Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Copy and paste is not compatible with critical mass

Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, President of the Republic (PR) of Mozambique since January 15, 2015, disregarded the Constitution of the Republic of Mozambique (CRM) to become president of the Frelimo party, on the afternoon of March 29, 2015, by the mere fact that the fundamental law expressly prohibit to take private functions, while PR.In fact, establishing the CRM, in Article 149, on incompatibilities of PR, the following:
"The President may not, except as expressly provided in the Constitution, exercise any other public function and, in any case play any private functions." The constitutional provision referred to above, which is divided into two parts - (a) Prohibiting the exercise of public functions other, than those expressly provided for in CRM; and (b) not exercise at any time, private functions - could not be more explicit:
a) Public domain
The constitutional legislator says the rule is PR not assume any other public office, opening to him, however, the exception, but only for public functions that are constitutionally affected, that is expressly provided for in CRM [be for example, Commander in Chief of the Defence Forces and Security (paragraph 4 of article 146 of the CRM)].
b) Private Domain
The CRM seals at all, the PR, the possibility that he "perform any private functions." Being president of a political party embodies thus exercise a private function the, which contradicts the legal status of the Mozambican State (CRM).
Objectively speaking, Nyusi is in sharp, clear and crystalline form, violating the most important legal instrument in the country, which he himself, moreover, swore to observe and enforce when he made his oath, particularly in the headquarters of the public opening his investiture.
Here's oath, as recorded in CRM (paragraph 2 of Article 150), he gave the January 15, 2015, at the Independence Square in the city of Maputo:
"I swear on my honor, respect and uphold the Constitution, faithfully perform the office of President of the Republic of Mozambique, devote all my energies to the defense, promotion and consolidation of national unity, human rights, democracy and good -being of the Mozambican people and do justice to all citizens. "
On the legal status of political parties
Political parties, in accordance with (a) CRM (b) of the Act and (c) doctrine are legal persons of private law, without exception. That is, even those who are in power, as in the case of Frelimo, are nonetheless private entities. The following brief notes on the private nature of political parties.
a) Under the CRM
The combination of the provisions of Articles 53 and 74, both of CRM, does not seem to leave no doubt as to privatística nature of political parties.
Paragraph 1 of Article 53 states that all citizens enjoy the freedom to establish and join political parties, stressing the subsequent paragraph of that article that adherence to them is voluntary, deriving from the "freedom of citizens to associate around the same political ideals. "
Have Article 74, also of fundamental law, extract that political parties express political pluralism, while contributing to the formation and manifestation of popular will and are "fundamental instrument for the democratic participation of citizens in governing the country" .
b) Law of Political Parties
The Law No. 7/91 of 23 January (Law on Political Parties) provides, in Article 1, the definition of what are political parties. Below transcrevêmo it in full:
"Article 1" - (Concept)
1. The political parties citizens' organizations established with the main objective of democratic participation in the political life of the country and compete in accordance with the Constitution and laws, to the formation and expression of the political will of the people, intervening in particular in the electoral process, by submitting or sponsoring applications.
2. Political parties have legal personality and have administrative, financial and property. "
Your unofficial registration is effected by the government (which is chaired by PR, as established in paragraph 1 of Article 201 of the CRM), through the Ministry of Justice, pursuant to Article 8 of the Law on Political Parties. The unofficial record is, however, preceded (Article 7 of the Political Parties Act) for verifying, through the same government portfolio, completing the party establishment requirements as a legal person of private law, which is done "within sixty days from the date of filing of the application. "
c) In the light of the doctrine
In an article entitled "Political Parties", Jorge Bacelar Gouveia and Ana Rita Cabrita expendem they [political parties] are "legal persons of associative type, on a continuing basis, with the purpose to represent the community at the level of the organs of political power, as well contributing, as its fundamental parts for the operation of political power system established ".
Three elements must be considered in the structure of political parties, namely (c.1) the subjective, (c2) the time and (c3) the teleological.
c.1) subjective element: this has to do with the fact that political parties are referred to as organizations of citizens, as holders / right holders, implying that, the personal dimension as a substrate of the entity to be created;
c.2) temporal element: means, quite simply, that the political parties, as a society projects, have, or should have, durability;
c.3) teleological element: this sums up the essence of political parties in terms of purpose, which include the right of submission of applications, so you can feed the representative system constitutionally guaranteed. Achieve, maintain and exercise political power there-to be the main theme of political parties.
Legal and political consequences
In Mozambique, while democratic rule of law, at least from a formal point of view, the principle of legality and / or the prevalence of constitucuionais standards over all other standards has a sacrosanct nature.
Moreover, the constitutional legislator was adamant, which states that "The State shall abide by the Constitution and is grounded in law" (paragraph 3 of article 2 of the CRM), while "The constitutional provisions prevail over all other rules of law "(paragraph 4 of Article 2 of the CRM).
Despite it being "almost tradition" in our country the violation of constitutional rule prohibiting the PR to perform duties in a political party, as a private entity, it should be noted that this situation - repeated violation of fundamental law - does not make "constitutional" what is "unconstitutional", which has the potential to lead the country to political crises.
At present, for example, the parliamentary group of Renamo in the National Assembly (RA) having more than one third of all the Members, can, wanting, ask the Constitutional Council (CC), unconstitutionality of assessing the assumption by part of the PR of private functions, which is absolutely prohibited by CRM. To this end, Renamo would support the rule contained in paragraph c) of paragraph 2 of Article 245 of the CRM. To CC, with obvious violation, nothing more would only give reason to Renamo, in this hypothetical situation.

