware about 10 months, the case has not been any development. "The case is before the Court, but has not yet been called to be heard and when I go there tell me to wait," he lamented.
Resultado de imagem para albinismo em mocambique@VERDADE talked to a young, 27-year-old, who asked not to be identified. She was repeatedly the victim of an attempted kidnapping. The last time this happened was in Daniel Napatima Street, where she was approached by three individuals who were carrying a citizen Corola.A Toyota brand vehicle was in his brother's company and sister, who also were in a car. When she and her sister got out of the vehicle in order to enter the PEP store, he was taken by two individuals who dropped only thanks to the prompt intervention of his irmão.Nos recent days, it has received several messages of threatening. The case is, according to our interviewee, the police authorities. Some albinos have given up school at the risk of being abducted. Sania Muaine, 19 years old, is an example of that. Student who attends Grade 9 Secondary School Namicopo, she was forced to abandon his studies for four months.
Resultado de imagem para albinismo em mocambiqueCristóvão Mário Mondlane, Nampula provincial prosecutor, said the wave of kidnappings for people with albinism concerned judicial authorities in the province, hence they were driven mechanisms in order to combat this mal.Questionado on handling cases-crimes received at your institution, Mondlane said that none of the professionals should be appointed as conniving. The delay is due to the procedures that must be followed. Furthermore, the accused never reveal their mandantes.A our source said that until that moment that gave the interview toVerdade, were arrested 42 individuals, two of which would be returned to freedom because it was proven that they were not involved in crime . In connection with this type of crime, the prosecution would have instructed 22 criminal cases, with the first case being tried took place last Wednesday (14), but had desfecho.Num another development, Mondlane said the alleged criminal "hunt" people with albinism and, after murdering them, seeking customers; so when are challenged can not tell who the principals, saying that "I personally making me spend per customer was already owns eight individuals who came here looking for a buyer" .The Albinism is a congenital disorder characterized the absence of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes due to a deficiency in the production of melanin in the body. In some cases, the disorder also causes vision problems. "People with albinism are among the most vulnerable in southern and eastern Africa," said Ikponwosa Ero first specialist human rights in UN albinism in a statement. "Today, the misfortune of them have been compounded by the constant fear of attacks by others - including family members -. who value the parts of their bodies more than their lives "Healers Africans pay as much as 75,000 US dollars (about 2 5 million meticais) for a complete set of organs of an albino, according to a report by the Red Cross, to use them in spells they believe bring good luck, love and wealth.

Rip contracts and there is no liability

The government is about to pay 80 million USD to compensate the Indian company Rites and Ircon International (RICON), which rehabilitated the Sena railway line and held a concession for its operation. The contract with the Indians was broken unilaterally by the Maputo executive when the Tete coal was again lust for multinationals worldwide. After ripping the contract, the Mozambique Railways resumed control of the line but today saw eh fully operated by Vale. CFM only charge a rent sentadinhos in their offices. After he saw the torn contract, the Indian company took the case to a tribunal outside. Initially demanded 200 million USD. The Government managed to negotiate to reach an agreement around 80 USD. This week, Maputo attended the meetings between the two parties, where our Government also tried the Indian lower their ball. In vain. There are two similar cases in the table. One involves the Muyake, a consortium held a concession for a logistics project at the Port of Pemba (not I detail about the case because I wrote about it here). The treasure is preparing to release 8 million to pay the first tranche of compensation to which the Government was convicted after a Maputo court has given reason to Muyake. Another case, even without sentence, relates to the infamous project of light rail in Maputo. The deal had been concessioned to an Italian firm, but when Mussumbuji of Mussumbuluko Guebuza sniffed each fittings, joining a Chinese group, the government tore up the contract with the Italians and offered the pan to the former head of child group , including attaching the technical projections that the Italians had done. Within weeks, the outcome of this case will be known. My sources say the government has no way to escape a big buck indeminização. Ghosts of guebuzismo !!! The eh whoever pays problem, after the cable is the pocket of the taxpayer. And then are teachers and nurses who are left without salaries, etc. And no one blamed when eh eh clear evidence that the breach of contract has not been innocent ……… ( facebook)