In my view, is what gives the making of rules, including constitutional, using the frivolous 'copy & paste' of any jurisdiction other standards, with other political systems, that is, different from our own, without the necessary study, seeking, among others, a solid domestication. Competing the fact that the PR is at the same time, party president in power (Frelimo in this case) to "balance system", I think that should be the most urgent can trigger a mechanism for the timely review of fundamental law. While this is not done, like it or not, is unconstitutional that PR assume the functions of chairman of a political party, which is a legal person under private law.(Ericino de  Salema /jornalist)

Sunday, March 29, 2015


Armando Guebuza resigned as President of Mozambique’s ruling Frelimo Party shortly after 11.00 on Sunday morning, on the final day of a meeting of the Frelimo Central Committee.

Resultado de imagem para armando guebuzaFrelimo spokesperson Damiao Jose, the Central Committee Secretary for Mobilisation and Propaganda, told reporters that Guebuza’s announcement “took the members of the Central Committee by surprise”. Nonetheless, the Central Committee accepted the resignation and immediately set up an elections commission to organize the election of a successor.According to Jose, Guebuza said that he had thought deeply on the matter, and had decided to resign as President in order to strengthen Frelimo’s unity and cohesion.As of midday, the only candidate for the vacant position was the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, although other candidates could still be presented before the election is held, later on Sunday afternoon.If, as seems likely, Nyusi is the only candidate, Frelimo will have reverted to its historic practice whereby the same person is both President of the Republic and President of Frelimo.Guebuza also announced his resignation as chairperson of the Association of Veterans of the National Liberation Struggle (ACLLN). Jose said that Guebuza will remain a member of the Frelimo Political Commission, just as last year Filipe Paunde retained his Political commission position after resigning as Frelimo General Secretary.

Friday, March 27, 2015


Armando Guebuza, President of Mozambique’s ruling Frelimo Party, on Thursday criticized unnamed members of Frelimo who “undertook activities which disturbed the normal functioning of the party bodies”.Opening a meeting of the Frelimo Central Committee, Guebuza did not name these party members, but suggested their activities would only “generate division and confusion among us”.Despite this, Guebuza claimed that Frelimo had emerged “more cohesive and strengthened” from last year’s “internal democratic process” which chose Filipe Nyusi as the party’s presidential candidate, and from the general elections of 15 October, won by Frelimo and by Nyusi.He defended Frelimo’s claim to be “the force of change”, but warned against “change for the sake of change”. The changes that Frelimo must fight for, Guebuza stressed, were those that would improve the lives of the people, in, rural and urban areas, so that they would have good reason to continue placing their trust in Frelimo. “Our reference point is the Party’s bodies”, declared Guebuza. “We do what the Party’s bodies decide”.He also warned against accepting praise from Frelimo’s opponents. “When some people, particularly noisy ones, praise us, it’s because they want us to make mistakes”, he said.The main objective of Frelimo’s opponents he stressed was to weaken and eventually destroy Frelimo. 
The party’s political adversaries “do not want a strong, omnipresent and popular Frelimo”, Guebuza said. “They don’t want to see a strong Frelimo government implementing, with speed and impact, our election manifesto. They don’t want to see our President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, strong and firm, giving his best in the leadership of the state, because they know that this will benefit not only him personally but also our glorious Frelimo”. It was up to Frelimo members, he urged “today as yesterday to battle, always united, cohesive and determined, so that this dream of our opponents becomes a nightmare”. Guebuza did not specifically mention the demand by the former rebel movement Renamo for the establishment of “autonomous provinces”, but he was clearly rejecting such calls when he stressed that Mozambique is “one and indivisible”.Before the Central Committee opened there had been some speculation that Guebuza might take this opportunity to resign as President of the Party, allowing Nyusi to unite the posts of President of the Republic and President of the Party in the same person once again – just as his precedessor Joaquim Chissano had resigned in March 2005 to clear the way for Guebuza.But Guebuza’s combative speech did not sound like the words of a man considering resigning. The issue of the succession is not on the agenda of this Central Committee meeting, and so far there has been no attempt to change the agenda and force the issue.If Guebuza serves out his full term as President of the party, he will not step down until the next Frelimo Congress, scheduled for 2017.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Last cry of Dhlakama

As it had done at the end of a meeting with the President, Philip Nyusi, where it was agreed that Renamo should submit to parliament a draft-in-law, the Renamo president Afonso Dhlakama again warn that if the Frelimo parliamentary group in the National Assembly disapprove the project-in-law of the provincial authorities, will use force to take the six provinces where it won the elections. Dhlakama spoke last Sunday in a meeting with university teachers in Tete province, and which aimed to explain the project. "I am praying that the Frelimo 'chumbem' the project Renamo. I'll take it, will see. What does it cost, put me in my vehicle with three commands and all this crowd who attended the rally, driving me to the governor's palace shouting 'Get out, get out, get out' without violence? "Said Dhlakama, responding to question by Faustino Gani-Gani, university lecturer, who wanted to know which Renamo position will be, if the National Assembly disapprove the project.Some people raise the issue that, even if the National Assembly approves the project, this should not affect this term because, they say, the elections on 15 October last year were not to elect provincial authorities. Dhlakama said that the project is a compromise found to overcome the post-election crisis. "As the elections were one puppetry, presented the idea of ​​the provincial authorities, which we placed in the National Assembly."The Renamo president admitted he is aware that your project may be disapproved by the majority bench in Parliament, but ensures that it will not give up the idea of ​​provincial authorities. "Frelimo fears will disappear forever. But will leave the good or bad. No more communists. Are governing without edicts and without legitimacy, "he said.
Resultado de imagem para Jaime MacuaneThe lawyer and commentator Jaime Macuane recognizes some effort to align the proposal to the constitutional framework, but raises questions about the constitutionality of it, having regard to Article 141 of the Constitution, which defines the government provincial.O point is that the provincial council proposed by the Renamo will be, in real terms, the provincial government. "As the definition of what the provincial government made under the Constitution, here remains to ask what is the extent of it in terms of compliance of the proposal with the Constitution" asked Macuane in Viewpoints program Stv. To Macuane, the draft provincial authorities does not solve the underlying problem that raised the claim of Renamo, including the operation of electoral institutions.

Metical to fall relative to the US dollar

The metical exchange in relation to the US dollar decreased in all segments of the foreign exchange market in the second half of February, highlighting the appreciation of 2.57% in exchange offices and 1.16% in the Interbank Foreign Exchange Market (MCI) - transaction between the Central Bank and commercial banks.
The latest report of the Bank of Mozambique shows that, in the same period, the spread between the average rate of exchange offices and the average of commercial banks decreased from 3.10% at 1.07%, while the spread (gap) between the average of the commercial banks and the quotations in MCI rose 0.58% to 6.61% .Thus, the MCI, one dollar was traded for 32.37 until the last day of last month, while commercial banks applied the quotation of 34.51 meticais per dollar and foreign exchange bureaus 34.88 meticais.