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Catholic Church Says Its Time Nyusi And Dhlakama Meet

clubofmozambiqueThis is not the first time that Mozambican Catholic bishops call for dialogue between President Nyusi's government and the largest opposition party, the Mozambique National Resistance (RENAMO). Archbishop of Beira, Dom Claudio Dalla Zuanna tells DW that Nyusi is expected in Beira tomorrow and that it would be "the ideal time for both parties to meet, in order to put an end to the political crisis." ( Dhalkaam is currently in his Beira residence, according to what Renamo officers have told the press.  Mozambican Catholic bishops say that they have been concerned about the siege of security forces to the leader of the house of the main opposition party, RENAMO, on 9th October. At the time the guard of Afonso Dhlakama was disarmed.
At a press conference on Thursday, October 15, the Archbishop of Beira, Dom Claudio Dalla Zuanna, has said, however, that it is necessary to put an end to the proliferation of weapons in the country. "The parties or groups that rely on weapons to resolve or to impose their reason, are already on the side of the ones who will lose. We surely need to conduct a work to convince people that the weapons cannot be scattered throughout the country in the hands of any citizen. 
Representatives of the Catholic Church mediated the siege of Dhlakama's home by police on October 9. Archbishop Claudio Dalla Zuanna was one of the mediators who went to Afonso Dhlakama's home, during the siege of the security forces. Last Sunday (October 11), the Archbishop payed a visit to the Renamo leader and says that Dhlakama has reiterated the will to solve political disputes through dialogue."It was a quiet conversation. I saw a quiet man. He continues to assert its desire for a dialogue that is a constructive dialogue, a dialogue on concrete issues, about trying to address some practical issues. This is what he said," said the Archbishop.
Catholic bishops this week wrote a letter to the President, Filipe Nyusi, and to the leader of RENAMO, Afonso Dhlakama, where they request a meeting between both parties, said the Archbishop of Beira at the press conference."We come to reaffirm our full availability, and already this week we did this in writing, by addressing a letter to the President and the leader of RENAMO personally. The Catholic bishops are allied to those who love peace. Let us to seek together for the paths that will lead us all to peace, a peace to which Mozambique has a right and that it needs so much," he announced.Don Claudio also told reporters that the planned visit of the Mozambican president to Beira, on Saturday October 17, will be the ideal time for both parties to meet, in order to put an end to the political crisis.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Cleared brands

The President of the Republic, Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, is the guest of "honor" a dinner to be held on June 26, in the Community Mahometana headquarters in Maputo. The Confidential has learned that the dinner in honor of Philip Nyusi and the elder statesmen of the country, Joaquim Chissano and Armando Guebuza, is organized by the Community Mahometana tripartidamente, the Islamic Council and Muslim Association. The Confidential also found that, to move Guebuza, contributions in the order of one hundred thousand (100,000) dollars are underway to receive the highest magistrate of the nation. The entrepreneur Amande Camal, the organization's spokesman says that the values ​​within the scope of "Confidential" are "inflated" and that "if it were so, I would not."
Newspaper sources confidential, within the tripartite group, which organizes the dinner progressed is provided for the collection of one hundred thousand US dollars for the realization of the dinner.The sources claim that the amount is "exorbitant" and that "could be allocated for social purposes".The Confidential addressed in the early afternoon of this Tuesday, Faizal Sidat, a member of that community and former helmsman of the Mozambican Football Federation (FMF).Sidat weave declined any comments. "Talk to Amade Camal about it, it is our spokesman," Sidat told our newspaper.
The Confidential spoke to Amade Camal, who said it was not true that the values ​​of the collection for dinner from reaching $ 100,000. "Not true," said the businessman Amade Camal. "I would not be in such things if it were true." However, the source, without specifying the amounts, said on Wednesday, organizing the event "will already have a specific value of what will be collected." Kamal said that the dinner has character "named after the current President and his predecessors"
While presidential canditado, in their search for funds to support his election campaign, Filipe Nyusi attended a dinner organized by the Confederation of Economic Associations (CTA), a hotel property, 12 September 2014.The presence of Nyusi this dinner, where was sitting at the same table with Momed Bachir Suleiman (MBS), caused some unease in ruling circles.MBS had been mentioned, June 1, 2010, the Barack Obama Administration as "drug lord" and placed on the main list of these dangerous individuals to the United States. On June 2, 2010, when news ran the world, Bachir, making be accompanied by his lawyer Maximo Dias, held a press conference claiming to be fallacious the charges imputed to him. The Attorney General's Office (PGR), given the seriousness of the charges against a national citizen, through the Office for Drug Control, has formed a team for which they were called two agents of the Criminal Investigation Police, to investigate MBS. The Attorney General's Office (PGR), Augusto Paulino of the Foreign Ministry after such 'research' was to tell Parliament that that body did not find anything concrete as a result of the process of investigation. In late 2014, MBS was the most resounding victim being "kidnapped", having been in captivity for more than a month until an alleged successful police operation to rescue alive in the district of Macia, in Gaza province!
In the chancelleries of Joaquim Chissano and Armando Guebuza, Frelimo was the practice of organizing dinners where auctioned trinkets and party merchandising objects. 'Entrepreneurs' militants perfilavam to prove the candidate.The businessman Mahomed Bachir Sulemane (MBS), which already held the presidency of Mahometana community, one of which organizes dinner next Monday, in the not too distant times already committed to achievement, one of those jantaradas, buy the pipe the then Frelimo candidate Armando Guebuza. After the snatch back the pipe to the owner. Guebuza did not decline. In 2009 Bachir returned to stand to pay millions for a pen which offered then the First Lady Maria da Luz old.On the possible presence of MBS to dinner next week, Amade Camal said that every community has the right to "a third of the calls and do not know if Mohamed Bachir will be invited by the community it belongs."MBS has been in front of the Mahometana Community destinations and on leave when his name was associated with the drug trade.

Expand services to more Mozambicans

THE PRESIDENT Filipe Nyusi invites yesterday in Maputo, the Institute of Transport and Communications (ISUTC) to take on new ambitions in expanding their services to a growing number of Mozambicans throughout the country, without, however, neglecting the quality. The statesman was speaking at the formal session of commemoration of 15 years of that institution related to communications.In his speech, Nyusi said the expansion can contribute to promoting an inclusive education system that responds to the country's development needs, particularly the Higher Education Technical and Vocational quality. He deserved a particular observation of the President of the fact that festivities of that educational institution coincide with the celebration of "the day we all remember the physical disappearance of the late first President of our country, Marshal Samora Moises Machel, who has always paid special attention education and training of man. " This is one of the most significant ways to honor a great leader of the size of Samora Machel. Being a bet institution in the training of technical and professional fields, the President noted that "it is quite demanding and costly for the magnitude of the base necessary teaching materials, namely infrastructure, laboratories and miscellaneous equipment. So will our encouragement speech to the Institute of Transport and Communications for choosing this area as the subject of its training activities. This very bold initiative is a real tribute to the concerns of Mozambicans, translated into objectives of our Government in the context of human capital development ". President left on the circumstances an appeal to the school to continue in the composition of bet, but always safeguarding "the tradition of national unity, a key factor in maintaining peace and should promote patriotism values, friendship, solidarity, reconciliation, respect mutual, tolerance and peaceful coexistence. " For its part, the rector of ISUTC, Fernando Leite, outlined the major milestones of these 15 years of teaching and learning, to say that we managed notable successes. "We graduated 600 senior technicians, who now participate actively and decisively in the development of our country. 
We formed Masters in different technical areas. We conducted post-graduate courses. We conducted numerous training courses and extracurricular courses. We supported vocational training in various companies. We took students to visit some of the most important projects in the country, "he said. For the next time the president hopes that his institution can function in its own facilities. "Within the next 10 years we want to transform the Institute into university," he said.It fell to Matthew Jose Katupha, Chairman of the Board of Directors of TRANSCOM, talk about the circumstances of how this institution was born in 1998, who now oversees the ISUTC.