The managers of Beira Central Prison have compulsorily transferred an inmate who complained of mistreatment during a visit to the prison by the Sofala Provincial Chief Attorney, Carolina Azarias, a fortnight ago.During the visit, one prisoner, Jorge Garage, had the courage to stand up and denounce the prison managers. “In this prison, we are treated like slaves”, he told Azarias. “Some days ago one of our colleagues died for lack of medical care. We had to make a noise before he was cared for. Our companion was taken to hospital, but unfortunately he died because his state of health was already very critical”. Garage predicted that he would face reprisals for his outspokenness. “I don’t know what my future here will be after this”, he said. “I am sure that something serious will happen against my person”. Garage blew the whistle very publicly, since journalists accompanied Azarias to the prison. His denunciations were broadcast by the independent television station, STV. 
According to STV, the prison management has indeed punished Garage, by sending him and his cellmates to the jail in Dondo, 30 kilometres from Beira. This jail has a poor reputation – one of the accusations Garage made during the visit by Azarias is that prisoners have been kept naked in the cells in Dondo for three months with the right to just one meal a day. STV said a prison guard, who spoke to reporters on condition of anonymity, confirmed that Garage had been transferred to Dondo on the orders of the Beira prison management. When STV contacted the prison director, Fernando Melico, he declined to make any comment on the matter. Azarias was not so reticent. She said she had only heard about the transfer from the press, but, if true, the prison managers concerned had committed a crime. Part of her job is to guarantee decent conditions in the province’s jails, and when she had visited the Beira prison she had encouraged the inmates to speak their minds. Azarias promised to investigate and warned that, if there really has been retaliation against Garage, those responsible will face criminal proceedings.


Resultado de imagem para helena taipoThe governor of the central Mozambican province of Sofala, Helena Taipo, has insisted that the education authorities in the province must do everything in their power to complete school buildings left unfinished by dishonest contractors. On a visit to the Provincial Directorate of Education and Culture, Taipo was told that in the past ten years contractors have abandoned 200 classrooms in the province, and the authorities have only managed to finish half of them.  Cited in Wednesday’s issue of the Maputo daily “Noticias”, Taipo said the situation made no sense since the province receives funds from the central budget every year for school construction and rehabilitation.“We cannot understand the reasons which have led to failure to finish the jobs, since you receive money for this”, said the Governor. “In the report you gave me, you said that 93 per cent of the budget received was spent. So why didn’t you finish the jobs?” “We have children studying in the open air, sitting on the floor”, Taipo pointed out, “and this can affect adversely the quality of the education we so long for”.She was also irritated to find that the Provincial Education Directorate has no offices of its own, but is operating out of rented premises. She accused the managers of the Directorate of “irresponsibility”. She pointed out that a plot of land on which the Directorate can build has already been identified, but to date there is not even a sketch for new premises.Taipo challenged the Provincial Directorate to move into new offices of its own by the end of this government’s term of office, in order to comply with the norms for institutions of the public administration.

The understandable fears of a political

The outcome of the conclave Frelimo which starts tomorrow (26) in Matola largely depends on the courage of Armando Guebuza in shaking their fears and face reality as a private citizen. An expected outcome eh he let the leadership of Frelimo, ending the current double-headed governance that has delayed the full start of the consulate of Philip Nyusi. My sources in Frelimo say, every day that passes, Guebuza is seen isolated and begins to realize that is unable to insist on leading the party against the current. There is therefore a high probability that he accept an invitation to leave voluntarily, as did Chissano. And Guebuza will enjoy, tell me this opportunity to come out in big and not through the back door, as if he would insist on doing finca-foot.
Resultado de imagem para fugindoBut Guebuza this dying of fear. Are fears that it will have to manage. Being the head of the party, the management of these fears is easier for the protection enjoyed by those who have this position. But out of it, it gets more black. Or as gray. Many in the party, and outside, are expect it to unprotect that place to "adjust the accounts." I do not know what that means but the fact that in every corner eh anti-guebuzistas wring their hands. They are waiting for that resounding moment. "Guebuza damaged many"; say he was the type of not only away estranged allies but also throw them to the bottom so that they no longer rose up, not even the horse's fable of the spirit.Essentially, fears have common pattern: conflicts in business and an apparent illicit enrichment using the public good. Therefore, the fear of retaliation and a prosecution. But this last hypothesis, it seems even remotely at the national level. Beatriz Buchile and Américo Muchanga it is to protect it. For now, the thing is just gray.(Marcelo Mosse In facebbok)