PRM belies

Resultado de imagem para dhlakamaThe Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) belies information made the second circular which Afonso Dhlakama, leader of Renamo, the main opposition party in the country, would have left his residence in the city of Beira, capital of the central province of Sofala.The Renamo leader has not been seen in public since the 9th of this month, a day after taking up residence in Beira, after about two weeks at large somewhere in Sofala province. It was also the same day that the Defense and Security Forces invaded Dhlakama's residence to demand the weapons illegally in the possession of his personal escort."The monitoring, control, protection and security being guaranteed the Renamo leader who is still at his residence. We are to protect their physical integrity. Then, the information (about the disappearance of Dhlakama) is not true, as we continue to protect him at his home in Beira, "said the spokesperson of the Police General Command, Inacio Dina."Security to the leader of Renamo is being carried out by the police. If there is involvement of other strange force we are not aware, "asserted Dina.Note that days after disarming the guard Dhlakama, leader of Renamo spokesperson, António Muchanga, demanded at a press conference the creation of a joint team for their protection.However, Dina said the PRM in any way can an autonomous decision on the matter by referring the matter to the political leaders.

1ºPresidente of Mozambique died 29 years


Thursday, September 19 [1985]

Busy day - state visitor - Pres. Machel, Mozambique. It proved to be an excellent type & seems to me that in fact intends to be "not in line" instead of lackey of the Soviets. We got on well. - In Ronald Reagan. The Reagan Diaries.

More 5 Renamo members give themselves

This is Augusto Reason, a lieutenant in the Base Monje, in Tete; Manuel Jimo, major in health, in Sofala: Rafael Nguirize, Tete Sargente.The list also includes Antonio Masifombe and Julio dos Santos, Tete, both captains of information, which is delivered on Monday in Maputo, the FADM.Speaking to Radio Mozambique, Julius Reason says that the decision to be reinstated in the Defence Forces of Mozambique (FADM) was individual and that comes in compliance with the cessation of hostilities agreement signed on September 5, 2014, between the leader Renamo, Afonso Dhlakama, and the then President of the Republic, Armando Guebuza.The source added that there are several compatriots who are still in the woods, wanting to reintegrate the (FADM) but the wave of disinformation, fear reprisals by incorporating the government force.

President not speak the VOR False theory

On 19 October ritual habit has been the highest magistrate of the Nation evoke the plane crash occurred in Mbuzini the ambiguously known to all Mozambicans: Samora Machel, the victim of an act of terrorism of State perpetrated by the apartheid regime; the promise that the investigations for determination of the causes of the accident are continuing. This year, 19 October had the particularity of being marked with a new president in office. Unlike their predecessors who ruled the country since the occurrence of the disaster Mbuzini, Filipe Nyusi did not resort to the usual rhetoric of false VOR, the endless investigations in sight, the tireless efforts to unravel the mystery, etc. 

Not Nyusi, or other intermediate or lower-level entity.

Raimundo Maico Diomba, governor of Maputo province, who was representing the Mozambican state in ceremonies held in Mbuzini. From his speech, it shows only the exaltation of Samora Machel figure.The Machel family reiterated the long-held position, but now without the official support. "We, as children, we miss him a lot," said Samito Jr. in Heroes' Square, adding, "More hurts in the fact that today we do not know what actually happened to our father. The Government has the investigation process still running. Lately we have no any report on how it is happening, what's been done. We are still in the dark about the results of the investigation. As a family we want this to end as soon as possible, because it will also bring us peace in knowing what happened to our loved one. We know internalize, we'll live with it for the rest of our lives. Not only the family, but the people too. It's just knowing what happened to Samora Machel and his companions. "

The top African cities for millionaires

Africa: Top cities for millionaires, 2015

There are approximately 163,000 millionaires living in Africa (as of June 2015), with combined wealth holdings of US$670 billion. Note: “Millionaires” or “HNWIs” refer to individuals with net assets of US$1 million or more. As evidenced in the below table, Johannesburg is the top African city for millionaires. There are also sizable millionaire populations living in Cairo, Lagos and Cape Town.
City Country Number of millionaires, 2015
  • ·         Johannesburg South Africa 23 400
  • ·         Cairo Egypt 10 200
  • ·         Lagos Nigeria 9 100
  • ·         Cape Town South Africa 8 900
  • ·         Nairobi Kenya 6 200
  • ·         Luanda Angola 4 900
  • ·         Durban South Africa 2 700
  • ·         Pretoria South Africa 2 500
  • ·         Casablanca Morocco 2 400
  • ·         Accra Ghana 2 300
  • ·         Algiers Algeria 2 000
  • ·         Alexandria Egypt 2 000
  • ·         Port Louis Mauritius 1 300
  • ·         Windhoek Namibia 1 300
  • ·         Gaborone Botswana 1 200
  • ·         Dar Es Salaam Tanzania 1 200
  • ·         Abidjan Ivory Coast 1 100
  • ·         Abuja Nigeria 1 000
  • ·         Port Harcourt Nigeria 1 000
  • ·         Mombasa Kenya 900
  • ·         Maputo Mozambique 700
  • ·         Kampala Uganda 700
  • ·         Addis Ababa Ethiopia 700
  • ·         Lusaka Zambia 600
  • ·         Dakar Senegal 500
  • ·         Kinshasa DRC 500
  • ·         Bamako Mali 500
  • ·         Marrakesh Morocco 500