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


The French government on Tuesday expressed its willingness to assist in investigations leading to the arrest of those who murdered lawyer Gilles Cistac in central Maputo last week. Cistac was shot outside a café in broad daylight on 3 March. Although he was rushed to hospital, he did not survive his injuries, and died after a four hour operation. Cistac held dual French and Mozambican nationality. At the funeral ceremonies, held in the Cultural Centre of the Eduardo Mondlane University, where he had been a lecturer, the charge d’affaires at the French Embassy, Cyril Gerardon, told the mourners that the French government is determined to help Cistac’s family as far as it can, “particularly in the legal process, in the hope that the truth will be uncovered as quickly as possible about those who carried out the assassination, and those who ordered it”.Gerardon, speaking before an audience which included Cistac’s parents and daughter, made it clear that French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius will raise the Cistac murder when he meets his Mozambican counterpart, Oldemiro Baloi, in Paris on Thursday. The invitation for Baloi to visit France was made long before the assassination, but the death of Cistac has put it in an entirely new context.He stressed that Cistac’s love for Mozambique was such that he had become a naturalized Mozambican citizen. “He defended respect for the Constitution and laws of this country, and nothing more”, said Gerardon. “He wanted debate, not combat. He was a bond of union between Mozambique and France”. 
The UEM Vice-Chancellor, Orlando Quilambo, told the ceremony “there are no words that can express the human and academic dimension of Gilles Cistac, who served the university for 22 years”.The University, he pledged, would hold the memory of Cistac in “a very special place in the pantheon of its best teachers, because of the concern he always expressed for the students and his unfailing willingness to support the other staff”.Speaking for Mozambican civil society, environmental activist Alda Salomao said Cistac ws a mirror of social justice and an example to follow in the search for values to guide society.
Marcha Cistac (1)“The words of Cistac are liberating”, she said. “Those who killed him have threatened all free Mozambicans”. No official government spokesperson addressed the ceremony. Among the thousand or so mourners, the only government members spotted were the Minister of Industry and Trade, Max Tonela, and the Deputy Minister of Education, Armindo Ngunga.Cistac’s body will be flown to France on Thursday, where he will be buried in his home town of Toulouse.
Cistac was born in Toulouse in 1961. He first came to Mozambique in 1993 to teach administrative law at the UEM. He rose to become an associate professor, and one of Mozambique’s main experts on constitutional and administrative law. He was granted Mozambican nationality in 2010.He worked as a consultant with a large number of Mozambican and foreign organisations, including the country’s parliament, the Assembly of the Republic, the Administrative Tribunal, the Ministries of Defence, Tourism and State Administration, and the World Bank.


Resultado de imagem para cheias nampulaLast week’s torrential rains in the northern Mozambican provinces of Nampula and Cabo Delgado affected almost 60,000 people and destroyed around 12,000 houses, according to government spokesperson, Deputy Health Minister Mouzinho Saide.Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, after the weekly meeting of the Council of Ministers (Cabinet), Saide said that the storms had destroyed 10,713 homes in Nampula, and 1,217 in Cabo Delgado. These were houses built mostly of flimsy materials, and were vulnerable to high winds and heavy rains.
The storms have also disrupted transport in the two provinces, making many roads impassable. The Nampula districts of Mogovolas, Angoche and Moma remain cut off from the provincial capital, Nampula city.According to the Mogovolas district administrator, Alberto Namahala, cited in Wednesday’s issue of the Maputo daily “Noticias”, the road to Nampula city was cut when a metallic bridge over the Mutucuti river was swept away. 
Resultado de imagem para cheias nampulaA man named Jose Salimo, who tried to drive over the bridge, died when his car was seized by the raging waters.“We can’t reach Moma either, because of craters opened at each end of the bridge over the Mucucuza river”, said Namahala, while the interruption in traffic to Angoche ws due to problems with a bridge over the Mutuazi river.Communications within the districts are also proving difficult or impossible. The head of the District Economic Activities Services in Angoche, Miguel Massunda, said that currently the only other part of the district accessible by road from Angoche town is the Namitoria administrative post.Much of the Aube administrative post has suffered flooding and transport between Angoche town and Aube is only possible by boat. As for the cholera epidemic in Tete, Zambezia, Nampula and Niassa provinces, Saide said the death toll now stands at 47.
Resultado de imagem para cheias nampulaTete remains the worst hit province with 3,062 diagnosed cases and 22 deaths. Most of the cases (1,887) have been in the provincial capital, Tete city. There have also been 774 cases in the adjacent district of Moatize, and 401 cases in Mutarara.In Nampula, there have been 1,232 cases and eight deaths. The epidemic has affected Nampula city, and the districts of Mecuburi, Murrupula, Lalaua, Meconta and Memba.In Niassa there have been 868 cases in three districts, and 14 deaths. In Zambezia, the outbreak has been restricted to the provincial capital, Quelimane, where there have been 289 cases and three deaths.Saide said that government is studying how to use the 40 million meticais (about 1.26 million dollars) collected from the public during campaigns of solidarity with the victims of flooding in the central and northern provinces.He said that some of the money could be used to buy vehicles to transport people and goods in the affected areas.


The Irish company Kenmare Resources on Wednesday announced that the link with the electricity grid has been cut near its dredge mine in Moma district, on the coast of the northern Mozambican province of Nampula.According to the company, recent flooding in Nampula province has resulted in damage to the power line between the Moma mine and the city of Nampula. The power failure took place when the Meluli River burst its banks. Kenmare is now working with the publicly owned electricity company EDM to carry out the necessary repairs.
Meanwhile, the company is using its diesel generators to run its operations at a reduced capacity. The backup power is being alternated between the mineral separation plant and the web concentrator plant.The company states that the negative effect of the power cut will be mitigated by the fact that it has “significant levels of ilmenite product inventories on hand”. The mine at Moma extracts ilmenite, rutile and zircon from titanium-bearing heavy mineral sands. Ilmenite (iron titanium oxide) and rutile (titanium dioxide) are used to make white pigments for paints, paper and plastic. Titanium can be extracted from these ores and used to manufacture metallic parts where light weight and high strength are needed. Zircon (zirconium silicate) is used for abrasive and insulating purposes.Moma is one of three districts in the southern part of the province (the others being Angoche and Mogovolas) which currently have no overland contact with Nampula city, since key bridges have been washed away or damaged. Last week’s storms carved a trail of destruction across the province, destroying over 10,700 houses, and severely impacting road and rail traffic. The railway between the port of Nacala and Malawi was cut in eight separate places between Nacala and the town of Monapo.Inside Nacala a bridge that was supposed to have been rehabilitated only last year crumbled under the impact of the storm, cutting the road between the industrial part of the city and the port. 