Note: Table above only includes cities with 2,000 or more millionaires, so fast growing cities such as Maputo, Lusaka, Abidjan, Dar Es Salaam and Addis Ababa are excluded.
·      “Millionaires” or “HNWIs” refer to individuals with net assets of US$1 million or more. “Wealth” or “net assets” is defined as the net value of assets (assets less liabilities). It includes all assets except primary residences.For the purposes of this report, local millionaires include all individuals who are living or working in each country, including expats. Excludes Libyan and Tunisian cities due to instability in those countries.

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New World Wealth provides information on the global wealth sector, with a special focus on high growth markets. We provide information and consultancy services to:
  • ·         Luxury goods companies.
  • ·         Private Banks.
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  • ·         HNWIs and the general public.
Services on offer include:
  • ·         Country wealth reports.
  • ·         Regional wealth reports.
  • ·         Custom research.
  • ·         Sponsored research papers.
  • ·         HNWI surveys.
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  • ·         Wealth per capita statistics.
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Friday, October 16, 2015


The Mozambican Minister of Education, Jorge Ferrao, on Wednesday declared “zero tolerance” of academic fraud.He was reacting to the latest cheating scandal, concerning the 12th grade extraordinary examinations held in August. An investigation into 43 of the country’s 200 public secondary schools confirmed that cheating had taken place in nine schools, involving 407 pupils.Cited by the independent television station STV, Ferrao said there had been far too much tolerance of cheating in the past. “Over the years, it has become the practice to accept that exam secrecy is violated and that the process is falsified”, he said.
In those schools where fraud was detected this time, “the finding is that these schools have been permissive”, he said. “This is something which makes us, as a Ministry, very sad. We look fraudulent, and we do not deserve this”. If the Ministry were to take no action, he said, it would be deceiving the pupils’ families, their future employers, and society as a whole. A school certificate should show employers what a student is worth –“but when we send him into the world of work, we find that he has difficulties. That’s a whole chain of investment that has failed”.The general inspector of the Education Ministry, Quiteria Mabote, said that, whereas in the past students might smuggle the answers to exam questions into the examination room scribbled on a piece of paper, nowadays they use mobile phones.There were strong indications of cheating, she said, since there was no other reasonable explanation for students in a class answering in exactly the same way to exam questions, and thus obtaining exactly the same high marks.For this to occur, the chain of exam secrecy must be broken, and Mabote admitted that the Ministry does not yet know where the leaks take place. “If we knew how the exams are leaked, we would staunch the evil at its root”, she said. “We take every measure to prevent material from being leaked, but even so, leaks happen”.She guaranteed that the Ministry would look at all 12th grade students in the schools affected, and those who were not involved in cheating will receive their exam results. Also on Wednesday, Ferrao announced that the Ministry expects to enrol about 1.32 million pupils in the first grade of primary education in 2016.At first sight, this figure seems surprisingly high. The age at which children should enter primary school is six, and projections from the 2007 population census suggest that there are no more than 780,000 six year olds in the country.But, according to education officials contacted , many parents do not enroll their children in school at the right age. This means that many of the children who will step inside a school for the first time in 2016 are seven or eight years old, or even older.Ferrao gave the figure for first grade enrolment at a ceremony where a memorandum of understanding was signed with the Portuguese embassy for support in the training of education staff. He said that the Ministry has been hiring around 8,500 new teachers every year, to ensure good quality education.But the country remains short of teachers with adequate educational training. The Ministry, Ferrao said, had therefore began to cooperate with Brazil to train the instructors who will work at Mozambique’s 24 teacher training institutes.

He hoped that, under the new memorandum of understanding “we will have more teachers trained in Portugal”.