Adelino Buque reflection

Comrades Commissioners party Frelimo Policy, accept my sincere greetings and sincere wishes of good health to all, especially to the comrade president, knew by Comrade General Secretary, Eliseu Machava, is not well.In fact, said public information in the funeral obsequies of the national hero José Phahlane Moiane, Lieutenant General in the late Reserve February 19, 2015, after 79 years of age, who devote a specific reflection.Returning to the heads of our comrades and glorious fiftieth anniversary party, I, as a citizen, I write for the second time this body of our party. The first was to express my indignation at this silence when the resignations of mayors of Quelimane, Pemba and Cuamba.
My concern today, comrades, it is intended by the lack of stability in our country, resulting from constant threats Renamo party contesting the results of the general elections of 15 October 2014.About that my opinion is public. The concern is with the public perception that it seems that Frelimo pulls to one side, while the government works to the opposite side to the talks with this party.This perception results of the pronouncements of heads of central party to the provinces brigades on the preliminary draft law of autonomy of the provinces to be submitted by the party Renamo to Parliament.May they remember that the submission hereof idea resulted from the meeting between President of the Republic, Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, and the Renamo leader Afonso Dhlakama Macacho Marceta, where President Filipe Jacinto Nyusi also obtained the elected Renamo for National Assembly and the provincial assemblies take possession and thus curb the tension installed.As said above, the public perception is that Frelimo is not satisfied with the Government's efforts aimed at normalization of life in our country. Interestingly, this Government is supported by the Frelimo party as a result of victory in the 15 last October elections.Dear comrades, would not be more prudent to leave the frames Renamo work quietly on the document to refer and, in Parliament, to discuss and ask that it be widely publicized and then unfold into working committees on the same?
That is if we are honest, no one has yet know the content of the document Renamo. I believe that the Renamo party itself does not have this document as such. Thus, they are talking about ?!
Comrades, here there is a delay for the submission of brigades to the provinces on this issue, setting thus out of time. If the brigades had worked in the provinces while stemmed the tour Renamo and its leader nothing would be concerned, but everything changes when Dhlakama accepts the meeting with the Head of State, Philip Nyusi, and interrupts his tour of the country and, above all, when the results of this meeting were fruitful.
We can consider that this meeting "saved" Dhlakama of a hypothetical rebellion of his deputies who were already expressing willingness to take hold. Okay, we can consider that Dhlakama "puts" words in the mouth of the President about a hypothetical "agreement." Okay but, as the conversations between them were not public, it is best to wait for the right time to act. Unfortunately, this seems to have been no patience within the Policy Committee of our party.
Believe me, comrades, the action of the central brigades in the different provinces is very frowned upon today, not only because there is a perception that some members of Frelimo at the highest level are not satisfied with the impetus given by the President, in the dialogue with political parties and society in general, as there is the fear that the attitude of the Frelimo could lead us to a new war or destabilization in our country. Renamo still armed, comrades! This is a factor that should not be overlooked when it comes to discussing Renamo and its proposals.
This debate about the internal differences in the proposal Renamo rekindled another debate that was, in my opinion, asleep, which is the vaunted "bicefalia" of power, where pontificates the party leadership where the president is not a member by operation of law but by their functions.
In this regard I wrote an article in 2011, before the Pemba Congress, entitled "My Contribution to the Tenth Party Congress Frelimo", given that the time was not taken into consideration today is difficult to discuss this matter in presence of people involved. At the time it was easy because there was no Presidential figure elected today and is almost non-negotiable passage folders for the rest of the "in and out of the Frelimo party", to paraphrase Margaret Talapa, head of the parliamentary party bench Frelimo.
I believe that members of the Political Committee of our glorious and fiftieth anniversary party will consider this letter from one of its members. Let the debate on the Renamo preliminary draft for the pronouncement of the Republic Assembly and, when the document public, could lead to internal debate and then to the general public.
May they remember that Frelimo has added responsibilities in their acts in our society. It's not a party, is the party that freed the country and governs since then to this part. That's a lot and is maturity. Frelimo is a senior party, and senior know the time to comment and contemplate ...
MORNING POST - 09/03/2015

The President of

Nyusi assiste aulas da primária em Chamanculo.......the Republic, Filipe Jacinto Nyusi engineer, made this Wednesday a working visit to the Primary School Unit 10, Chamanculo district of Maputo City. During the visit, the Head of State attended two lectures and met with the Community Escolar.A scheduled visit soon by 9:00 am, the first of its kind, aimed to closely monitor the process of teaching and learning, particularly in the early classes that are the basis for academic education. "Our main concern is the future of Mozambique, with all of us in peace. we want educated nation that can fight disease, fight hunger, which can build bridges roads for our development" .These words were spoken by President Nyusi during the visit to the school.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

More must be done to keep the peace

President of the Republic, Philip Nyusi recommended yesterday in Maputo, the need to develop more efforts for the maintenance of peace, one of the conditions for the development of the country.Philip Nyusi, who was speaking at a meeting with representatives of the group March 8, said that he and his government have been working to keep the peace, electing dialogue as the ultimate weapon to harmony in Mozambique."But I always feel that something has to be done to that Mozambicans have peace and feel they live in a nation where they can sleep and wake up free from any threat," recalling that during the election campaign considered peace as first, second and third priority.The Head of State, in addition to congratulate the group by passing this date, requested contributions to the solution of various problems still plaguing the country, among which threatened peace and poverty.
Resultado de imagem para filipe nyusiThe Head of State said there is no doubt that with peace, Mozambique fortify increasingly unity, harmony and solidarity.The other issue appointed by the President has to do with the natural problem of development. "Our main problem the food, and then the education, health, roads, water, energy, problems that exist in most of the country, coupled with the lack of jobs."In turn, the President of the Association March 8, Flávio Menete recalled that soon after national independence the country was faced with the mass exodus of Portuguese technicians who left Mozambique, leaving schools without teachers, doctors or nurses, public administration in general no staff qualified to ensure the normal functioning of institutions.According Menete, this action confirmed that Mozambicans had been excluded over the centuries, the development of their own country process, give the government found no choice but to rely on their own strength in itself grown in Liberation Struggle National, using young people to prevent the collapse of the country.Flavio Menete recalled that emerged was how the young generation that marked the March 8, consisting of young people who agreed to sacrifice their dreams in pursuit of the aims of the country.

Moçambola Is Not At Risk

The Licensing of current clubs in the country, according to the new dictates of FIFA and CAF, is proceeding at an unsatisfactory pace, counting only two institutions have so far, and the remaining are already on the way.This is the Railway of Beira and Maputo Sports League, clubs did in January, this due to their participation in African competitions in which it is forbidden to take part without being licensed.The remaining clubs have the documentation for licensing in motion, but the pace is very slow. This scenario made him aventasse the hypothesis offenders not participate in the Moçambola, an issue that the Mozambican Football Federation (FMF) rebate and clarifies below."Clubs can play Moçambola without being licensed, because this is a process. First must apply for the license to the FMF to the effect that leads to an Independent Commission to give an opinion, select the category and condition in which the club must license, "explains Philip Johane, secretary general of the FMF.According Johane, after graduating, depending on each case, the club can be considered category A, B or C. The first category is the highest, which enables you to participate in all competitions, both national and international. Category B is the intermediate and C is the lowest, which is limited to domestic competitions."This is only possible after a thorough analysis of the documents submitted by the FMF clubs, their conditions, infrastructure and internal and financial organization."
For the licensing of the clubs there are certain criteria to be observed, and in particular sports, infrastructure, administrative and personnel, legal and financial.The sporting criterion recommends among other issues, development programs for youth, development objectives and philosophy of these levels, organization, personnel (technical, medical and administrative) and qualitative minimum requirements, availability of infrastructure for training and competition, financial resources (budget, contributions from applicants for licenses, players or local community).
Resultado de imagem para campo ferroviario beiraThe second criterion is the infrastructure. Clubs should have stadiums or fields for the effectiveness of their games and they should contain requirements such as security and an evacuation plan; the minimum capacity of five thousand spectators, to be determined according to the average demand of tickets sold during the national championship. The ground must be owned by the applicant or, alternatively, the applicant must have a written contract with the owner of the stadium or with owners of different stadiums to be used within the FMF member provincial association. Deveser presented the copy of the land registration certificate or copy of lease;
Resultado de imagem para campo costa do solThe stadium must have adequate facilities for the mass media and bathrooms for both sexes.
The administrative discretion and staff recommends that the club must have a space or office for the operation of its administration, with telephone, fax and Internet access and email. Shall appoint a member with knowledge of secretarial according to your need to do your daily work, yet ensuring that your office is open to the public.
Have at its staff, employees to perform the following administrative functions: Director-General, responsible for the daily operation (operating matters). Official finance which can be someone who works at the club or an external partner mandated by the community through a written contract, among others.
Resultado de imagem para campo costa do solIn the legal field the applicant shall recognize as legal statutes, regulations and decisions of FIFA, CAF, FMF and LMF; the exclusive jurisdiction of TAS (Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne) for any dispute with an international dimension and in particular involving FIFA and CAF and or observe the prohibition to use an ordinary court on the statutes of FIFA, CAF, and FMF LMF;
At the national level will play in competitions that are recognized and approved (National Championship and Cup of Mozambique).The continental level will play in official competitions that are recognized by the CAF.
Observe the provisions and conditions of the national legislation.

On the financial front, the club is required, regardless of its legal structure, present the annual financial statement, consisting of profits and losses, documented based on national and prepared by qualified persons legislation.The applicant for the license must prove, by submitting a declaration or discharge certificates, which has no debts to football clubs arising from transfer activities by 31 December of the year preceding the season to be licensed, unless present agreement the creditor club.Should not be indebted to workers, social security and tax authorities by 31 December of the year preceding the season to be licensed, unless present according to their employees and / or public authorities.